Is it normal that i think women are mentally deficient?

I think women are simple-minded, petty, histrionic, irrational, emotionally confused, over-sensitive, predictable, and struggle with innate but bizarre and nearly incomprehensible vulnerability issues that make them act like frightened jack rabbits with a brain-eating virus.

I think things were better when they just stayed at home and did whatever men told them to do. I think women's liberation was a joke. You are only free if you liberate yourself, not if you whine and complain until your master frees you.

If men collectively decided that they wanted women to be subservient to them again, it would be so, because men are determined, domineering, predatory, desperate, driven by primal urges, honest, arrogant, quick-thinking, and otherwise have all of the qualities necessary to completely dominate pathetic creatures like women. If men wanted women to be their slaves, it would be done. Women have no freedom, just a long leash.

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 139 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 137 )
  • Zevichan

    So basically, you just got dumped. Got it.

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    • Nope. Never been in a relationship.

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      • dom180

        I really couldn't have guessed.


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      • RoseIsabella

        Big surprise.

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      • STFU23

        see u lie.!!!! what was that other post about your husband then huh? that he doesn't have sex with you anymore..

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      • why?

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        • Because I have no desire to be.

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  • moonstruck

    i just read that first sentence and came to the conclusion that you are mentally deficient.

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    • Is that all you could think of?

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      • FocoUS

        I read the first sentence and concluded that you are a buttface.

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        • What's that? Did you say "I cannot make a rational argument, so I'll just insult you?" That's what it sounded like to me.

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      • bananaface

        Well more people seem to agree with him than you:/

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        • Predictable. Most people are stupid, and cannot formulate coherent thoughts when they are provoked. They will agree with any statement that is compatible with their opinion, no matter how pointless it is.

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          • PumpkinKate

            Tryhard troll tries so hard, but never gets very far.

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            • Are you kidding? My last two stories both have over 100 comments, and people have been infuriated, resorting to profanity-laden insults. I am the SUPREME BEING!

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          • dom180

            "They will agree with any statement that is compatible with their opinion"

            If it is compatible with their opinion, they are obviously going to up-vote it. That is the point. If something is compatible with your opinion, you agree with it. That is what agreement means >_>

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            • Is it any surprise that stupid people agree with other stupid people, even, or especially when they have made a stupid statement?

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  • SuperBenzid

    I find women to be very similar to men except that they have different physical bodies and upbringing. I think if society raised boys and girls the same they would grow up to be adults with nearly identical behaviors.

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    • Well that is simply wrong cuz men and women are very different from each other and the puberty is a huge part of that difference (testosteron and estrogen)

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    • They wouldn't.

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  • Alkibiades

    That's an interesting editorial. How does it square with the fact that women do better in college than do men? What you perceive as "irrationality" in women is an expression of the important place feelings and emotions have in women's lives. Men tend to act more like wind-up robots and have difficulty in an affective atmosphere. They are sadly alienated from their own feelings. If you have such distaste for women, even lack of respect, you might consider dating members of your own sex, with whom you may be much more comfortable. The challenge in life, sonny, is to bridge the gap and relate to folks who are different than we ourselves are. And these days, many are not up to the task.

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    • " Men tend to act more like wind-up robots and have difficulty in an affective atmosphere. They are sadly alienated from their own feelings."

      They are clear-headed and realistic. That is what you meant to say.

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      • Alkibiades

        Nope, thanks for letting me know what I "meant." What I meant is that men are out of touch with feelings and emotions. If you doubt that you can consult any reliable counselor or therapist.

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        • That is why men are superior. Only animals are ruled by emotions.

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          • Yes you finally got it! You are an animal and are partly ruled by your feelings no matter what kind(hate, love etc.)!

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      • bananaface

        I'm pretty sure she wrote what she intended to say, just because you disagree, doesn't make her wrong.

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        • I am always right.

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          • bananaface

            Wow, you're arrogant. It's pointless having a discussion with people like you, because you are never willing to develop your thoughts; since you're "always right".

            good luck with your close minded life.

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            • I know I am arrogant. That does not mean that I am not always right.

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  • Secretlysafe

    You have mommy issues....and I'm sure you've never been laid!

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  • moomus

    I'd make the op a sandwich. He wouldn't like the filling tho....

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  • dappled

    If you judge women according to men's idea of what intelligence is, they will be found lacking.

    If you judge men according to women's idea of what intelligence is, they will be found lacking.

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    • I judge all according to their deeds.

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      • dappled

        But even you can't deny that this is filtered because of your gender.

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        • Sure.

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  • Doesn't anyone get it? HE'S GAY!!!!!!!

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    • I'm completely devoid of sexual desires of any kind, actually. Always have been.

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      • chewy

        Damn i never get 132 comments on my stories im jealous can you tell me ways i can get 132 comments or more in my stories?

