Is it normal that i think religious people and athiests are morons?

(I'm agnostic) Seriously, to actually claim you know what happens after death is completely idiotic.. No one knows. I understand most religious people just fear god, or are too weak minded to believe there is a chance of no after life.. but why do the others believe it? Most science is proven by man so its most likely BS, and so is religion made by man. All we know about religion is what other men have told us. This world would also be so better without religion, america wouldnt of even been in this war on terrorism, and there would of been no crusades. Religion has been a WMD for hundreds of years.... anyways, explain.

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59% Normal
Based on 69 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 62 )
  • chubbawubba69

    Is it normal that I think people who can't spell atheist properly are morons?

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  • Iamthejuan

    Yes, most people are narcissists, and think their beliefs trump all others, so I would say it is normal.

    By the way, you are an agnostic because you know it is too silly to say there is no God, so you may consider that them atheists are just a bit sillier than us theists.

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  • suckonthis9

    Would everyone like to know how to break this endless circle of debate over the eternal question?
    There is a flaw in the rationale of the creator of this post. By claiming that both religious people and Atheists are morons, this person has acknowledged ( Agnostic ) that there is an equal likelihood that both positions could be correct. Therefore, the creator of this post, thinks that everyone is a moron.

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    • tomga1

      I think everyone is a moron.

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      • suckonthis9

        Maybe what we need to do is re-arrange "moron" to "nomor(e)".

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        • tomga1

          yes but about 50% of the population is retarded, and will believe anything.

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          • suckonthis9

            Not true.
            Please check your facts and figures.
            Mental retardation is a rare condition.
            I also refute your statement that,"50% of the population will believe anything." This, in your opinion, means that 50% of the population believes EVERY object, event, fact, etc. as well as a thing no matter of what kind in any way, to be true.
            Please correct your statement.

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            • tomga1

              OK. 50% of the population are moronic and believe anything the media says? please be less neurotic. it's fucking annoying.

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  • myownopinions

    As an answer to your original question: "Yes, it is normal to think people with a religion and atheists are morons." That is your opinion, and you have your own right to stand by it.
    In other news, this is kind og off topic, but I noticed a lot of thumb-downing in this post for completely rational and un-offending opinions. Sure I think the concept of 'God' is a little far-fetched, but since I know a lot of A-student religious people, I wouldn't go as far as to generalize the whole of religious people as "morons."

    "God is just an altruistic humanitarian's effort at preventing suicide."

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    • tomga1

      Excuse me sir, with your teachings so wise and your knowledgeable rhymes so "ill", please explain: how the fuck does god prevent suicide?

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      • myownopinions

        I think the bible states that you get sent to hell if you kill yourslef, so in a way, the concept of God has prevented at least a few suicides.
        BTW: I'm female.

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        • noid

          It doesn't state that though. It says not to kill, but does not specify beyond that.

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          • myownopinions

            Thanks, I've never actually read the bible, so that's good to know.

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            • noid

              You're welcome. A lot of people have the idea or belief that you mentioned about suicide and the Bible, but it actually says nothing about what happens to people who kill themselves. Which is a good thing I think.

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        • tomga1


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  • Ono

    'most science is proven by man, so its most likely BS'

    Ah, but can you prove this?

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    • TwistedTurd

      Specified "most", which implies not ALL of it.

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  • TonybigCock

    Not sure the world would be better without religion, religon is just another name for a framework for positive behaviour to overcome tendancys that make us unhappy, tendancies like wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

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    • tomga1

      Not to mention perfectly good consensual sex, moral choices, rational hate and multicultural beliefs.

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  • BluntsRolled

    We all know what happens after death because we've all been dead before, think about what you remember before you were born.... nothing right? Exactly.

    +1 For realists.

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    • tomga1

      I don't know about you, but personally, I sat in the cavity of my mother's pussy for 9 months.

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      • BluntsRolled

        Prior to that? Its nothing-ness, we've ALL experienced death before, in the form of non-existence prior to our birth.

        Think about it.

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        • tomga1

          Before that I was sperm.

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          • Plasma1813

            Actually you would have been half sperm and half egg.

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    • Crudhouse

      Not true about not remembering before being born. I remember being in my mom's womb, and a spirit-like existence before that

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    • Ono

      If you don't remember it, then how can you claim you 'know'?

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  • purpleflower

    Wow, I can honestly say that is very wise. I claimed to be atheist, and I always hated if religious people preached to me. But after a while I realized that it is also really annoying when some atheists act like complete hypocrites and complain about religious people who are open about their beliefs, and then they go and try to make them accept atheistic belief, simply because of a difference of opinion. I think the world would be a better place if when people asked what they think happens after death, they would reply "What's the rush? I'm going to find out someday, and there's no possible way of finding out any sooner, so why spend the time arguing?"

