Is it normal that i think we should legalize cloning?

I think that cloning would not only be a major scientific breakthrough, but it would also be a great legacy to leave behind. What's more is that people could have kids through cloning so IVF, IUI, and ICI wouldn't be the only options. With cloning we could also probably reduce the number of genetic anolmalities and disorders found in embryos therefore increasing the chances of healthy babies. We could dive deep into Genetic Engineering and create perfectly healthy, viable children. Yeah, they'd be designer babies but think about it: People would be able to have that blond haired, blue-eyed son they've always wanted or that long-awaited red haired, green-eyed daughter after having 2, 3, or 4 (Or more) sons. I know it's fooling with Mother Nature but Mankind has been meddling in Nature's affairs eversince we became Inventors and Scientists. People would argue that you should take what you're given and it's not "Natural" to accept something else. Again, most of the things we have and do isn't natural therefore it's kind of invalid (Unless you count Sex, Breathing, Eating, etc. Those are natural). I don't know about you, but I'm wanting those major advancements in our technology. After we're done creating near-perfect children on a everyday basis, we can go on to making space colonies and creating safe time travel. We could also built cool, high-tech Cities like you see in the Jetsons or Futurama. It'd be great. Don't you agree?

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36% Normal
Based on 69 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Either my phone didn't post my comment...or I got deleted. BAAAALLS. I even had something fairly insightful to day.

    Just curious, but did you get a comment from me, OP? I wrote one, but don't know if you received it.

    Either way, here is a second helping of Anthian goodness.

    Alright. I am going to school to become a genetic engineer, and even I don't think we should legalize cloning. Correct me if I am wrong, but clones are generally unhealthier than the original version for some reason.

    I think having the perfect "designer child" is a waste of scientific brainpower and funding. Genetic engineering is very promising when it comes to correcting genetic defects in children, where their quality of life would have been severely compromised if the defect was expressed. But having the option to manipulate your child's physicality for shits and giggles is ridiculous. You have to be a vain SOB to do that.

    Anyways! I think legalizing human clones is more trouble than it is worth. Imagine the opportunities for kidnappings, cheating, black-market and fake research centers offering to clone children (but failing and resulting in horrible defects), the class friction (cloning will obviously be costly), and jeeze. I should go do my A&P homework.

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  • We have enough people living on Earth right now, if cloning was legal, everyone would atleast get 1 clone, that would double or tripple the world population or worse. What if your clone pretends to be you and bangs your wife? What if your clone commits a crime? It could of been any of his 10 clones who did it. He could just create a clone and send it to jail pretending that clone did it.

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    • Sog

      I don't think you understand how cloning works.

      We're talking about giving birth to a baby that is genetically identical to you, not forming an exact copy of yourself as you exist the day that the clone is made.

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  • handsignals

    So we can fuck our clones...right?

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    • disthing

      As long as you let them grow up a bit first.

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  • Avant-Garde

    God fucking damnation!!!! Are you the same guy who dreams to genetically engineer microbes to float up in Venus' atmosphere so, they can terraform the planet? You desire these things for all of the wrong reasons. It's disturbing. It goes against nature and in return will destroy it. Nothing beneficial can come from cloning/genetic engineering. In the us, Clone meat is allowed to be sold without labelling. Chances are you've already partaken of such abominations.

    Ever heard of Plum Island or Dulse and the disturbing genetic experiments/kidnappings that go on over there? If you haven't already, I highly suggest that you read "A Brave New World" by Adolus Huxley and watch the film "Splice", both of which touch on these subjects.

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  • CozmoWank

    The world is bad enough with just one Bieber. Do we really need another?

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  • dom180

    I can't any practical application of human cloning which I can get behind, but I support scientists being allowed to do it because I'm against gagging science on principle.

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  • There's no reason to clone humans. There are enough already.
    What we should be cloning is endangered species.

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  • Shackleford96

    There are so many things wrong with this. I don't even know where to begin. You pretty much discredited yourself there at the end too.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Yeah, just what the fucking world needs; clones of Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, Ted Bundy (boy that would really make that Bundy loving freak on here happy), Andrew Philip Kehoe, Idi Amin Dada and Adam Lanza, just to name a very few.
    Some idiot would clone Jesus if he could. No, better the dead stay dead.

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    • Wolverine99

      that's really funny cunt. the jokes on you though. i've been cloning someone i'm sure you know for decades over in china and filming porno.

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  • Tommythecat.

    It would be a disaster and a pointless one at that.

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  • Darkoil

    What a fucking retard, half of this doesn't even make sense.

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  • Naughty_rascal

    Brave New World?
    Read it.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Damn, you beat me to it!

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  • k2n

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when it comes to cloning, I can only see endless streams of issues when it comes to morality in particular.

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  • okmissdonald

    Cloning human organs would be beneficial

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  • flatusfairy

    As long as we don;t allow stupid and ugly people to clone- I have no problem with it. We already clone.

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  • Lex.Mercatoria

    The municipal corporations acting as governments do not have the authority to decree people must not clone each other.

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  • disthing

    Interesting idea but I don't really see the benefit.

    It'd be far better to continue researching genetic modification so we can remove as many serious defects from our DNA as possible without having to stifle diversity through a process such as cloning.

    Reproduction leads to natural evolution through cumulative adaptation, cloning creates the same person twice. What makes that clone anything but redundant? Unless you're trying to build an army, or produce slaves...

    "After we're done creating near-perfect children on a everyday basis, we can go on to making space colonies and creating safe time travel."
    Well you just made yourself sound pretty stupid.

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    Cloning does not equal better genetics. You know the banannas you buy at the store are going extinct? Because they're all clones and havent adapted to the changing world, its happened before too.

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  • Sog

    I don't think cloning is that big of a deal.

    It's basically no different than having an identical twin. We can all agree that two twins are different people, who each have different likes and dislikes, and learn about the world in a different way. The same would be true for your clone.

    Also, a natural offspring can often take on more physical traits of one parent rather than the other. Cloning simply guarantees that the offspring will take on ALL of the traits of one parent, rather than be a random blending of the two. Just by random chance you might naturally give birth to something that is not far off from a clone.

    I can see an ethical argument to be made of you making a clone of yourself, that you raise. DEFINITELY NOT making clones of other people though.

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  • Gspyder

    You can get "test tube" babies or surrogate mothers for basically the same reasons you say it should be legalized. If it were a clone, you would be raising a child version of yourself. Also at their current state (animal) clones tend to have health issues.

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  • Hamartia

    Cloning is legal. For certain organisms.

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  • Riddler

    Did they ever illegalize it?

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    • Couman

      Depends on who "they" is. Human cloning is illegal in several countries and states. But by no means all of them.

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      • Riddler

        Oh alright. Since I know that factories and labs clone and genetically alter a lot of animals we eat or they test on. So I am not sure how its possible to outlaw it when its part of the food supply. In fact sometimes they will pick one apple which they believe is a perfect looking apple and just clone a bunch of them. They do this with a lot of food. Its much cheaper this way too. Naturally grown apples cost so much more.

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