Is it normal that i think that psychology is a scam?

Psychology is a science, I won't deny that. However, so far it is so incomplete (mostly because there are ethical limitations regarding experiments), that therapy is without a doubt a waste of money and time.

Most of the theories that psychologist use haven't been proven. Psychological researchs rely mostly on statistics, which can at best show a correlation between variables, but never the true cause or effect of a situation. Scientifically, psychologist can't determine the causes of most disorders. Also, most of the techniques during therapy haven't been proven as well.

Psychology is equal to gambling. You pay someone to fix a problem that they might or might not help you with in the end. In fact, the patients can actually get worse after each session.

And well... does someone feels the same? or is it only me?

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42% Normal
Based on 55 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 51 )
  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Psychology is a new science compared to all the others. For instance medical practice once involved an examiner staring at a bottle of piss to determine pregnancy or illness. I think psychology is simply in the staring-at-piss stage and some day psychologists will be able to pour that mental piss on a stick to figure out exactly what is wrong with our brains.

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    • I agree

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  • Some of it is crap but some treatments work for some people. I've been to several psych clinics and I find a lot of their services to be useless but not all of it. Its true it is not an exact science. I have some neurological problems and no therapy is going to change that. I'm not trying to be pessistmestic but it does cause me a financial burden because I always seem to be accidently breaking things or getting in some sort of money troubles. I've been fired from several jobs for creating work related accidents. Even last week I got a job and I already destroyed the company vechile and owe them $800 now I have to pay off. It seems to me every job I've had costs me more than I make.

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  • lolol555

    Your emotional intelligence must be near rock bottom.

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  • baronroderick

    Do you know that psychology isn't medicine, right? Do you know it's a human science, not a biological one like neurology or psychiatry? And do you know that it's much easier to graduate in psychology in a crappy college than to become a doctor in psychiatry? I'm brother and son of mental disordered people and I know in my own skin that psychology is at the best hypothesis a therapy which complements the medicinal care.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't disagree with you at all.

    The Neurological Aspect of Psychology, that grey area on the Venn Diagram where Psychology and Neurology intersect, that isn't bullshit. Neurology can be tested and proven, you can test and figure with chemicals will do what to your brain. Psychology and Neurology overlap wildly.

    Then you have the theoretical and experimental Psychology as well as behavioral Psychology, all of which are as relevant and reliable as the culture being studied, the person doing the statistical analysis and the person doing the studies. While I won't deny that there is some scientific form and measure to their findings, quite a bit of it is still theoretical in a soft form.

    But that's what Psychology is, it's a soft science. It's still based on data, research and principles, but it is not hardcore fact as Mathematics, Biology or Physics is, where when there is a rule, unlike in Psychology, there is no exception. Whereas in Psychology, X is usually Y but sometimes it's Z and other times it can be B but it's usually Y, in other sciences, X is Y and if it is not, then it is not even X. The laws of Gravity always apply, the laws of Physics don't change depending on the circumstances.

    It is the way it is because it is a soft science. When our technology develops to a degree where Psychology and Neurology are practically applied in the same manner and degree as Psychology is, then we won't be having this discussion. Children being diagnosed with ADHD will not be diagnosed based on pure observation, people with depression won't have to cycle meds to get the "right one", a Neurological scan will produce the necessary data.

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    • ^This

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    Your cynical view of therapy speaks volumes about you. And it's too bad that others' uninformed opinions have reinforced your cynicism. I hope for your sake that someday you can raise your level of honesty and do some serious introspection.

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    • adrianhansen1212

      He will soon grow up... let's wait. He will soon understand what is he really talking about.

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    • Well, I guess being realistic can be seen as cynical by some.

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      • DADNSCAL

        Without wanting to sound critical, because thats the last thing you need, that's part of your self-deception. People in denial are convinced that only they know the truth.

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        • I don't know what is so cynical in my argument. I recognize psychology is a science... in fact, I encourage people to study it (because they need more research). I just say that right now, in the present, it is not advanced enough to explain the causes of human behavior efficiently or provide therapy. That day will certainly come someday... but today, I just find most psychologists do the same kind of scam psychics do.

