Is it normal that i think black people smell bad?

I've realized that black people kind of smell bad? Why is that so? Is it just me?

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50% Normal
Based on 1323 votes (657 yes)
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Comments ( 62 )
  • TheRedGentleman

    i haven't known many black people because i live in utah. -_- but one black kid i sat next to years ago in school smelled awful because he didn't wash his hands ever. seriously, there was always some dark green stuff under his nails. D:
    but the point is, that was just one guy. it's not like they all smell. if a black person smells, it's not because they're black.

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    • BlackPureAfricanQueen


      I had to register just for you!

      Here are a few facts:
      - as many explained, hygiene could lead anybody to smell bad (dirty)
      - now, putting hygiene issues aside, we do smell different, the same way our black skin color does not mean we are dirty, our different smell does not mean we are dirty either.

      Here are a few thinks you can consider:
      - what odors you are used to versus what is unknown to you!
      - the diet: I remember at first, I felt like many white people smelled like rotten eggs and sour milk. We do eat spicier too, so we will smell spicier...
      - the cosmetics: most black people do use, cocoa, shea, coco butter sub-products... These have their smells, not bad to me... Now you may prefer carcinogenic-fake-strawberry-scented-hydrogenated lotion, that is your choice!
      - the genes, God has designed us to sweat more efficiently
      - the gender...
      - the monthly cycle...
      - the market: a regular deodorant has been designed and tested for the average white person, not always adapted (the white stains show on my skin too, so... I am not so sure main brands take into account my chemical differences in their equation)
      - cultures... Some cultures are not as smell sensitive as yours, for some clean is sufficient, they may shower twice a day and not use deodorant.
      - health... If your liver is damaged you may stink. If one's scalp is damaged by ammonia it will stink. If one's skin is damaged by hydroquinone it will stink.

      So dirty or sick people smell bad. The others just smell unusual to you! Chances are, you smell unusual to them too!

      Hope I helped you getting that subject sorted out.

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  • Mel

    Whites-Wet dog/sour milk, Blacks-Fish/cocoa butter/sheep, Koreans-Garlic, Indians-Curry/Ginger, Chinese-Moth balls/warm rice....ETC, etc, etc! All races have different smells to each other sometimes. AND some people just smell DIRTY because they dont wash! It has to do with our skin/melanin, diet, hair & hygiene practices. Vegetarians also say that meat eaters smell.

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  • JayeZombie

    dude, i think everyone has the ability to smell bad, depending on how often they wash and keep clean, poor hygiene can be found in every ethnicity.

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  • riley1

    I don't think they stink... Everybody stinks if u dnt doesn't have to do with ur color... Y'all are idiots

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  • alv1592

    When I read the title of this post, I laughed and was like "what?!" anyway, I think that sounds like a racist comment. Some black people smell bad but not all. Just like people of any race.

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  • NinjaAssasin

    No, the only person who smells bad here is YOU.

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  • Username7

    Oh see you have it all wrong! You're just smelling the giant white sheet you have on. Just talk to your clan leader, and if you've been a good racist lately then he should have it dry cleaned for you free of charge!

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  • howaminotmyself

    Yep, it's you. P U, when did you last shower?

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  • umm its probably just u cuz im black and i for sure do not smell bad.......

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  • @mar

    You're brainwashed,racist and an idiot.
    It's absurd to generalize an entire ethnic group of people as having one odor. Let alone the odor being bad. Everyone has a different odor skin color has nothing to do with it. However black people do use different products in thier hair than everyone else. So MAYBE the products most common to the blacks where you live just is not appealing to you.
    I say where you live because it's obvious you are not understanding of that fact that there are other cultures in this world.
    Did you ever consider maybe it's your upper lip that smells bad?

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  • Kerris

    You are entitled to think what you like. :)

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  • whitetag

    I'm with you. I think it's there hair

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    • It is usually very telling of the character; or the lack thereof, of the person posting a comment when you click on their nickname and review all of their previous comments. I encourage everyone to do just this: "whitetag" not only feels that black hair stinks, she/he/it also feels that "fat people suck".

