Is it normal that i think east europeans are evil
Especially the women. Every time I think of a woman killer, russian women comes to my mind.
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Especially the women. Every time I think of a woman killer, russian women comes to my mind.
you shouldent call your father stupid(ur name is jimmy and you live in the usa in washington on oak street on house#3658 in an apartment)
It's the Canadians you want to watch out for. If you'll eat moose-flavoured pizza, there's very little you're not prepared to do.
The first time I heard about the moozza, I laughed. But then I was very scared and still am.
We are the descendants of rugged pioneers who thrived in the harsh wilderness of this land, not much will ruffle our feathers.
The Doukhobors migrated to Canada and they were Russian.
hay get up here il drag you into my igloo!EH? il suck meh poler bear on ya and bash ya with meh hokey stick! lol jk but really dude we canadians may seam evil but hay americains shoot germans even AFTER world war two(canada roxs)eh eh eh eh eh
stopping calling them "east europeans"!
what you mean is "soviets" or "warsaw pact guys"...
either way, not normal...though everybody has some mental image about some nationalities, i guess.
Yeah me too I love Russian women. But you got a point.. The Russian people are very different then others (their behavior). And they might be a bit more nervios then other nations. BUT I TINK-NOT NORMAL-
We aren't nervous, we are just raised differently. For instance, on the bus, its not unusual to see a teenager sitting down while an old lady standing up, if a thing like that ever happened in Russia, the disrespectful teenager would've been frowned upon. To the Russians, respect is very important. If a person much older then you, and not your close relative, you always address them in plural form (I'm not sure how to explain it better in English).
lol make a lesbian joke... no one more ppl post IM BADASS●◆■▲▼☆★♀♂♂♀★☆☆▼▲■◆●
Umm... why?? Why do you hate eastern Europeans? Can you at least give us a reason?
Did a Pole kill your family? Are the Russian mafia after you? Have you been watching too many movies with negative eastern European stereotypes? I would like to know why you feel this way.
it's a pretty naive point of view, and a gross generalization. Sure there are some bad people, but aren't you judging all the good people wrongly by saying they're all evil?
Like people the world over, there are good and bad people in every society. If you want a good example of a very, very bad East European, look up Vlad the Impaler. I don't think anyone alive today compares with him.
I'm a girl but I have to say russian women are hot!! Maybe you are just scared of women .. ha ha