Is it normal that i think people who smoke are mentally inferior?

If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, you are spending at least $2000 a year on cigarettes. That's not even taking into consideration excessive smoking on weekends, days off, at parties, giving cigarettes to your friends, and any taxes I may not be aware of. In real life, it's more like $2800. At two or three packs a day...well... your computer has a calculator.

Smokers like to say: "Nobody lives forever, you know". That may be true, but some people do live a long time with good health. Smoking doesn't just end your life early by causing cancer, it also makes you age faster. Women who smoke often become absolutely revolting after just a few years. They look like shriveled old hags, and sound like bull frogs. Smoking compromises your immune system. Smoking damages your circulation. That is why you are cold all of the time. Smoking basically damages every single aspect of your health. It poisons your body at it's roots, and ruins everything. You will be an ugly, sickly, smelly, cold, hoarse, miserable, grey, shriveled old hag, about to die, while other people the same age as you will be reasonably fit, healthy, comfortable inside their own bodies, and ready for several more decades of life before they could be considered "old".

Why would someone spend thousands of dollars every year on something that serves absolutely no purpose but to damage her own health? Because that person is stupid.

People begin smoking because they are simple-minded herd animals that will do absolutely anything to fit in with the group of people they identify with. It does not make you cool, it makes you impressionable, like a little child. I know that is the reason people start smoking, because their is no natural human desire that could otherwise explain it. We have natural desires for food, water, sex, etc. We do not have instincts that tell us to inhale toxic fumes and flush our means of life down the toilet for no reason.

The reason people continue smoking is because they have become addicted to it. They say: "It's my choice!", but the choice is not theirs to make. The nicotine is choosing for them. They are slaves to a chemical. A chemical that is killing them, taking their money, and giving nothing in return. Nothing at all.

If you smoke, then it is a clear sign that you are a mentally, and now physically, inferior human being, and need other people to make decisions for you, as you are incapable of doing so yourself.

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 151 votes (81 yes)
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Comments ( 177 )
  • WinstonTasteGood

    I blew through three smokes reading that nonsense.

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    • Don't get too exited. At least two of your thumbs ups are mine.

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  • PumpkinKate

    Native Americans wrote the friggin' book on smoking tobacco.

    "Intelligent creatures don't hurt themselves" <-- Are you serious? No bear ever died saving its cub? No cat ever misjudged a jump and fell to its death? No dog ever wanted to swim in a river and drowned? No human ever committed suicide? No human ever did drugs? No human ever fought in a war? That statement is mind-boggling.

    The idea that you genuinely believe the buffalo is not an intelligent creature, but a bear is??? xD I lol'd for serious at that one.

    You have an opinion. Nobody on this planet is going to be "dumb" because you're angry, judgmental, and overly opinionated. A lot of people will think you're the mentally inferior one for actually believing you're better because you have a different opinion.

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    • Native Americans smoked pure tobacco from pipes, particularly during religious ceremonies. They did not have chemical-laced tobacco flowing through their system during every waking hour for recreation. They also did not know about it's harmful effects, and did not have to waste $6-$12 per day doing it. Stupid example.

      A bear protecting it's cubs is sacrificing itself for the greater good, but more than anything is actually just satisfying instinct. Instincts do not always guide one to the best outcome (like human herd instinct, as I've already said). Cats do not jump across canyons, or over fire pits, and dogs are just stupid, like people. Stupid examples.

      And I'm not angry, I'm very happy. I am being entertained by stupid people. That is why I wrote this story. I have no emotional investment one way or the other in the act of smoking.

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      • lolol555

        ... You're not implying that every human who gets depressed and therefore wants to commit suicide is mentally inferior are you?

        You didn't seem to comment on that part.

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      • dappled

        If your problem with tobacco is the chemicals it is laced with, why aren't you petitioning the tobacco industry to stop doing that? Smokers can't remove the chemicals themselves. If someone put poison in your water and didn't label it in any way, would you go around insulting the people who drank it, or would you tell the water industry they were wrong?

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        • It would still be bad for you, and probably just as expensive.

