Is it normal that i think religion is stupid?

It just seems boring, tedious, and doesn't accomplish much, if not impeding progress itself. When someone tells me they're religious, my first impression is someone who doesn't have their head screwed on straight.

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 109 votes (80 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Would you outlaw my beliefs if you had that power?

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  • dappled

    I'm not religious but I find religion absolutely fascinating, and I always think atheists have the unique benefit of being able to look at all world religions without the pressure of already having one.

    Honestly, you need to read some religious texts. Even if you're not swayed into belief, there is a lot of humanity (both good and bad) in the way religious doctrine is set out.

    Just because I don't believe in a deity doesn't mean I can't get something from the words of people who do (or the deity himself, if I'm wrong).

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    • Dad

      I don't think anyone disputes there is good and BAD in the bible or for that matter the Qur'an. The problem is that it has turned into a religion where people live by every word.

      If (as it should or may have been) these religious books were written as a guide to help say teenagers learn to do the right thing (at that time), then what a great idea. The problem is that those kids became adults and STILL thought it was true!

      These religious 'words' are dangerous to all people (children and adults) because they do not have good intentions at all. They teach fear and prejudice. They also state that if you don't believe then your afterlife will be hell. That's a bit much!

      Some of the words 'may' be good, but in total and what they stand for is BAD. By the way, there happens to be more bad than good in them anyway! What part is good? Thou shalt not kill? We are doing that everyday in wars, generally the soldiers tend to be Christian (and Islam on the other side) likely because they're scared out of their minds of dieing!

      The words aren't all bad, religion is.

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      • dappled

        I'm not sure all religions are like that, though. An example I would use is Taoism. In its original form, it's not even recognisable as what you and I would class a "religion". It's a philosophy. It talks mainly of compassion, humility and moderation. It's all carrot and no stick and doesn't threaten you if you don't believe it or preach negativity about other ways of existing. It simply exists for you to draw from and if you don't get anything from it, so be it.

        I find it very difficult to hear a religion like this condemned as "bad".

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  • DustinZ35

    It is totally normal to find religion stupid. Let's use Christianity as an example. Christian believe that god, having existed forever and capable of everything, one day got bored and decided to create the universe, with its countless billions of galaxies, stars, planets, rocks, etc., out of nothing. He chose one tiny ball to populate with animated creatures. His most prized creature was a naked nitwit known as a man who I must assume had a penis but as of yet no where to insert it. So god took one of his ribs (ouch!) and created a woman. One day along comes a snake no less and dupes one of these dipshits into eating an apple. This blacklists these two people in god's eyes as well as anyone else to ever exist. So one day God decides as a last resort to give birth to himself through a woman in a barn on some hay and out pops god who goes on to get nailed to a block of wood,thus redeeming god's creatures with the stipulation they must believe this load of bull or be tortured forever in a fiery abode.

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    • rosa333

      There is no need to speak so ironically about the truth. God did create the world and everything in it. All those Christians who do take God to be the creator and follow his rules have by God's willing been given free will to choose Jesus as the one and only saviour. They don't believe in him just because, they believe in him because their hearts are filled with love and unstained knowledge of how humans should lead their lives.

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  • I don't think Religion is stupid... I think people use religion to justify a lot of prejudice, lack of compassion and also because by saying that are "church going people", they would be looked as special, good, decent ones. I can't stand when people say they hate gay people - or even ostracize them- because they claim what;s written in the Bible. Let's make something clear: The number ONE goal behind God's word is for people to LOVE OTHERS. I don't care if -eventually- a gay person would go to hell because they are gay... My role is to LOVE, LOVE & LOVE... God told us to love our neighbors, not our STRAIGHT, RICH, BEAUTIFUL... yes, that's the tough part... love others... regardless of their color, orientation, race... "Hell is other people"... we know that... so I don't consider my life anymore as "having or not" religion... I have faith in God

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    • drugsrbadmkay

      Right on brother (or sister).

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  • autumniccole

    Being religious vs being spiritual are two different things....

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    You know what is tedious?

    When users refuse to read the directions associated with posting stories and instead of using the search bar to look up a question which has been asked literally several times a week, they insist on posting the story anyway.

    If anything, sir, YOU do not have your head screwed on straight.

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  • poon_jabber

    religion = cult

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  • hairyfairy

    I think that religion is the root cause of many of the wars in the world, I mean, just look at the trouble that moslems are causing just because they want to convert the whole world to islam.

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  • highrider

    Honestly i dont like religion either. It makes people retards and judgemental and act all im-better -then -you. So now i do not like it.i honestly wish there was none but i still believe in spirituality. Just not any religions or whTever. I also find them interesting to, but i wwould never convert.
    also,ifind hard core believers highly terrifying and annoying

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  • DustinZ35

    Sorry about the double post

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  • DustinZ35

    It is totally normal to find religion stupid. Let's use Christianity as an example. Christians believe that god, having existed forever and capable of everything, one day got bored and decided to create the universe, with its countless billions of galaxies, stars, planets, rocks, etc., out of nothing. He chose one tiny ball to populate with animated creatures. His most prized creature was a naked nitwit known as a man who I must assume had a penis but as of yet no where to insert it. So god took one of his ribs (ouch!) and created a woman. One day along comes a snake no less and dupes one of these dipshits into eating an apple. This blacklists these two people in god's eyes as well as anyone else to ever exist. So one day God decides as a last resort to give birth to himself through a woman in a barn on some hay and out pops god who goes on to get nailed to a block of wood,thus redeeming god's creatures with the stipulation they must believe this load of bull or be tortured forever in a fiery abode.

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  • MiaScarlette.

    Religion gives people hope..

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    Religion is a product of social evolution.

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  • BluntsRolled

    Quoted for truth^

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  • Seems a lot of people feel this way. I guess that makes it normal.

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