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  • Swayh

    I believe where women are inferior, they are given other qualities to make up for that. Of course a man can overpower a woman because PHYSICALLY a woman is inferior, that's just a fact (of course there are exceptions).

    In return I believe they're given stronger emotions to drive them forward in life instead of brute force. Emotions allow you to be thoughtful and considerate of others,which are both lovely qualities in a person.. being narrow minded, arrogant and judgemental are all negative qualities that you seem to possess.

    I hope one day you'll open your heart and your mind and realise that everyone deserves to be equal ..

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    • Physical strength has not mattered since the stone age. That has nothing to do with anything. A woman can wield a sword or a gun as well as a man. The problem lies within their fragile minds.

      Emotions are the opposite of reason. My "negative qualities" are survival advantages.

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  • OCDC

    Most of the women I know, including myself, are the exact opposite to how you've described them.

    The women who act like the extreme examples you have given are annoying, but then again, so are the men who are 'domineering', 'predatory', 'desperate' and 'arrogant'.

    Maybe you just feel sad because all the intelligent and independent women don't want you? :') Boo for you!

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    • But such men are successful.

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      • OCDC

        Not always!

        Most who fit into that group have their heads so far up their own arses, that they overestimate their own skill and lose out to those who are actually capable of doing the job correctly.

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        • Other men.

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          • OCDC

            And women.

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  • Ono

    Only a very weak and small man would actually believe this shit.

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  • Darkoil

    Hahaha your reasoning is floored, as soon as a girl takes her pants off i literally will do anything for her, so technically i am the slave.

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  • DannyKanes

    I bet this is the same person who doesn't like smoking.

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    • No. It is quite a coincidence that two stories with the word "mentally" would occur almost simultaneously, however. Can't say I have much of an opinion about smoking either way.

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      • OK I lied, it is me.

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        • dappled


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  • go for a man then if they are smarter, have fun

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    • I hate men even more.

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      • lostgirl62

        Then why aren't u complaining about men? And I know this is a troll, but still, ur a rude stupid lowlife asshole!!! :P Sorry for being so harsh, but that's the truth!!! :D

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      • DudeUrFuglyXox

        wow you're just such a pleasant human being, you hate women and you hate men even more, seems like you're just gona live and die miserable :) HAVE FUN WITH THAT!! hahaha

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        • I will.

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      • you're funny :)

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  • doomiedoom

    damn, I'd hate to date you. Hell who would want to date that? I guess you're planning on spending the rest of your life alone??

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    • Bingo.

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  • amigoing

    I think I love you OP. Come here so I can give you a big sloppy, wet, emotional girl kiss! :D

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute, I remember when I had my first beer!

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  • WinstonTasteGood

    You say "If men collectively decided that they wanted women to be subservient to them again, it would be so".

    Doesn't make much sense to me. Women hold the key to propagation of the species. If they refuse to copulate with men, the human race is done. And unless you rape, women call the shots. So be nice and treat your women well.

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    • Rape is what I was talking about. When a man wants to rape a woman, there isn't much she can do about it.

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      • Miss_Anthrope

        Lorena Bobbitt says otherwise.

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  • Dad

    I didn't know that people in middle eastern countries could post here.

    Anyway, I'd prefer only commenting on modern society understandings.
    If anything I feel that one day in the distant future women won't need men at all, pretty sure the original poster will be the first to be sacrificed.

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    • Women lack the mental qualities needed to wield any kind of power. There have been a few exceptions in history, of course, but in general, this cannot be denied.

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      • Dad

        You weren't breast fed when you were a baby hey?
        You know that breast milk is powerful stuff, it gives us the initial nutrients to fight off diseases.
        Damn, are women just the source of all power in our life?

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        • We should hook them up to milking machines. That would be fucking awesome.

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          • Dad

            They already do it out of the love of their heart.
            Imagine that. Wow women also give birth to you.
            They are without doubt highly respected by all of us.

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            • Like it's so hard to nail your boyfriend without a condom.

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  • Avant-Garde

    What is this, the 40's?!
    Feminists Unite!

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    • And do what? Complain? File law suits using the legal systems created by men?

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  • Forever a virgin

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  • Snowmine

    This is every Troll's wet dream. A stream of angry, sometimes incoherent arguments riddled with petty insults to the OP's sexual life and mental health.

    I say, good job kind Sir. You have bested even the calmest of internet foes. Now go forth and return to your /b/rethren to celebrate!

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  • joybird

    I believe the OP is ItDuz and he only has this opinion coz he is so young and most of his experiences are with young immature girlies that want to live on their roller-coaster of emotions.

    However, once a female 'grows up' that ridiculous roller-coaster comes to a complete standstill and females become the most single-minded and determined beings he's ever likely to meet.