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  • LOVEME100

    god and jesus is real and i love them and i say my preyer ever nite aman:):)

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  • Dot123

    I believe in science not religion, ''God'' is just an idea planted into our minds, like everything else. Our galaxy was not the only one here. Life forms way beyond ours were here before us.

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    • Crudhouse

      Science like nothing can move faster than the speed of light and that the universe will slow down expanding and then revert to the big bang

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      • Dot123

        How can there be so much we dont know that we dont know

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        • Crudhouse

          Actually that was just a little joke. Neutrinos are found to move faster than light, disproving einstein and new data shows the expansion of the universe to be accelerating, which means that there won't be a big bang.

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          • Dot123

            Well aren't you a smart cookie!

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  • com999

    Since I grew up Buddhist, I can relate. In Buddhism there is no god to be worshipped but that doesn't mean that a god doesn't exist. I also don't claim to know what will happen to people when they die since nobody has came back. I don't understand why people want to believe that there is something after anyway. When asked what is the meaning of life the Buddha said that there is no meaning. Also, being a student of science, I don't know why you call science B.S. Science doesn't prove anything and anybody who claims it does is being manipulative. I think the scientific method is a good way of looking at the world though.

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  • blackalica

    i believe religion is nothing but a scapegoat.... weird since I'M an atheist and it's classified as a religion...hmmm.... i just can't believe in a "god" because what god would let this world go to complete bullshit? and let his creation curse his name. also what kind of person would shun someone else religously due to them believing in ra, or zeus, scientology, science, carnal beliefs(satanism), the big pink unicorn or even a spaghetti monster, but still say there slave driving, murdering, lying, flooding the entire world except a drunk carpenter in a boat with over a billion animals with his family, then that god made them inbreed with themselves when they got off, and THATS where rainbows come from!!!! and still say that god is better then anyones!!! WTF!!! wanna talk reality, lets talk reality!!! faith is donkey shit in my eyes since people die everyday for things that can't scientifically be proven. ever since humans thought about the afterlife we've been fighting over it for some damn reason.... Also why can christians pray for there god at school but when a muslim person who believes in the same fuckin god can't pray for in his own way!!! holyshit this world sucks!!! anybody that believes in an all knowing, perfect, poofed out of nowhere deity is retarded!!! USE..... LOGIC!!! i hate to sound like an asshole but for fud sakes your probably wrong.( I'm also open to the case that i might be wrong).

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    • KrunkFu

      i like your answer the best so far, i was talking to a friend earlier and he mentioned that if life started from adam and eve, then god meant for life to continue via incest.. so technically every religious nut out there should have no problem screwing his sister.. lol

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  • Dmetal

    Agnostics have no balls. I don't need science to tell me that the bible is a load of crap. There seems to be a lot of agnostics and moderate christians who call atheists intolerant and accuse us of being equally dogmatic as christians, but last I checked there weren't any laws in place that made certain personal activities illegal. There's no prayer in schools, but they can pray elsewhere with no problem.

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    • tomga1

      You just put a law on prayer in schools.

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  • hemper

    It's normal, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing. The human mind needs a belief system, or else we would not be able to psychologically function.

    Also most morals in the world are imposed by religion. Unless you are the biggest and baddest person in the world I would thank religion for giving us morals to follow or else the world would fall into chaos and be ruled by the finest and fittest.

    it is actually quite ignorant to think of religious people as morons as most of the time (of course there are many many exceptions) they are the ones who hold these morals down so that the rest of society can follow.

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    • Iamthejuan

      the human mind doesn't need a belief system. We believe because it is in us. Inherant morailty is evidence of God; it does not arise from religion as you say. You could look at native groups from around the world that have entirely different beliefs and yet still have the same concepts of morality. We are programmed from birth, and our dna is more complex than any encyclopedia, and all of this only arises from intelligence. Which is why Darwinism is fading more and more (go read).

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  • DolphinAngel

    Being an atheist I don't claim knowing what happens after death and I don't claim knowing if there's a god because that's stupid... nobody actually knows if there's a god...

    So those points make me an agnostic atheist and I think everything else is stupid =P

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    • hemper

      if you are agnostic than what is the point to even be atheist? for all you know there could be a god since you are agnostic...

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      • KrunkFu

        an agnositc atheist believes there is no good, but admits there is a chance he is wrong. unlike other atheists who say I KNOW EVERYTHING.

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      • DolphinAngel

        It's somehow not really plausible!

