Is it normal that i think people want to kick my ass all the time?

I usually say a lot of aggressive and insulting things to people and soon think that I will get beaten badly afterward by either a group of people or a person nearby. Can I have an explanation for said thoughts?

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49% Normal
Based on 35 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Hoohahohyahhh

    Lmfaooooooooo you say insulting things to people? Geez i wonder why they wanna kick your ass, it cant be the insulting things you say....

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  • Tiffunny

    LOL !!!!!

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  • Nice, instead of trolling the Internet you troll in real life as well. Takes a special kind of person to do this, and believe me there will be plenty of ass kickings coming your way.

    Make sure your health insurance is paid up. You will need it.

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  • ccjigsaw

    Yes. If you say rude and unwarented things to people, they'll beat your ass red. How about shut your face :/ I hate people who are outwardly rude. The world has enough drama in it, spread the love!!

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  • Avant-Garde

    I often think that people are angry at me even if I have done nothing that would've provoked them to begin with. Maybe, you should try to be nicer to people and then see if the thoughts continue to persist.

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