    My mother often bemoans her sons as being ineffective and useless whereas every one of her 3 daughters could move mountains - allowing nothing and no-one to stand in their way! My brothers hide behind their wives, allowing / asking them to make all the decisions for them :o( Spineless b@stards!

    I'd like an example of how he personally is superior to females.

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  • PumpkinKate

    Wow, tryhard troll is trolling hard and getting fed. What a cock-fiend.

    Also, anonymous story-troll, you're REALLY angry at yourself. Figure out why, grow a spine, and deal with yourself like a man. Only pathetic whiny women would cry online and blame things not related to their real problem.

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    • So, you agree that women are pathetic?

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      • WinstonTasteGood

        I'll speak up and say you're the pathetic one.

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        • "NOOO! YUUUR STUUPID!"


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      • PumpkinKate

        Just you, my Troll. Just you.

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        • PumpkinKate

          OMNOMNOM you're too easy.

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        • At least I'm a man.

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  • Shrunk

    Well you didn't have to be so harsh but it's a fact that a woman's thought-process is typically run by emotion which may be perceived as ''deficient'', but it can be complementary to man's. it's just how things work and would be nice if more accepted this... i'm guessing you are the type who has been affected by mysandry/feminist. not all women are rude, overbearing, thoughtless, shallow etc, even if most seem to be

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    • I officially like you.

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    • lostgirl62

      Its more often that men are rude, overbearing, thoughtless, shallow etc. Women can love more which is why there are more men who are murderers than women, there would probably be a LOT less war too if the whole world was only women and no men

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    good luck with life because you'll end up no where, women make up more than half the earth so go fuck yourself :) men are mostly the ones who cause war and a million other things like that and anyway gender doesn't really matter people are all the same on the inside all it means is that you have a dick or a vag on the outside.

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    • They make up half the earth, but yet, they've allowed themselves to be practically enslaved in nearly every culture throughout all of human history. Kinda tels you something.

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  • MeAsIAm

    I laughed when I read this. I have the same issue as you, but I believe that men are inferior to women. Women are able to cleverly manipulate a man to such a degree he does not even realize. While men just let their mouth hang open at any attractive woman that walks by. As you said, some women are a bit too over-emotional, but that's because they've been watching too many shows that show that sub servant nature they feel so kindred to. To those women I feel no relation to, they are at the same level as men in my eyes.

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    • Spoken like someone whose concept of human behavior comes solely from 90's sitcoms.

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  • me999

    Okaaay bitch, think about that next time you talk to your mom. Tell her of your opinion on women, you about to get your ass whooped fo'shoo

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    • A woman is going to kick my ass? Instead of calmly trying to reason with me? What a surprise.

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      • Miss_Anthrope

        You can only reason with a rational, intelligent and informed person. I don't see that here, so maybe the ass-kicking (in any form) might be in order.

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  • Aleks85

    you guys and girls are getting trolled.

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  • Miss_Anthrope

    No, it's not normal. You're the one with the problem.

    Here's a mirror, have a look. You'll see all the things you've just ascribed to women. Enjoy.

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    • Yet another pointless statement that will not serve as a rebuttal.

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      • Miss_Anthrope

        Short and sweet since all you have been doing is spewing UNSUPPORTED and OVERT sexism and prejudice. You get as good as you give, and you give and contribute NOTHING. Ta.

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        • I'll admit, this particular troll of mine was rather haphazard.

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  • JuliusE

    I agree mostly, except with the last sentence. Modern, weak, cowardly, effeminate, ignorant men brought this on. It is OUR fault we live in such a disgustingly backward society. If our grandparents, great grandparents, etc. were the men they were supposed to be, we wouldn't be in this mess.

    Sadly, our culture is producing grossly effeminate men who have only the degenerated, outward appearance of true masculinity (and many don't even have THAT). We can't help out genetics and hormones (at least for now...until they start messing with those in the name of diversity and equality of the multiple "genders") so men, meaning guys with dicks, still act in typically male ways much of the time, but the culturally repressive and degenerate environment is poisoning and stunting truly masculine maturity. Basically, there aren't enough real men left to right things unless we centrally planned & carried out some kind of a revolution (cultural and likely political given the level of dedication to the "value" of egalitarianism) in a specific defined geographic area.

    So yeah, we're fucked and doomed to continued devolution unless either the above mentioned happens or some kind of big catastrophe destroys modern "civilization," the current establishment elite, and sets humanity back a couple hundred years.

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    • You just may be the most brilliant person on IIN.

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  • disthing

    Same person who posted that they think smokers are mentally inferior?

    You on a troll spree! Jog on, biatch.

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    • I am the troll of trolls... the UBERTROLL! I'm invincible for the incredibly simple reason that I am always right. The reason I am always right is because I do not argue from incorrect viewpoints. Foolproof.