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  • YngPoly

    The universe is governed by laws, most of what we have are theories about how and why things work the way they do. This is why in science there is a difference between laws and theories, man made global warming is a theory, evolution is a theory, gravity is a law of nature.
    @tehboss not only do I know what socialism is I have read everything written by (not about) socialists, that I could get my hands on. What makes me the judge is my own mind. I cannot know what you know nor do I try. Instead I use the laws of reason to judge what is put before me. "judge and be judged". What are good ideologies? Capitalism (I am not referring to what people call capitalism. My proven ideology would in fact not bring about war if it were adopted "no man (or group of men) may initiate force against another.
    @hemper wow that was good for a laugh. The world is or is becoming more capitalist? Can I live in whatever universe you are living in? Mises does not rule yet. Take for example These (not the) United States, every year it becomes more socialist. Regardless of if republicans or democrats are incharge.

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  • PumpkinKate

    Logic is a bit lacking here... atheists, by their very definition, do not believe in god(s). What does this have to do with claiming to know what happens after death?

    I often find that those who love to throw around inflammatory terms are usually the ones that their insults apply to most aptly.

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    • KrunkFu

      saying there is no god, is just like saying they know what happens after death. as unlikely as "god" is, its possible.

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      • PumpkinKate

        I mean, imagine if this line of thinking were true "saying there is no god is just like saying you know what happens after death" <-- IF that logic is sound, this is how your average day at school would go:

        "Timmy, what year was the Louisiana Purchase made?"
        "Ms. Smith, I can tell it damn well wasn't the year 1400 B.C.!!"
        "Well, it wasn't! You obviously know the correct answer then, so good job! You get an A!"

        "Timmy, does 2 + 2 = 5?"
        "What?? Of course not, that's silly."
        "I'm sorry Timmy, but this means that you believe that 2 + 2 = 284, which is not correct. You get an F."

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        • KrunkFu

          if atheists believe there is a chance god is real then, they are agnostic.. you are right on 1 case, atheists believe gods dont exist, and a real atheist "knows" it. AGNOSTICS believe there is a chance god is real and isnt real.

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      • PumpkinKate

        How is it like saying they know what happens after death? Saying "I know what happens after death" is like saying they know what happens after death, not "I don't believe in God". It's very self centered to assume that because your religion believes in an afterlife, ALL religion does, and anything NOT religious claims omniscience over what happens after death because of it. The two things are not related.

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  • Chris_11945

    Haha, maybe your points would be a little more valid if you didn't flood them with generalizations. Besides, religions such as Christianity and Islam are centered around faith and hope. If you can be so facetious as to say people don't have a right to these basic human rights you're idiotic yourself. What's humanity without hope?

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    • KrunkFu

      i'm an agnostic that HOPES life is a fairy tale like the christians say it is, but i also have a brain and realize it sounds EXTREMELY stupid. you clearly dont know what hope means if you think its all about believing in god/bible.

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  • partofeveryone

    Sqyidward:'Everyone is an idiot except for me!'

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  • Glass

    Being an atheist doesn't say that you know what happens after death, it's just the lacking of belief in any religion.

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  • YngPoly

    Your Epistomology is absurd. Knowledge is unknowable because humans know it. Science is science and is governed by the laws of the universe. This does not mean that data is not manipulated (global warming is an example). As far as religion and war goes religion is often an excuse to go to war not the reason. In particular the crusades were initiated by the Muslims and islam unlike Christianity is a religion of war. I say this as an atheist. The world would be a better place without certain ideologies islam Christianity and socialism among them.

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    • PumpkinKate

      rofl, chunk "socialism" in there at the end xD

      I wish when people made idle "I bet that..." wagers, the money would actually come through, because I bet that this guy doesn't know what socialism is.

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    • Tehboss

      lol? Science is governed by theories not the laws of nature.
      What are supposed to be the good ideologies? and what makes you a judge of what is correct? Prove that given the opportunity your preferred ideologies they would not bring about war and destruction?

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    • tomga1

      You are actually a fucking moron. Say god is my dick and the world worships my cock. And puts a little Pope hat on it. Does that make it the reason?

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    • hemper

      Yet the world would never develop without those same ideologies. Think of it as survival of the finest and fittest idea. The reason most of the world is (or is becoming) capitalist is because the idea is the best we got so far to preserve human existence. But how can we know that it works the best if we did not try the other ideas out? just like you can't prove gravity exists without trying to defy it and prove it wrong. if these "certain ideologies" didn't exist the human species would not be able to learn that those were the "wrong" way to do things. Ideas like species evolve to adapt and like all species the finest and the fittest idea will survive.

      So to get back to the point, the world would not be a better place it would be a more naive place if those ideas don't exist. Read into the dialectical thinking of Hegel it's quite interesting, at least to me xD

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      • Iamthejuan

        You didn't even specify which belief set you were referring to.

        If religion was the trial and error to get us to evolution (which is what it seems you are saying) then why is evolution only losing it's foothold in the scientific community. Why does it still have so many flaws? Why are there still so many people who devote their lives to prayer and seeking after our creator? No my friend, the trial and error is coming now as more and more scientists begin to acknowledge the futility of trying to use science to prove that ANYTHING happened just not God.

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