Is it normal that i think i will be made fun at, at school every day?

Okay, I've been made fun of, of my shortness before, and other things. It's not particularlly just being made fun of, it's more like being bullied. I'm not a strong girl, I'm really shy, and scared, of things, and every time I take a step into my classroom, I'm afraid I'll be bullied! This boy in my class, I avoid him all of the time, because he's always calling me a miget, and I'm not! I'm actually, NEVER rude to him, and he's always rude to me! My friends even sometimes are rude and point out my obvious acne, and I hate it! I'm not rude to them, and it's just rude! Sometimes, I feel like I'm the big target in class to be picked on! I don't know what to do sometimes! I heard this thing, it's what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and that's my motto, and I should really pay attention to it! The real question is, is it normal for me to be really scared of being bullied? :-/

Voting Results
89% Normal
Based on 73 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • davesumba

    i'd say just smile back at them, and respond by joking about your 'imperfections' with them. But do NOT just simply ignore it and look the other way, then they'll know what they are saying is affecting you, and they'll continue.

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    • sahtiwaari

      I'm sorry, but experience tells me that ignoring WILL make 'em go away. Bullies usually like to get a little attention from their victims, so if you act like you don't care they'll stop. But be sure to tell someone responsible if they keep bullying you!

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  • dirtybirdy

    They have a problem, not you. Try to ignore it. I know its not always easy to do.

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  • sampizaro13

    Dont worry so am i.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    Reading your post was like going back in time for me as 6th - 11th grader. I was singled out, picked on to the point I would fake being sick all the time. School was tough for me! I was fat and ugly then but now Im very attractive 37 year old and when Ive bumped into people from my past I always look better than them. The moral of my story? Yes it sucks to be picked on, but work on yourself. And don't ever be mean to anyone like they have to you. You're special, just got work to do... ;)

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  • HarmonyJB

    Thank you! Do you know, your guys advice worked! :) I did what you said, and they left me alone! :) thank you all so very much, your are dearly sweet! :)

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  • NayasBeauty

    Don't ever let your up-come determine your outcome sweety! I was picked on as a young girl and now I own my own company and am working on my third degree. All the guys and girl's that would have had anything negative to say then are flocking to my door in support now! Ignore them and know in your heart that you are destined to be great! The nerds shall inherit the earth! Most the wealthiest and well to do persons in the world were made strong by bullies! From Bill Gates to Bill Clinton! Now they have have women lined up to give them, praise. School is just a phase one day you can buy and sell their asses so chin up and countdown to world domination! =)

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  • HarmonyJB

    Thanks guys for your advice! I will surely try all of them! An if it improves, I will tell you, and thank you do very much! Thanks again! :)

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I know it's easier said than done but you have got to stand proud and not let this worthless insults get you down.

    I did this and people backed off.

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    • I am still quivering in fear.... I'm sorry 9000 times over

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Funky chicken?

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        • Not tonight, I'm tired

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Oh ok. :)

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  • kelili

    It's normal to be scared of being bullied. This must be a terrible situation you are in and I don't have a good advice to give you. What I can tell you is that the best years are still to come. Study hard, study really hard - use this as a weapon. Someday when you'll have succeeded you'll thank those person of having given you all this rage. The more they bully you the more you should study.

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  • HarmonyJB

    Thanks guys! Your too sweet! :) :D

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