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      • PumpkinKate

        You're boring, Troll :/

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        • At least I'm right.

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          • PumpkinKate

            You're not.

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            • I have said nothing that is not a fact, therefore I am right.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Also, there is no "good" reason to smoke. Most people know it's terrible for you :)

      Doesn't stop nicotine from being addictive, or people from enjoying the act.

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      • dom180

        This exactly. I was going to say the precise same thing.

        I read somewhere that the majority of smokers would like to give up, but don't have the patience, support or motivation to do so. Which is because it is addictive. What IS a little stupid is starting in the first place, but everyone makes mistakes.

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        • But only stupid people make stupid mistakes. The choice not to smoke is as simple as the choice to not consume poison and flush your own money down the toilet.

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  • MeowCats

    I think it is Ridiculous that you would consider self-destruction a sign of Low intelligence.
    Self destruction and genius go hand in hand, People who are clearly intelligent do much worse things than smoking.
    Smoking can be a way of dealing with emotional issues in a persons life.I do not believe for a second that you have never done anything self-destructive in some way, knowing It would bring you harm,It is part of Human Nature.
    Is Bob Dylan stupid? Many would consider him one of the greatest songwriters of all time, doesn't sound very stupid to me...And he still smoked up until very recently...and you can include a huge variety of musicians and writers in this list too, Some very intelligent, some not quite so.
    And what about Barack Obama?, He smokes, Whether or not you agree with his politics, He is clearly very smart.
    I agree it may not be a smart thing to do,But it most certainly does not make the person stupid. Doing one stupid thing does not make a stupid person, or else by that logic Everyone is stupid.

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  • Fartz4Pleasure

    Imma go smoke, then drop a deuce in your moms mouth

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Remember... just because YOU personally dislike a practice does not mean that "everyone who does this is dumb".

    It doesn't even matter that you listed your reasons why....

    It's all about what is important to you.

    For you, health costs and prices are important. To others, perhaps getting away to the smoking area to escape people nagging them is just as important.

    Remember it's never OK to really bash someone just because they don't agree with your own choices. ;)

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    • "It doesn't even matter that you listed your reasons why...."

      It does matter, because the reasons I listed are physical facts, and not simply my opinion.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        It doesn't matter what your facts are.

        You are on the slippery slope of assuming your facts mean that your chosen people to hate are stupid.

        That's the problem.

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        • I've never said that I hated anyone.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            hate, dislike, call names... it doesn't matter ....

            You are still on the slippery slope of assuming your facts mean that the "chosen" group of people are stupid.

            That's the problem.

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            • If there is a more accurate word for the mental state of a person who destroys their own body and throws away their own money for no good reason than "stupid", I sure as Hell don't know what it is.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Meow, Smoking is sexy!

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  • DannyKanes

    OP, you have never smoked in your life, you don't understand. How about instead of judging others you mind your own fucking business.

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    • What is there to understand? Wasting money + ruining your own health + getting nothing in return = you are retarded.

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      • dappled

        He's actually one of the fairest, most balanced, and nicest people here. It takes some intelligence to understand what life is really about and how to get along with people. He's got that in spades. I've never met him but I reckon just five minutes with him and we'd both be laughing.

        Calling him retarded seriously offends me. It's a snap judgement. And you're missing out on his opinion. I've been here eighteen months and have never known him be wrong. I'd go by what he says above what I say myself.

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        • Viewing other human beings as wise is also stupid, but I'll admit that that really is just my opinion.

          In any case, I never said that smokers cannot be "fair, balanced, and nice". I'm sure that many in the Fox news staff smoke. It is simply a stupid decision, that any and all human beings would benefit from not making.

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    • How about you make a rational, relevant argument?

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  • dappled

    I am now apparently mentally inferior. Please make my decisions for me as I am incapable of doing so myself. First decision: What do I do to deal with hugely judgmental people? My mentally inferior self tells me be a better person and turn the other cheek. But perhaps I should shoot them in the face. Pray tell me, oh wise oracle.