      It's narrow-minded idiots like this that detract from the IIN forum and I really wish they would take their mentally challenged ideas and social etiquette elsewhere.

      Thanks, Kerris, for your gracious post. :o)

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  • i'm not anywhere near racist AT ALL. i have many black friends. but i do find that a lot of them smell bad, or like different. idk meh

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  • Data'sCat

    The reason why black people smell disgusting is because they have two copies of the 'G' version of the abcc11 gene. This makes "smelly" sweat instead of "non-smelly sweat", and it also makes a larger amount of sweat. Most people have one copy of the "G" version of the gene, and Koreans have no 'G' copies and do not have a different smell in their armpits then in any other sweaty body part. However, besides having two 'G' copies of this gene, black people also have different bacteria living on their skin, because the high melanin attracts and kills different bacteria then other races, and the melanin also dries their skin out, which further changes the bacteria that can live there. Finally, black people also produce urea on their skin, which other races do not. Urea is mainly found in urine.

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  • 117

    I saw this movie once an this guy said black people smell like shit i thought he. Was just bein racist but one time i got in this black guys car and omg the smell of shit i was gonna say omg wtf is that smell an then i realise actually was him i no that he waz. Clean person and shower often so i guess the smell is just natural ihave no idea why.

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  • th33INSAN33

    I can agree with this. I absolutely despise their smell. I have no clue why they smell the way they do.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    I think bcuz how their skin turned black bcuz of evolution from centuries of living in such hot sun, that in turn make they sweat more and that's why they smell. Also if they eat a lot of pork and meat it can be worse.

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    • Data'sCat

      Actually, white people evolved, black people were the original, and we moved to colder climates and then evolved to change our skin and hair for the climate.

      The reason for the disgusting smell is the double-"bad smell" gene that black people have (most of us have one or 0 copies of the "bad smell" gene), combined with the different skin bacteria due to melanin, the extra-dry skin due to melanin, and the fact that their skin also produces urea.

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  • Fat black people and fat white people smell bad. But all Mexicans smell bad. Just saying.

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    • Data'sCat

      Mexicans small the same as white people, though stronger, but the smell itself, the particular scent, is exactly the same. If a particular Mexican, group of Mexicans, or Mexican house smells bad, it is not from the body but from spices or if they have recently eaten something gross.

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  • tcarr50

    I know! I think the same thing! They have a specific smelland it is not good

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  • hominidae

    racist. racist. racist.

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  • oh stfu and stop trolling u wet doggie! shut up and sit!!

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    They have overactive sweat glands that release these foul smelling toxins, probably a evolutionary trait developed over thousands of years to escape the grip of the white man. Low levels of this toxins escape the malcontents body hairs that contain spores. The noxious concoction of this and uneducated aged closeted poltroons can make even the slimiest of leeches a leader of an self-destructive shithole!!

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    • OatmealCP

      As others have said above, many other races- blacks and asians in particular- tend to think that white people smell like wet dog and/or have a sour cheese type of smell. Other races also generally have some type of smell attached to them that people of that same race never seem to notice themselves. I have no idea what it is but maybe the others are right; it could just be the different diets of each culture. Of course this doesn't go for everyone and it is very broad, since not everyone has the same diet, but this is the only answer that makes sense to me.

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        • that link was interesting

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  • TopangaRockets

    I've realized that white people smell like wet dogs.

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  • Rodders21

    It's a fact - they smell like greasy skin and dirty hair

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  • dappled

    White people smell like sour milk to Asian people. They don't like it but they're good enough not to keep saying it.

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  • my3tinkerbell

    ur racist and not all black people smell you must smell like cow and house shit

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  • tagsystem

    I realized the white people smell like wet dog all day so I guess ur normal

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  • shadowcat4646

    How do you guys know this person is white? How racist to assume!!!

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  • i think its normal cause i sometimes think so too!

