Is it normal that i think north and south america should form prito?

For those who don't know, I came up with this. PRITO to me stands for Pacific RIm Treaty Organization. I just posed another question asking if it's normal that I think the U.S. and its allies should rebuild SEATO around China.

Now, I'm asking is it normal that I think they should form PRITO which should include all of the countries of SEATO plus everywhere in Latin America to make sure neither Russia nor China tries something clever and sneak their way into the back door through Latin America.

I know that China is already trying to buy those countries. I know the Chinese and their lack of business ethics. They think they can just come and buy up everything and that it's all theirs for the taking.

I wouldn't put it past Russia or China to try to use Venezuela, Cuba, or wherever as a satellite nation to try to intimidate the rest of the Western Hemisphere or try to buy up those countries and control them through debt. I've done business with the Chinese before. I know how they operate. SEATO and PRITO are like NATO but for the Pacific Rim. Does anyone think this is strange or normal?

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