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    • Can I joinz you cuz I liek mudkipz... *does empty expression*

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    • If I made decisions for you, you would benefit. You wouldbe healthier, and wealthier, and you would thank me. Right now, chemicals are making decisions for you.

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      • dappled

        The reason you got a sarcastic answer is because, while some of what you say is true, the manner in which you chose to present it is ridiculous. First you said that smoking is a sign of mental deficiency (it isn't). Then you said smoking shrinks the brain (it doesn't). If you're going to make comments like that, I'm going to need some scientific backup.

        I can't defend my decision to smoke because it was a poor decision to *start* smoking. However it's a decision other "mentally deficient" people like Albert Einstein made.

        I'm also going to take the easy option and turn the mirror back on you. Have you ever been in the presence of a motor vehicle that had its engine running? Have you ever eaten a cake? Have you ever taken a shower or bath somewhere there wasn't a rubber non-slip mat? Do you use shampoo and deodorant? Do you grow ALL your own food or know exactly how your food has been processed? Have you lived your entire life in rooms that have carbon monoxide alarms? I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. The question is, why did you make choices that could potentially impair or cost you your life? I'm not calling you mentally deficient for making those choices, because life isn't quite as simple as that.

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        • Research the brain shrinkage. It is true.

          And when Albert Einstein was alive, cigarettes were dirt cheap, and their health hazards were neither widely known or publicized, so that is a ridiculous example.

          As for all of the examples of hazardous activities and habits you brought up, smoking is 10X worse than all of those combined, while simultaneously wasting thousands of dollars every year. There is no reason for you to continue smoking, and every reason to quit. It IS as simple as that.

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  • I just don't get it why's it such a big deal to you. They're ruining their health, not yours; I think it's a waste of time and effort getting so upset over something that you can't change and at the same time doesn't particularly affect your life. And come to think of it, getting stressed over pointless frustrations is bad for your health too.

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    • It doesn't matter to me. The whole world could commit suicide for all I care.

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      • So long as you include yourself in that statement as well.

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        • Shouldn't you be coloring the walls or something?

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          • Avoiding the point, I expected as much. I'll be sure to take a huge drag just for you today.

            Why don't you hate on alcoholics or child molesters? Even murderers? They deserve scorn more than smokers ever could.

            Maybe if you did smoke, you might chill the fuck out.

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            • You have no point. You never do.

              This may help you, read it carefully:


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      • So what's the point of all the arguing then? I don't really understand the mentality here.

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        • I'm not arguing anything. I am informing people that they are stupid. I am using facts to back up my claim, and enjoying the reactions of people who know they are wrong, but refuse to admit it. This is a source of entertainment to me.

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  • wigsplitz

    Who gives a fuck what you think? I'm sure you do dumb shit, and take dumb risks for no good reason. And spend your money on shit that I'd never even consider wasting money on.

    Different things are more/less important to different people. Shall I tell you how to spend your money and what risks you are allowed to take?

    Only 1/3 of smokers die of smoking-related illness, so the odds aren't THAT bad.

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    • The other two thirds are ugly, smelly zombies with no money and no self-respect.

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      • lala85

        What, no money? What the fuck are you talking about? There's tons of financially successful people who smoke. What a stupid remark.

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        • $2000-$3000 per year is a hefty sum to someone of average income. Average income is what is taken home by your average person. Obviously, those few rich people do not suffer from this as much as your average person.

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  • Darkoil

    Nicotine in general can have positive effects in the brain. Judging by your post I can tell that you you are just saying a load of things you have heard or read somewhere and have not done any actual research into the mechanisms by how smoking damages the body, to me this is a clear sign of mental inferiority, when i say jump you say how high.

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    • Actually, I have done mountains of research on the effects of nicotine on the mind and body. This information is available anywhere for free.

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      • Darkoil

        Have you ever smoked?

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        • No, and I never will. Not even once. It is poison. I don't need to smoke to know what it does to your body, that is what we have doctors for. You know, the people you trust with your life when you have a disease, or get into a terrible accident. They have researched tobacco using tools and knowledge that neither you nor I have, and have reached the consensus that it is incredibly harmful to the human body in a multitude of ways. If you would like to do your own research, I hope you have several decades to spend researching biology, and alot of money to spend on medical research equipment. Good luck.