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  • Tresno

    Yeah man blacks and Asians smell like garbage and rotten fish soaking in piss

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  • Tresno

    I agree black people smell so bad, almost like rotting garbage, it’s not very pleasant being near them. Asians usually smell like rotten fish and piss, I’m Asian but I really wish I wasn’t because I smell pretty bad and my country smells like dead whales.

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  • Semen

    Fuck you bitch, what does colour has to do with bad smell

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    • Data'sCat

      Try smelling a black person who has sweated today and has not used alcohol in their armpits since that time, and you would know, "bitch".

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  • davesumba

    it's all the lotion, body butter, and/or plant oils they have to put on themselves because their skin gets ashy

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    • Data'sCat

      ....No, it is not, and if it were that would directly contradict the fact that they, themselves, smell disgusting when sweating.

      For example, if an Indian smells bad, it is because of mixing perfume with their armpit sweat, or occasionally because of eating strong spices. But how an Indian actually smells is the same as a white human or a Mexican human.

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  • keeka_renea13

    Lol is it normal that I find this post and the person who typed it to be EXTREMELY stupid?

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  • Allistalla

    Is it racist I think this post is funny?

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  • anwi1179

    the 26% of people who said this was normal are nut jobs..

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  • 229groon

    wow you meet one black kid in class and your questioning the whole race...

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  • KokoroComplex

    If they didn't take a shower... but that applies to everyone else, too -__-u

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  • screwface69er

    Bit racist!

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  • harrypotters

    Before everyone assumes he is racist ect where i am it is true. The aboriginies (black people) around alot of towns near me smell like death, they smell extremely strong. Beacuse they dont shower and just drink/get high all day and have a general lack of hygene.

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    • Body odor, to a large extent, is determined by diet. For instance, I once dated this white guy who had no idea what a vegetable was. He prided himself on being a "manly man" and on eating red meat, hot dogs, pork chops, and sausages ninety percent of the time. He stank to high heaven of "funky dead animal". I dated another white guy who stank to high heaven of rotten mayonnaise. I dated yet another white guy who had no odor associated with him at all (he was/is a vegan). Those Aboriginies you smelled most likely subsisted on a lot of funky foods that are found in the Australian wilds so in that instance it's a cultural thing. I am certain that not ALL Aboriginies smell bad and over active sweat glands are not necessarily indicative of body odor if you shower daily. Some white men sweat a lot too. Your sloppy logic and your subjective generalizations make you look like a moron and a racist. Are you?

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    • i have had aboriginal friends and only one did in fact smell ,the others were just like everyone else. the individual who had an odour showered, ate average food and was very clean. The smell was very strong ever present and musky.

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  • boomer10

    Yh black people smell really bad :(

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  • hoytskii

    honestly, they smell like coacoa butter.

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    • Data'sCat

      There is no such thing as any human being in existence who "smells like cocoa butter". If a particular black person smell like cocoa butter, it is because that particular black person has artificially added cocoa butter to their skin, and you are smelling the lotion they used, which is literally called "cocoa butter" in the bottle. There is no human or animal who "smells like cocoa butter" themselves.

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  • maddog546


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  • Thatguy777

    You're all weird.

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  • pisstake

    I realised indians or smell of curry not because im been racist but becaise they eat alot due to their religion ( i dont know if it is indians but if uv got any brains you will now who i mean)

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  • TyLee

    Come on.... Is everyone really so brainwashed? Is everyone really so afraid of being called racist? The majority of black people smell bad. It's a fact. Indians usually smell much worse. Are you people really going to try to say that indians don't smell? Let's be realistic here. It's not racism it's just observation.

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    • bacala777

      You're absolutely right. People are so sensitive these days.

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  • ryan127

    Nigs smell like sweaty monkeys

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  • DanceDancejaz

    Im african american mexican, my dads African American my moms mexican american..... full black people wear alot of oils n such in their hair and I noticed it too

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  • pisstake

    Haha i like you

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