Is it normal that i think my dreams about my dead relatives are real?

Just to clarify, I have dreams about my deceased relatives that I know are just dreams and nothing more than that.

But some dreams seem real. I will wake up from these "real" dreams in the middle of the night with a happy/anxious feeling that they might in the room with me. And these dreams are usually happy where I or other family members are hugging the deceased relative and glad to see he is okay.

My uncle (who was murdered) and I were close. I believe he sometimes pays me a visit through my dreams.

My most recent dream was of my uncle taking me to the airport.
When I woke up I looked up airport on It said airports represented birth (arrivals) or death (departures). The next day my grandfather passed away. I believe this dream was him telling me he was going to be there for my grandfather, and greet him in heaven.

Do you think this could be real, or a coincidence?

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69% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • pixie_dust

    This is called synchronicity. It's the way they are telling you that they're OK. Go with your gut instinct. They will be present when you die. You know that light that is said you walk towards upon death? If you research near death experiences, this phenomenon is common. Love bonds people. I would say that you can look forward upon your death for them to be present. I have had a near death experience, and it is truly amazing. I remember what that was like and I know the afterlife is wonderful.

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  • CreativeThinker

    this is totally real You can do an easy experiment yourself to confirm it often visit his grave and pay some regards,but try to maintain a specific pattern for visit like every sunday morning or Saturday morning and after sometime you will notice the deceased will come to see you a day before your visit every week

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  • CornedBeefAndCabbage

    I tend to believe most things that happen in life are coincidences but I don't believe your situation was. I too have experienced similar deams. Sometimes I'll wake up feeling like I just had a dream about my deceased best friend, then other times it seems real, like she was there paying a visit.
    And yes, I do think that it's normal you believe your deceased loved ones are visiting you in your dreams.

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  • DiamondGirl

    I very instrested in the Occult, and I do belive that these spirits. Can infest r dreams. I have seen some weird shit that makes me a beliver. I saw the shadow of My aunt who died. Then I saw my grandma in the mirror. No I'm not makin this up. My father recently died, and I think I keep seein something out of the corner of my eye. But I would like to make direct contact with him. Also I miss my cat of 13 years very much. And thought after her death I saw her eyes looking at me in the dark. But I've dreamt of these people and my cat and I do belive I at least I wanna, that they are trying to get in touch with me. I wanna use a Quija Board. But last time I did I got a hideous Red Cross on my neck. Don't know why, Im not catholic or Christian. Now my husband won't let me get one. But I'm not sure if I should, and I wish people would stop saying it's a gateway to demons or the devil. It's just a toy!

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    • CreativeThinker

      Oh my GOD I can't beleive this, you are totally right around 8 years ago someone told me He often see his dead father at the corner of his eyes at that time I just ignored and didn't ask him about details but today after reading your comment that thing just popped into my mind

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  • driedroses

    I don't know if spirits can pay you visits in your dreams. Possibly, if you're a medium or psychic of some sort. Lots of people claim to have premonitions.

    Feelings can definitely be carried from dreamworld to waking life. If you have a really happy dream, you might wake up very happy.. You might even carry that happy mood for the rest of the day! Same goes for any other feeling caused by a dream. So, you waking up anxious // glad that someone is alive is totally normal.

    I haven't heard from one of my brothers in a year and a half. I had a dream a while back, in the summertime, that I was picking him up from the airport and giving him a hug. I know arriving would symbolize birth, but I really hope the airport dream wasn't a sign that he's dead. He was in jail last Christmas, and that's the last thing we know about him. *sigh* I never knew about the airport symbolism, but it makes a lot of sense.

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