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      • PumpkinKate

        You do, however, fall for the classic troll blunder of completely ignoring all facts that are offered from opposing viewpoints. You don't even refute them. You just glaze over them and attack anyone who offered an opinion, instead. :/

        Needs moar troll level up. Try making a post about abortions or something and give it another go.

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        • disthing

          Perhaps he's being a shit troll in order to troll other trolls into criticising his trolling. That would definitely make him an UBERTROLL.

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          • PumpkinKate

            Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...

            We have to go deeper.


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        • I do that on purpose. Your average shithead reads this and thinks I am winning.

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          • PumpkinKate

            Hopeful troll is hopeful.

            True troll is infallible and wins in his own eyes, for the troll food is just what makes it fun, not what validates him.

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  • BfingIToucher

    And next topic from the op: Some sort of obvious racist crap.... He just wants some attention, poor guy.

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    • Yup, and I'll probably be bashing my own race too. Everything I say is horse shit. I'm a troll, and a damn good one if I do say so myself. Don't tell anyone.

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  • Solophonic

    I met a mentally incompetent girl once. That means all girls are like that. I also met a mentally incompetent guy once, that's different though...

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    • I've met hundreds of mentally incompetent women. It occurs consistently.

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  • SoccerStud88

    Women are wonderful for many things including fucking, cleaning, sucking dick, and making their cleavage look as good as possible so when us guys talk to them we have something to look at that will keep us feeling good. The better us guys feel, the faster we can build up this world we live in.

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  • PhsycoMe

    Lol that's funny ... Cuz what i c is ... Men are doing anything they could to satisfy a girl and they doninate cuz girls like it and everything they do is cuz girls agree to it ... I'm not a feminist i blv that men and women can't be equal and each gender got a job to do and being unequal doesn't mean one of them is better than the other they just can't be compared ...... I don't c how u made ur opinion like based on what ? I think u r just writing down ur fantasies that's all

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  • What's a troll?

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  • TrollinYourMom

    Y'know, instead of trying to support a bunch of bullshit to start that arguement, you could've just advertised one of those burgers that "are not for women." Try hard troll tries so hard but never gets very far.

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  • Lotus420

    Yeah.. some girls are like that. Just like guys are weak, disrespectful, stupid, lazy, ignorant, rude, spineless, gutless, disgusting cowards. But not all of them! Many will amount to nothing and be sad, lonely disappointments their whole lives, but that doesn't mean men in general are a bad thing. You can't really judge an entire gender of people. All of those poor traits you described can also be embodied by a man, it all depends.
    Why do you hate women so much? Truth is, whether or not wives and girlfriends stay at home and cater to their man all day, without them.. men would simply not survive, because women provide all of the things that men need in order to be those great things. Including being needed for what you call "primal urges".
    And women's liberation was not a joke, the fact that a gender of people required "liberation" at all, is a joke. If you've never had a girlfriend then your mother must have done something awful.. but however she hurt you- it's not fair to blame all women in general for your Microphallus.
    And to be honest, I hope you meet a woman who will change your mind about this.

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  • MeowCats

    Are you the same ignorant twat that came up with all the 'smokers being mentally deficient' nonsense?

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  • lbntuk

    You're right....I think women's liberation is a joke too. They're mostly just sex objects today.

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  • DannyKanes

    See? I told you.

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    and btw, its great how you post as anomynous, that just shows how much of a pussy you are :)

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    • I do nothing in any manner except very deliberately. Fear has nothing to do with it.

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  • zchristian

    Some parts made me lol and this is only a half truth since all humans like everything else is different just that there are some women that are like that dosnt mean that there isnt also men that is like that...

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  • kittenlittle

    There is a difference between men and women, but you make it sound like women are horrible, crazy, drama queens. I think you have just been around those kind, most women are not like that.Women are supposed to raise children and care for husband, men are supposed to be hunters and protectors, thats why they aredifferent mentally. Neither are inferior, they each are needed in life

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  • I'm a man myself, and I say that this is over the top. I understand what you are saying in certain ways, but I don't necessarily agree with you.

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    • Duly noted.

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  • GMAN

    Women don't serve any other purpose in the world besides reproduction. The world around you was built by men. Every building, road, car, what ever the fuck else is there because a man put it there.

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    • amigoing

      Every man is there because he was implanted in a woman who sacrificed her body for 9 months to carry him, faced the risk of agony/injury/death to birth him, and then spent the next 18 years carefully nourishing and nurturing him (unless she was OP's mum, who apparently let him down somewhere along the line).
      Obviously some men these days take on the latter duties, but if we're talking globally, since the beginning of time, the vast majority of man-raising has been done by women. Thats why we haven't got much building done! :P

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    • Very true.

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