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          • Darkoil

            Im already a biomedical scientist dick head, also im not a smoker but i used to be. you have no idea what your talking about and you cant even formulate a strong argument due to not seeing the problem from both sides, to sum up, shut the fuck up about things you cant understand.

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            • Your anger reveals your insecurity.

              You have still failed to provide a rational argument in favor of smoking. The cloud of insults and red herrings does not deceive me.

              Check. Your move.

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  • JuliusE

    This post made me smile. Thank god there are some people who aren't so stupid as to think everyone is "equal." No one is equal, this is a law of nature. Smoking IS fucking stupid. I used to smoke for a while, and you know what? I loved it. I still love the act of smoking. But I won't ever do it again because it's fucking retarded, as is mentioned in this IIN. People who start smoking are dumb or at least behaving that way, and people who continue to smoke are slaves to a disgusting addition.

    One thing that infuriates me about smokers is them throwing their butts all over the place. They litter making natural areas look disgusting. I almost got in a fight with some fat slob who threw a still burning cigarette butt on the grass. Smoking should be taxed to death.

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    • Finally, an intelligent person.

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  • FocoUS

    WHO THE FUCK SMOKES A PACK A DAY? Most smokers I know smoke like 5 cigarettes for the whole week. The most I've ever heard of was 3 cigs a day. A pack a day? Really? Your computer has a calculator but your head needs common sense.

    Smoking is bad for you but who are you to judge? People are always doing things that are bad for them: eating fast food, unprotected sex, dangerous sports, speeding. I can think of a few smokers who smoke but are amazing people with a stable job and life. And if you think that they're inferior humans you can take a pack of cigarettes and shove it up your ass.

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    • lala85

      Dude....tons of people smoke a pack a day. According to the American Lung Association, the average smoker smokes 15 cigarettes each day.

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      • Crudhouse

        Exactly the amount when I smoke

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    • A pack a day is typical for your average smoker. Many smoke even more, sometimes far more. Maybe in your country, cigarettes contain no nicotine, and are not addictive. That is the only way I can explain the statement you made.

      And yes, people do commonly do stupid things in addition to smoking. If they are stupid enough to smoke, then obviously they will do other stupid things as well. They are like unsupervised children.

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  • Audrina

    Oh crap..... this is too much information for my lil ol' mentally inferior self to comprehend. I am going to have to go have a smoke and stew on it for a while.

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    • I knew half of the people who responded would say something like this. It just proves my point. You cannot come up with any rational justification for absorbing expensive poisons into your body, so you rely on irrelevant sarcasm. Maybe if your brain had not been shrunk by cigarettes, you could think of something better to use as a rebuttal.

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      • Audrina

        My choices are my choices. Your rant is over inflated. I do not have to justify my lifestyle to you. You do not fancy cigarettes, and that is GREAT- for you.

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        • It is great for me. It means I will have a superior body and brain than you, as well as more money, simply by choosing not to inhale toxic fumes. It's a no-brainer.

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          • lala85

            Well, I would loveee to see a picture of your perfect fit young body, and I guess you are not doing too well financially. If 2,000 dollars is much to you, Im sorry to hear that. Btw, Im a non smoker but I think you are just a small minded guy.

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            • If $2000 is NOT alot of money to you, then you must be rich. If that is the case, congratulations. Enjoy the impending economic collapse.

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          • Audrina

            You do not know anything about my health, how much money I make, or how much I smoke. It would have been much more effective if you would have approached this topic with honest concern rather than coming at us smokers with knives and daggers. What is the root of your hate?

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            • It's the fucking internet. I'll come with knives and daggers if I please.

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  • SoccerStud88

    i agree with OP. Smoking is just a sign of weakness.

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  • Emily(:

    I think you need too get a life :)

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  • Zevichan

    With the rising obesity epidemic going on, smoking isn't the worst thing you can do. Being lazy and not exercising are equally as harmful to your health.

