Is it normal that i think about the origins of something?

By that, I mean that I would sometimes look at something and think about the journey it took to get where its at.
For example, I sometimes would put on my glasses and think about what they're made of or who made them. I would probably even think so hard that my head starts to hurt.

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86% Normal
Based on 63 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Baraborn

    Yes, but be sure to stop shy of a nose bleed.

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  • nowimsureimsane

    Well someone had to scavenge for the metal then process it (enter company name and country) then sell it to the manufacturers that produce the frames that mold them for the eyeglass the little screws probably made be a different company.damn those things are so tiny.and the lenses,they could be glass or plastic,polycarbonate maybe?probably the frame manufacturers buy the lenses from somewhere else and machines press them say a pair off glasses may be made by 4 or 5 different companies in maybe 2 or y different countries.what about all the employees who had a part in creating your glasses?who many of them handled some piece of it at some point?probably a lot of them didnt want to be at work that day would rather had been home sleeping.

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  • xXxPhantomxXx

    Sounds pretty normal to me I think it's just natural for people to be curious about things and where they come from.

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  • Seems like something that would hurt the mind but a very interesting thinking exercise.

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