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  • adrianhansen1212

    Everything is science.

    If a theory is proven, it is not anymore recongnize as theory.

    Everything is not precise, so do psychological field. But that doesn't mean that it is a scam or nonsense.

    Behavioral science is so critical, it is so hard to understand that's why they are engaging in some surveys for feasible purposes but they don't just rely on surveys and in fact they made some remedies that psychologist and psychiatrist made. It is not just about the medicine, it should be combined with therapies.

    Therapies help patients to determine their problem and to change their disoriented views. And it takes time, and the problem is those people who is unpatient.

    It is illogical to conclude that a thing is a scam just because you don't completely understand it.

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    • adrianhansen1212

      It is normal to be 'over' skeptical.

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    • It is a scam because psychologists make promises they can't make. You pay for a "product" that wasn't even tested properly.

      Honestly, there isn't much difference between psychologists and "psychics"; they both use techniques that haven't been proven and rely mostly on their empirical knowledge of the human behavior.

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      • Gumball

        Say it isn't. There is a big difference. Psychologists practice Science. Whether discrete or indiscrete. It's still Science.

        Psychics on the other hand dabble in Pseudo-Science. All the fallacies come to life.

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      • adrianhansen1212

        Because it takes time. It is not just like *snap* then voila you're cured. No, it is just not like that.

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        • I know how it really is... you have a problem, so you go to a psychologist to solve it... the "professional" analizes you and then decides what kind of "therapy" is the best.

          Times goes by. You might or might not be "cured"... in fact, you might get worse (it happens a lot FYI). Afterwards, the only sure thing is that the psychologist is now a little richer. And all that just because psychology is overhyped.

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          • adrianhansen1212

            It is not about getting cured, Peter Pan. It is the 'treatment' what psychologists and pshychiatrists do, not the curing.

            Why there are cases that's worsen? It is because mental disorders are 'progressive' and it is meant to be treated by medications and theraphies which others stopped taking - that's one reason.

            Yes, there are people that can control themselves but that makes it a whole.

            I think you thought of all thing as a scam.

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            • Of course it is about getting cured. Why else would people pay them? If you go to any other kind of doctor, you expect to get better afterwards.

              You know why people sometimes get worse? Because psychologists just can't handle all kinds of people. They give these untested treatments that don't work for a high enough percentage of people.

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      • adrianhansen1212

        HAHAHAHAHA.... Now I know how old are you. That explains it all.

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  • jimrichy

    It's so obvious which country you live in.

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    • I am pretty sure you haven't even heard about it :D

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Yes I agree with this. You are not the only a lot of people think this. Psychology is a type of social science. certain stuff can be drawn from simple observations.

        Though the medicines and diseases they have been making up are not credible in any way. Its like they one day thought up a story and say "Hey we have pills for it"! Telling a child "boogeymen will eat you if you don't clean your room" is the same type of nonsense they pull. Making us fear it does not make it true.

        People need to start educating themselves instead of letting everyone else spoon feed them whatever bull shit they want. Money does not make you right and lack or research does not make you credible. Psychological teniques are used to interrogate criminals and win battles in court. So you cant say its not a real thing. However the people in fields dealing with it like Psychologist do not seem to give two shits about the patients they care for. Just how fat there paycheck gets.

        A child does not need endless experimentation done to them from the age of 6 for something so petty as “They don’t pay attention in school”. Yeah little kids wont pay attention. It is up to the school and parents to teach them discipline.

        Shoving a pill down their throats is not doing anything. It just means that parent is to lazy to get off their fatasses and play with their kids who is obviously not getting enough exercise or attention.

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        • "Psychological teniques are used to interrogate criminals and win battles in court. So you cant say its not a real thing."

          Precisely, they are using techniques that aren't proved to harrass and convict people that might be innocent. Did you know that under pressure people confess crimes that they never even do? These people are just insane...

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          • RomeoDeMontague

            That was not my point.
            Definition of PSYCHOLOGY
            1: the science of mind and behavior.

