Is it normal that i totally freak out when someone touches my back?
Is it normal that I totally freak out when I feel like someone is looking at my bare back or touches it?
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Is it normal that I totally freak out when I feel like someone is looking at my bare back or touches it?
Knew some one who had a problem like that . She hated any one touching her bare back or snuggling up to her back . She finally figured out why when she started remembering being molested as a young child . When she tried to talk to her mom and sisters about it they admitted they were molested by the same person as young girls too but thought she had never said any thing about it cause it was past and not something they should talk about . She found a good therapist and is doing better with a few hang ups she had that it turned out was because of what had been done to her and how it was done . Your issue might not have the same cause as hers but talking to a Counsler might shine some light on why it's a issue for you .
I think you might be extremely homophobic. I reccomend liquid body wash, easier to grip.
What do we have here? **gets too aroused to care*rubs one out semi publicly.
I actually quite like the feeling of someone rubbing their fingers or nails down my back.