Is it normal that i think i am being watched by the world?

I feel like I am Truman from the Truman Show. That everyone is just pretending and are actors apart from myself. That there are cameras rolling and I'm in a show. I have had specific instances where I have said something to myself privately and it just happens to be mentioned by others. Cases where it's too uncanny to be just a coincidence. Like people already know what I have done, what I'm doing, how I am, what I'm thinking. Maybe they're even reading this post and all of you are just actors to satisfy an answer. I'm being paranoid but am I really?

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 52 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • nova1

    You're being completely paranoid. Just sit back and have A REFRESHING ICE COLD COCA COLA while watching television on your SONY-BRAND HOME ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM.


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    • jucedaguy

      Just gold.

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  • shinshins

    There is no such show that exsists everyone watching like jersey shore and gay shows

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  • jucedaguy

    Shit... I knew this day would come.

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    • sexybigsexybad

      shit far amen bro ive been waiting for a post like that wanna be friend tell me

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  • AwkwardlyMe

    I'm really not saying this to be mean but, let's be honest; a lot of the time you are being watched, for example: street cameras, shop cameras, train/bus/cab camera, satellite, laptop webcam, xbox connect/playstation play/wii cameras, general people in the street, those government people that monitor your computer via the internet regardless of if you set your settings to private viewing... you are being watched, however, i doubt it's like the truman show. i doubt it's the whole world, it's probably just the government.

    Now, knowing this you have to ask yourself, am i going to obsess over it, or get over it? because there isn't a lot/ if anything you can do to stop it, only minimum some things, like for example: when i feel paranoid i put a sticky note over my webcam. or i use my laptop that DOESN'T have a webcam, but good luck finding one of those now cause they aren't made without them anymore...

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  • Lies

    I thought this before.

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  • Mr.Dongle

    You are absolutely right. You finally figured it out. I watch your show daily. although, I might be arrested for telling you this.

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  • QuigleyQuagmire

    You're looking for it, so you're finding it.

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  • pappusharma

    I think i am watched by everyone and everything... kinda creeps me out but then who cares, its my life...

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