            You can predict how people react and interact. You can use this knowledge to manipulate them. That is what Psychology really is.

            The pharmaceuticals have abused it to say that normal human behaviour is abnormal. Saying that "If you scrape your knee and cry" you must have a mental illness. Though if you think about it if children falls down and hurts themselves do they not cry? Should they be punished for this? Is crying from a injury not normal for a child?

            Yes if someone is suicidal,cutting,ready to blow up the school WE NEED TO STOP THEM. Simply saying you are ill for being sad your grandfather died is untrue. So we have to draw the line somewhere.

            Should we not be allowed to feel anything at all anymore? You are saying using psychology to manipulate people makes it fake. Which is a untrue.

            Some of these disorders they make up seem to be fabricated out of thin air. They did not seem to check if it was possibly created by something else. They have no psychical evidence and some of this stuff just seems like normal behavior. Yet is some how labeled as abnormal since people find it unpleasant. Like saying your head hurts and assuming automatically that its cancer. That seems like a huge overreaction.

            I can name a few obvious tricks.

            1. Tell someone they did something and add something they did not do. So if they (Shaved the cat) and they lie say "Well I heard you shaved the cat and took cookies from the jar" They will admit often times to "Shaving the cat".

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            • About:
              "You can predict how people react and interact. You can use this knowledge to manipulate them. That is what Psychology really is."

              No, psychology isn't precise enough to predict most reactions and it certainly isn't advanced enough to manipulate people in most cases. "Psychics" don't need to study psychology to know just as much about human behavior.

              And about:
              "You are saying using psychology to manipulate people makes it fake."

              No, I say it is fake for the opposite, becuase it claims that it can manipulate people, but it truly can't.

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  • lelouch82

    I think you meant psychiatry, not psychology.

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  • 2_damgud_4

    @ baronroderick .. so technically speaking , as mental illness tends to be biological .. you are possibly nuts also .. lol

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  • Gumball

    It is the Science of the Mind. Do you know how complex the mind is? How far its intricacies intertwine? No. That's exactly why some aspects of Psychology are yet to be proven whilst some have an accredited degree of authenticity gathered from research and scientific outcomes.

    That research takes time. It takes resources. It takes insurmountable knowledge that only innovative technology can provide. We cease to attain that level. This is why we cannot just dismiss its merit in and as Science. If there is a credited theory, it is considered and tested until it yields facts. The core of Science is based on these hypotheses.

    Psychology is still on its start-up state. It is not comparable to the years of groundwork placed on Physics and Medicine. It is under null-hypotheses. It cannot be Science if there is no room to falsify. That's what Psychology is dealing with.

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  • NurseDiesel

    The drapes. He wanted to change the drapes in the psychotic game room. Dr. Ashley felt that color has a great deal to do with the well-being of the emotionally disturbed.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      If you wanna say it baby, say it LOUD!!!

      Loud loud loud loud LOUD LOUD LOUD LOUD!!!!

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  • suckonthis9

    Please do not use -ists or -isms.

    Thank you.

    Please watch out for the hidden -ists.

    Are you a supporter of the 'state'?

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    • adrianhansen1212

      what do you mean?

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      • suckonthis9

        I mean that through your use of -ists and -isms (those suffix endings derived from the Greek istēs and ismos), you have politicized yourself, you have divided yourself from others, and you are contributing to stagnation in your own thought and reasoning processes.

        If you learn to reword these, then you will be better able to resolve these problems, in your own mind, and with others. You could then strive to make positive changes in society, rather than simply and continually griping about these types of issues.

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        • adrianhansen1212

          Is this from some sort of a cult or religion? If it is, it sucks and they are eating you.

          You have irrelevant commentaries so, why don't you go and find your compatible polls.

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          • suckonthis9


            This is not from some 'cult' or 'religion'.

            I am not religious.

            They are not "eating me". Please be more specific as to who "they" are.


            Please see Rule #8.


            This is not "irrelevant". It is real, and it is imperative that we change our path towards the future.

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