Is it normal that i triple check everything?

So basically, I triple check everything I do. For example, when I get ready in the morning, I triple check if I have a water bottle in my backpack. Even though I know I do, I triple check anyways.

I triple check even the most obvious things, like if the curtains are closed or not, even though they're obviously closed.

Honestly it's kinda annoying. I wish I could stop it.

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72% Normal
Based on 18 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • tricko2000

    The only thing I triple check is if the door is locked even though I know I locked it the first time. Your behaviour is normal better save than sorry

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  • dimwitted

    Definitely OCD. I'm only like that with my stove.

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  • GaelicPotato

    I randomly have urges to check my bag while cycling to work.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Sex must be awkward for you.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't know if it's normal to triple check everything, but it's not necessarily an abnormal thing to do especially if a person is sort of a perfectionist. I do also think triple checking everything could possibly be a red flag for OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, and thereby a possible cause for concern. I do think that OCD is rather common these days, and is possibly even more common amongst people who come to this website. However, OCD is not normal in and of itself.

    I would also encourage you to ask yourself if you have other similar issues, and to take note if you have rituals such as repeatedly washing your hands, locking, and unlocking doors, and or switching lights off and on repeatedly.

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