Is it normal that i tell people off and i can't keep friends?

I am 27 years old and I think I'm the nicest person I know until I get crossed. I am a very simple person who takes things for what they are. I think something is wrong with me because when I have friends (I use the word very loosely) they seem to always do something to me that gets me upset and then I cut them off 100% I mean, I will tell them exactly how I feel and leave them alone. Delete phone #, e-mail addresses, smile at them if they walk by but say nothing to them. My boyfriend says I'm just evil but honestly its hurts! I try to be nice to people but when crossed... I'm the rudest person ever. Some 'friends' will apologize and I accept their apology but I still seem to keep them at a distance from fear of hurt again but I feel like this is going to (starting to) ruin my life! I guess growing up I saw the way people treat my parents and I don't give people to satisfaction. Please help! I'm honestly thinking about going to a Convent or something just to be by myself so I won’t hurt people and people won’t hurt me but I know that’s not the way to live. I have attended several Anger Management classes and I take medication (Prozac) for my depression\mood disorders which I don’t think are working anymore. When I get upset, my heart races and I get this feeling of rage in me that makes me want to fight and cuss people out!

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Comments ( 12 )
  • DannyKanes

    OP: Who took the last cookie?
    BFF: Oh sorry that was me.
    OP: ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT???? HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!!!!!!!!!

    Dude, you need to take a chill pill or smoke weed or something

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    • character1983

      I would LOVE to, but my job (military) wont allow it. lol Chill pill... will 20 mg of Prozac help? im on 10 right now. lol

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  • deviantd

    while it's normal to be hurt when people do something to you, your reaction seems a bit extream. you need to realize that people make mistakes.

    of course if these people are doing things like stealing your bf or your credit cards than it may be another problem. You are attracted to the wrong kind of people.

    Talk with your Dr. about your symptoms and see about adjusting the meds or trying new ones. Or what other options may help

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    • character1983

      Thats true... I think I just take things to heart too much. I guess, I try so hard to respect people that I assume they will do the same for me so when I feel like they havent, i just cut them off. I do need to understand that i cant change people...

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  • randomjelly

    DannyKanes that was freaking beautiful! Haha!

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  • aussiewolf

    i think it depends on what these people are doing to "cross" you. but because your boyfriend calls you evil, they must not be doing anything bad to you for you to react that way.
    do you have control issues? do you expect everyone to think like you?
    im actually surprised you have a boyfriend from what you said and how you treat people, he must be a very understanding person who can see good in you.
    but i think the problem is within yourself and that maybe you are scared to get close to anyone so you just find any excuse to push them away but that wouldnt make sense because you have a boyfriend.
    or do you push people away so you dont have an excuse to hang out with anyone apart from your boyfriend?
    i think you need to relax more. have hot bubble baths, drink lavender tea. get your boyfriend to give you a massage. you do seem highly stressed. i think you should also go to a different doctor, one who will not just prescribe pills. one who actually gives a toss about their patients. good luck!

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    • character1983

      Hi, funny u say that your surprise I have a boyfriend... I am divorced x 4 yrs and that put a toll on me, sometimes i wonder why he is still with me! I love him for that. As far as meds, i dont think i need them, i think i just need to start trusting and stop assuming everyone is 'out to get me' for something (money, back stabbing, gossip)...

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  • nanimeow

    It is never really the subject but how you bring it up. Maybe find a nicer way to mention something?

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    • character1983

      True. THanks.

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  • dappled

    I've never met anyone who thinks exactly like me. My friends, who don't think like me, think the same about everyone they know (including me). We get along despite differences and that, more than anything else, is why we continue to be friends.

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  • MercedesBenz

    I think you need boundaries and need to learn the true definition of respect. The way you treat other people sounds like you have a total lack of respect for others around you. Your reactions sound similar to that of a temper-tantrum-throwing-toddler.

    I don't think you need prozac, I think you need bootcamp or a good ass kicking. I hate to say that, but it really sounds like you need some discipline and I see no other way for you.

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    • character1983

      LOL, bootcamp, kick in the ass? Its funny u say that... I'm in the military x 10 years! Like I said before, Im the nicest person ever, I work in customer service for God sake, its just in my personal life I don't keep people around me from fear of being hurt. I came on hear asking for advice. If you think I am a temper-tantum toddler then that is your opinion...

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