Is it normal that i think that social anxiety is good for me?

Of course it's not 100% good and I would like to not have it, but I think my personality would be completely different without it. Now I think before I say or do anything, which is a good thing. More people should do that. I try not to be in the centre of attention and I don't talk much with people. However, when I'm with people who I know well, I become an attention manwhore. I don't think before I talk. I just say whatever comes to my mind and I hate it. I hate it when I'm like that. I think if I wouldn't have social anxiety, I would be like that all the time. I'd like to hear opinion of someone who used to have social anxiety disorder. Has your personality changed?

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42% Normal
Based on 60 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Shrunk

    I get what you mean, and I'm like that too. now I'm on a medication for it, so I don't get anxiety/panic attacks, but i'm still shy/quiet around most people, as I've always been, and I've come to accept it, but I still feel weird around others who don't seem to

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  • Abbeycanfly

    I'm the exact same way-well I was, until all my close friends moved away from me that is. I like your perspective on it. I for one have never been grateful for inheriting it, it slowly ruins your life(or at least relationships with others) Being able to communicate with others certainly is a necessary skill. You don't have to get close with someone, but it'd be nice if people knew you as more than the 'quiet' one. There are more quirks to our personalities than that, and I hate that no one else knows these things.

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  • college

    I understand what you're saying. Social anxiety has made me rethink certain comments myself that I probably wouldn't have if I had been speaking to someone I knew well. However, social anxiety can turn into a disorder, which can seriously destroy your quality of life if left untreated.

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