Is it normal that i think spiders are cute?
ok, so, first off, i honestly dont know why everyone hates and/or is afraid of spiders. spiders are NOT scary. i personally think spiders are cute. ive loved spiders since a child. i love the way they are shaped and the cool webs they make. black widows are my favorite spiders, i love the red hourglass and they make the COOLEST webs. also their venom FACINATES me. the fact that its so deadly and poisonus is just...WOW. i would never want a spider as a pet because i feel that is not fair to them and they need to be free. i am sure they dont want to spend their whole lives cooped up in a cage. and why the hell do people kill spiders? would you like it if god can to earth and smashed YOU? i would hope not. spiders are misunderstood creatures. if you see one, put it outside, dont kill it because i am sure it does not want to die. thank you. :)