Is it normal that i think i will be made fun at, at school every day?
Okay, I've been made fun of, of my shortness before, and other things. It's not particularlly just being made fun of, it's more like being bullied. I'm not a strong girl, I'm really shy, and scared, of things, and every time I take a step into my classroom, I'm afraid I'll be bullied! This boy in my class, I avoid him all of the time, because he's always calling me a miget, and I'm not! I'm actually, NEVER rude to him, and he's always rude to me! My friends even sometimes are rude and point out my obvious acne, and I hate it! I'm not rude to them, and it's just rude! Sometimes, I feel like I'm the big target in class to be picked on! I don't know what to do sometimes! I heard this thing, it's what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and that's my motto, and I should really pay attention to it! The real question is, is it normal for me to be really scared of being bullied? :-/