Is it normal that i think this situation is a test?

Ok, so I separated from my closest friends a long while back. Sure, I grieved alot and I'll never forget them or replace them with new friends. However, I've come to realize that "Hey, maybe this is all just a test to see if our friendship is strong enough to withstand the trials of Seperation and Being Able to Cope without each other being right there with one another". I'm starting to think that if the three of us can past this test, then one day, we'll be together again and that time, we'll be much closer than we ever were and nothing will ever separate us again. If not, well, atleast we'll still always be friends in dreams/thoughts (and we'll reunite in death if nothing else). When I think of it like this, it gives me all the hope in the world for the possibility of a reunion between my friends and I. It's kinda funny, you know? Back before I came to this revelation, I was very sad and I had little hope. I believed that there was little chance of ever seeing them again but now, there's a lot bigger likability of it happening. It's like a huge weight has been removed from my shoulders and the thunder cloud above my head has finally disappeared (You know, that whole "Down under the weather" kind of thing). I feel enlightened to a degree. Maybe I never lost them to begin with like I previously thought and after this is over (if we meet again), it'll become a bittersweet memory in due time.

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53% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Naughty_rascal

    Its not a test. Life is like this. People drift in, People drift out. It's not important. Experience and interact with the wonderful cast of characters that life will deliver up for you. All is transient. Live 'with' it.

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  • green_boogers

    Sort of. It's a test in letting go.

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  • halfemptyhalffull

    who is conducting this test?
    and why?

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  • Johnnytherat

    Im betting your either gay lez or massively friendzoned. hahahahahahaha get over it

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