Is it normal that i think a lot of girls ask to get raped?

Seriously. These days girls are dressing and maturing at younger and younger ages. It is kind of scary. I see 12 year old girls all the time who are dressed so skanky. Leggings, mini skirts, low cut shirts. Do the parents not know that men are looking at their daughters while licking their lips while about to cum inside their pants? I know that rape is wrong but I think it isn't 100 percent the guys fault for raping a woman. It is similar to waving a red flag in front of a bull and being surprised that the bull charges you. Just recently I was at Kroger and there was a 16 year old girl who was wearing skin tight leggings with rips all over them (I guess this is a style now?). There was a huge rip (I kid you not) that exposed her ass. You could see her ass in plain view. Girls please explain this. Why do you wear these clothes and then freak out when men cat call you? You know you are asking for it right?

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Comments ( 19 )
  • breathingtree

    Clothing choice is not consent.

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  • VinnyB

    Waving a red flag infront of a bull is a pretty poor comparison. I think the difference between a bull and a human being here is the ability to think and reason. A human is expected to be able to know right from wrong, consider the consequences of his actions, and have the ability to use self control, rather than act solely on instinct. None of these things are expected of the bull.

    If cloths are asking for it, what is it safe for women to wear? If a woman is fully clothed and covered, but wearing heels, is she asking for men who are into heels to rape her? What about the beach? When a woman goes to the beach, should she just plan on being raped that day due to the amount of skin shown by even a more conservative bathing suit. If so, does that mean a man wearing a bathing suit at the beach is also asking for gay guys to rape him?

    I just don't follow any of your logic.

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    • You just are not smart enough to understand it. Its alright if you are not on my level.

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      • VinnyB

        I would gladly agree we are on different levels.

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      • Ilikecrisps

        I won't label you as dumb. and I think it is a horrible thing for vinnyB to assume that you are! I think mentally retarded people can never be blamed for their statements. But do keep this to yourself, some people are a lot less accepting than me.

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  • myspace84

    I am not a violent person by nature but I want to hurt you so bad that you beg to be killed.
    Your argument is the equivalent of me saying that the way you look makes me want to hurt you and then blame it on you when I do hurt you. See the stupidity?

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  • JD777

    What are you suggesting, that women wear coverings so men won't desire them? How much covering? Does it have to be loosely draping? Do they need to dress like this everywhere outside their home, or just certain places? I could go on, but that's a start.....

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  • Dazed_dreamer

    They wear that shit bcos they love their body lol, the whole ripped is in style round here too, dont mean they 'asking for it' unless they standing on the corner waiting to be picked up.. let em be

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  • horny_simpletons

    Are you frickin serious? The victim is never asking for it, EVER. Clothing choice does not matter. If it's asked for, it's not rape, it's just sex.

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    • This is why in court they check the sexual history of the supposed victim. If they had a history of having multiple partners. Most of them are asking for it and a lot of cases are thrown out because there is not enough evidence. Most of the girls I have met that claimed to have been raped had put themselves into risky situations where rape was likely to occur. They were not smart enough to spot possible dangers. They learned their lesson for not paying attention.

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      • VinnyB

        I don't know what country you live in, but in the US we have what are called "rape shield laws". They make the victim's prior sexual history inadmissible in court. So that would be the opposite of what you said.

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  • omghahahawasbanned

    NEVER EVER blame the victims, you ass!

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    • Sometimess it really is the "victims" fault.

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      • omghahahawasbanned

        anonymous troll like a cockroach that you are.

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        • Its not trolling if you reallybelievein your post. Soooooo. Yeah.

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          • daydreamer394

            Drink bleach, curl up and die for the sake of us all.

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  • it's a jungle out there

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  • Holzman_67

    I think for alot of girls discovering their body, the allure of their body and their sexuality is all tied into one and expressing their body doesn't necessarily mean they are advertising sex.

    As much as it is a cocktease and being 31 now I feel just straight up dirty looking at these scantily clad 16 year olds I think of it almost as a part of puberty and self discovery and well if you've got it flaunt it.
    I think for alot of girls there is a desire to be sexy even if sex isn't the intention.

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  • handsignals

    Maybe they want hot, slippery, consensual sex.

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