Is it normal that i think my bosses are out to get me?
I've been feeling like my bosses are talking bad about me. I'll hear them say my name or say something and think it's about me. I feel like they hate me and make me do things because they want me to suffer. I know they probably aren't and I can usually rationalize it but lately it's gotten worse. Numerous times I've felt like running out the door and never coming back. Not neccessarily because of my bosses but because of the anxiety I feel when I'm around people.
I have to do backup at the registers, and lately I've avoided going up there when they needed backup because I almost have a panic attack. I get anxious around everyone I come into contact with. I would compare my behavior to Pac-man. Every time I run into a customer I panic, say a quiet "How are you?" and rush off. I've even been unable to speak at all, which got me in trouble a few times.
I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I've also been hearing people call my name. I heard a man call my name in the afternoon when I slept in (I couldn't get up :(..) it startled me and I looked behind me and said, "What?" thinking it was my boyfriend but no one was there. Once in a while I'll here it at work or if I'm alone.