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    • I know plenty of people who are fat AND smoke.

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  • PumpkinKate

    People drink high fructose corn syrup, drive cars, and eat mayonnaise. Go bitch at them.

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  • angelgirl2139

    Fucking smokers -.-

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  • Becky95

    Old thread but this is crazy

    You know how many brilliant people - like actual geniuses - have smoked right?

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  • daydreamer394

    This is one of the best posts.

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  • lazurm

    Well, yes, I see your logic but don't entirely agree with your depictions.

    For instance, I have a mind of my own but having a mind of one's own doesn't preclude being influenced by others. In fact we learn many things under the influence of others, independent mind or not. As examples: the ability to speak a language, to write, what we wear, many of our values are, at least, composites of things we've learned previously, and so on.

    I, too, am an independent thinker and I'd challenge you to assert that just because a person smokes they are not independent in that way. For instance, Einstein smoked, etc. The observational evidence will indicate that even so called independent thinkers are so but not in all spheres of life since, if anyone is 100% independent in their thinking, they'd probably be ripe for the loony bin!

    As to getting addicted, does that reasoning apply to all things, or just smoking? If just smoking, OK. But how about if someone was similarly hooked on writing and, as a result, produced numerous best selling books and screen plays? Or hooked on great conversation? Or healthy eating? Or bicycling, etc? If your logic still applies, is it fair to conclude that you may never date a passionate person then? That's OK too, but I make a point here to illustrate that things aren't always clearly black and white.

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  • whatisthenatureofreality

    you're a bitch & bitches are stupid

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  • Crudhouse

    Read a few comments on both sides, but I'd have to say that smoking does make you less intelligent. I'd guess that I'm around 10 IQ points less when I'm smoking (after around a week of smoking every day).

    It also reduces my ability to concentrate, and my ability to concentrate at a stretch, since nicontine withdrawal starts around 25 minutes of having a cigarette.

    I try not to make long-term decisions when I'm smoking and don't smoke when I have to be at my best (work or personal events).

    If a couple of kids see this post by the OP and don't smoke or smoke less I'd say that it's worth it to have posted this.

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  • vitamello

    I have read your question. They are addicted not stupid. Nicotine is a powerful drug, smokers brains are different from non-smokers brains in that smokers crave cigarettes like non-smokers crave food. Once hooked to nicotine, the addict will act in ways that appear to be stupid to you. I believe stupidity is not the best choice of words to describe the behavior of smokers. Addicted is a better fit. Smokers would not have started smoking if they knew how it would be negatively affecting their life today.

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  • nowimsureimsane

    And also fyi humans do have a nicotine receptor built into our brain that draws it in...learn some science and biology or anything for that matter..

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  • nowimsureimsane

    Ok i wasnt going to comment but..son of a mother the statement only stupid people do stupid things is the most idiotic statement ive ever heard in my entire existence!im so glad im not one of those people who think that way!ok ill sit here and smash my lips together because sure as death my fingers those people and my own body couldnt handle what i wouldve said in that while im setting foot in the bear trap who thinks that for a chosen few getting drunk over the years has actually made them more intelligent and enlightened to the ways of the world?serious question btw.also is a fact that many have to those that think thats a rediculous statement.

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    I'm really surprised Godwins Law hasn't came into effect with the whole mental superiority crap. It just did, didn't it?

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  • First of all, 1st and 4th comments, you guys are fucking hilarious.
    Second, you need to jump off you're high horse. I'm sure you think you're farts smell like roses, you stuck up bitch.

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  • pussyliquor

    Your post sounds like a poster you'd find in a high school health classroom...Critisizing people for their choices is ignorant and "stupid" unless it's directly affecting you. Also making a post condemning smoking and listing "facts" that are backed up by nothing more than your own opinions is pretty "Stupid", which is my opinion...should I make a post about that too?

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  • Akavirinian

    This post is such a foolish display of ineptitude, that it is not even worth any human beings time to respond to it in a meaningful manner.

    In short: no, this is not normal.

