Is it normal that i think of communism as a misunderstood concept?

Since I began to study communism in my higher level history course more intensively I got really into it. It just had my attention from the very beginning, because it seems like a good concept. Equality, no poverty, no discrimination, nothing that could cause conflicts.
Mankind just seems to be too stupid to live with this concept for long.
Of course one person has to be at the top and this person has always misused their power for their own interests so far, and that's why it all went wrong. It's not the concept of communism that's to blame but the flawed race of men. Is it normal to think this way? Can anyone relate?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    Communism is a beautiful concept. What we must remember though is that Communism is a utopian ideal and utopias are, by definition, impossible.

    Also, it seems you believe that there once were communist nations. This is untrue. We have had Socialist nations that intended to be communist nations. That is the crux of the problem. Communism requires that socialism comes before it. Socialism requires that a few people have power to get the ball rolling for Communism. That is where people become corrupt.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I joined an island village that operated on a true communist system. 3 days a week I fished with the fishermen and twice a week my wife baked bread, all to feed the entire village. Those who grew vegetables and fruit gave us ours weekly, and on Sundays an animal was slaughtered we were given our share.
    From each according to their abilities; to each according to their needs. There was no money involved.
    Of course, there were only 67 people in the village, so it worked very well.
    To the best of my knowledge, communism is a failed concept in every single large society it has been attempted. Even China has had to ease the hard line Mao communism to survive in today's world.
    The USSR was of course the greatest failure as a communist state, in reality being little more than totalitarian state, not communist.
    I think anyone who likes the idea of communism, is the one who does not truly understand the system.
    In reality, a child goes through the communist school system taking a series of tests. These, and not the child's desires or dreams, determined the occupation a child will work in for life. What a horrid life that would be for most; forced into a job for the good of the state, yuck.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    nice try obama

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  • howaminotmyself

    Communism is great in theory. However it is only successful in small communities. Larger communities cannot survive with that economic model because of the fact that we are human. We are not flawed because we are human. We have flaws, therefore we are human, not robots.

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  • NarutoUzumaki

    Communism cannot survive in a large country, but it can in a small village.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think it's shitty that you're deleting comments that are off topic.

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    • gothicqueen4545

      I don't delete any comments?

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  • galen

    I myself prefer to live in a society where the authorities won't target me for immediate death simply because I'm wearing eyeglasses. Cf. Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge, Cambodia, and "turning society back to the Year Zero."

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  • Koda

    Communism is one of those concepts that you want to work because it seems to sound so decent on paper, but when it's put into action humans are to weak and corrupt to realize it how it's meant to be employed. I think most people just "hate" communism because they're taught by other people, who don't understand it themselves, that it's "bad" and practiced by "bad" people.

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