Is it normal that i think jetlags are like a nightmare?

Hello its me Somenormie,

Recently I got back from my vacation with my dad and brother ( for those asking I went to Toronto, Ontario )

Anyways, we were due to fly back to the UK on the 2nd of Jan. and let me tell you it was some long flight and I couldn't handle jetlags well I couldn't really sleep not sure if it were to do with timezones considering Canada is five hours behind.

And because some of the train lines were suspended it was a complete and utter nightmare that we ended up having to take a long route.

Thankfully I made it safe to my house but this jetlag will always be my worst nightmare.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i was flyin back & forth from korea to east coast for work a few times a year for a while and it sucked

    wasnt so bad when i got there cause id go to work but when i got home i was beholden to no schedule

    id say ima take a quick afternoon nap and wake up at midnight then continue the cycle

    it took weeks to get to normal

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    • Somenormie

      Definitely agree that it might take some time to get normal again.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        id be fucked up too if i hadta take the train from uk to canada

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        • Somenormie

          Yeah it's super tiring

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