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  • pem24

    I don't like smoking yet I have respect on smokers if they move a few meters away from me 'coz I don't wanna damage my lungs with the nasty smoke.

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  • I agree.

    Although, i do smoke. I don't do it vigorously but i hate the fact of needing a cigarette when life gets tough.

    I feel the same about drug addicts (i don't do drugs). But, i can understand where they're coming from.

    I just think they're weak minded in some areas (same goes for myself with the smokes).

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    See now, that is what a dumb person would write. And I think I'm just gonna lmao @ OP from now on since reason doesn't figure in their perfect little world.

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    • Reason slips from your grasp like trout from the hand of a child.

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      • What if that child has a strong grip? So many variables babe...

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        • I've been on this site for nearly two years, and have read almost everything you have ever posted. Everything you have ever said, at least in the context of an argument, falls neatly into the categories of:

          1. Childish ad hominem.
          2. Nonconstructive sarcasm.
          3. Preposterous analogies.
          4. Shrill, banal persecutions.
          5. Trite, futile retorts.

          A professor of a debating class (such things do exist) should study and record you, so that he can show his students clearly what the opposite of an intelligent, reasonable human being is.

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  • me999

    I think you're mentally inferior bitch.

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  • GMAN

    Terrible life decision? Yes. Mentally inferior? No.

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    • Making a terrible decision on purpose is an obvious sign of mental inferiority.

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  • madme

    I've never seen a herd of bears....

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  • Noonesperfect

    Agreed with thread maker but I don't give a fuck what them nubz do. I would rather go on a extra holiday per year....

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  • Megid

    I'm obsessed with smoke.

    I used to light candles only to blow them out immediately because the sight of smoke rising calmed me.

    I'm not sure if there is a word for it, but I suppose it works a bit like pyromania.

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  • Solophonic

    Ok let me just give up my free will really quickly. Say that's awfully open minded of you, if you disagree with what I say, then you are mentally retarded.

    Is it just me or do we all need to begin purging the self righteous?

    Maybe people smoke because as post-pubescent adults, we have actual responsibilities in life besides for the occasional 100 word essay and arithmetic tests.

    Don't ever put yourself in another persons shoes, that might actually require admitting you are not the font of infinite knowledge as you seem to believe.

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    • Smoking is a sacrifice of free will.

      Adolescents begin smoking because they are herd animals who cannot think for themselves. That is also why they all dress and talk the same. The same is true for most adults, but not as severely. Even the dumbest human beings develop at least a partial sense of identity and self-respect by or during adulthood.

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  • Give me one good reason to smoke cigarettes. Anyone?

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    • WinstonTasteGood

      Tobacco is a vegetable and its consumption eases the stress of dealing with an ever-growing population of whining maggots.

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    • wigsplitz

      It kills parasites.

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    • bananaface

      Apparently they reduce stress, make people happier, and they're addictive.

      I heavily disagree with smoking, and I also don't understand why people do it to themselves, but I know that I do things which are not completely healthy. Not everybody leads perfectly healthy lifestyles. Do you?

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      • Ruining your health and wasting money makes people happy?

        And I DO lead a perfectly healthy lifestyle. I would never willingly and knowingly do anything whatsoever that harms my own body.

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        • bananaface

          Well that's great:D

          However, just because you think that way doesn't mean you have the right to judge others, because you don't seem to get the same urges as most humans do. I try to be as healthy as possible and that includes not smoking and rarely drinking, but I eat way too much chocolate, does that make me mentally inferior?

          I see where you're coming from because surely a clever, logical person would be able to understand that the cons of smoking outweigh the pros, but things aren't always that simple.

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          • I don't judge others, I judge what they do, and their actions tell me what kind of person they are.

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            • So I'm a bad person for smoking? If I killed someone, go ahead and hate me but seriously, dude?

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            • bananaface

              Well I agree completely with that, but you might want to work on how you word things, because there are better ways of getting your point across, which don't insult people:)

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  • Intelligent creatures don't hurt themselves.

    When you spook a herd animal like a cow, and he runs off of a cliff, the entire herd may follow him to their doom. The native Americans sometimes hunted buffalo this way. If you were to try that with bears, it would not work, as they are intelligent creatures that make decisions for themselves, without being influenced by peer pressure.

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    • dom180

      "Bears [are not ...] influenced by peer pressure".

      How is this not a hilarious analogy?! That has to be one of my favourite ever mental images; a bear refusing a smoke from another bear behind the bike sheds after class, and instead walking away with it's moral superiority intact and a vague expression of pride on it's face. The other bear gets grounded when his parents find out he's been smoking, and can't go riding bikes with his friends for a month! That'll teach him!

      smh... to myself and the OP

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      • Insulting an analogy is a classic debate tactic of the desperate idiot.

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        • dom180

          I'm not even debating with you! I'm not even putting foreward a substanciated opinion. I only write that because it was funny to me and I wanted to share my thoughts. I wasn't intending anything to come of it.

          In fact, I wasn't even insulting the analogy (although now you mention, it was a bit shit), just saying how funny it was. I even self-deprecated afterwards to try and make sure that you got that I wasn't serious.

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          • Ok.

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  • PumpkinKate

    There is a lot to be said about the moralistic quality of someone who judges others... but rather than get into that:

    You think smoking or not smoking equates to intelligence? AND you claim to be intelligent???? Even a 10 year old with a learning disability could tell you that choosing to smoke or not has NOTHING to do with intelligence. You're just irrationally pissed off at a single choice. There are plenty of people in MENSA who smoke. People have designed space-craft, airplanes, power-plants, delved deeply into philosophy, painted beautiful art, made world-changing advancements in medicine, and so much more, that also smoked cigarettes.

    There are plenty who have done the same that don't smoke cigarettes.

    If you're even remotely close to being a mere fraction as "intelligent" as you claim to be, realize the blatant truth: your opinion about someone else's "bad choice" will never change their IQ.

    You're probably just angry because smoking has had a negative impact on you, or someone you care about's life. Judge not.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Man I need a cigarette...

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      • WinstonTasteGood

        Me too. Got a light?

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    • So you're telling me that willful self-destruction is not a very obvious sign of low intelligence? I suppose "intelligence" is a vague word, with several definitions. If you mean sheer brain power, then perhaps you are correct. But my definition is simply the opposite of "stupid", in other words: "a sentient organisms ability to use it's mind to survive and seek advantages for itself".
      Someone who hurts themselves for no reason is the opposite of intelligent, and can be described as stupid.

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      • PumpkinKate

        That's a pretty subjective view of intelligence. It's not "wise" to harm your own body, that I can agree on. I also feel that, given humans are social animals, and we rely on our collective society to survive and thrive in this world, it's just as arguable that good social skills are important to survival. Deliberately writing inflammatory comments about any and every group of people you dislike, by this logic, is highly detrimental to one's social acceptance, and can be described, by the same token, as "stupid".

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        • Just as we clean the scum of candy and pastries off of our teeth, so too must we cleanse the scum of peer pressure from our minds, so that we may make wise decisions.

          And social acceptance is completely useless to me, unlike my health and my money.

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          • PumpkinKate

            Well, you're pretty dumb!

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            • How is that a meaningful rebuttal?

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  • zchristian

    I tryed smoking once i hated it i never want to try it again it also helps a lot to know about all the bad stuff you get down your throat when you smoke...

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  • MisterPanic

    You're right. This day I'm going to quit. As soon as I get out of bed I'll throw my cigarettes away, and whatever happens, I'm not going to smoke today.

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    • I wish you luck.

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      • PumpkinKate

        Haha, chump.

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        • A chump with a healthy body, an extra $2000-$3000 every year, and the ability to resist the self-destructive herd mentality of the human species.

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          • PumpkinKate

            And one of the saddest, most achingly desperate for attention trolls on the net. I'd pay 10x as much as I ever spend on cigarettes to avoid that horrible shit.

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            • What's that? Did you say "I know you're right, so I'm just going to insult you"? That is what it sounded like to me.

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