Is it normal that i troll online to get motivation?

I get my motivation (to take action for self-improvement and financial success) from adversity and people not liking me (I've been ignored and looked down upon by my peers in primary school during childhood/teenagehood). So is it normal for me to troll online (getting people mad on purpose) so I can experience the rush of motivating energy I get when people hate me to do the things I need to do to succeed and improve myself?

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 73 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • americanhoney

    Hiiiiiiiii management *swoons*

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  • itsnotmyfault

    I'm a /b/tard and redditor... In a lot of settings it's not only normal, but kind of expected. I think it's normal.

    Also: a lot of people do really funny trolling things in real life. Especially girls in conversations, I've noticed. If you're in a big group, and in a loud setting, you'll sometimes notice that the girl on your left is quietly trash-talking the girl on your right, and the one on the right has no idea. And things like when people quietly slip out nasty thoughts that somehow get completely ignored unless you're paying too much attention...

    People are a lot worse in real life than they are online. Just my opinion on trolling.

    (for more innocent trolling: tell someone the same story they told you yesterday. Or pick out little phrases from the things they say, and throw them into your conversation. Or, make really stupid, subtle puns as much as possible.)

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  • TheManagement

    Don't troll here please, thanks.

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  • troll, you can if you like it doesn't ma..............oh! I didn't see you there...pardon me sir. to OP NO! You cannot do that! bad!

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  • CountryRoads

    Are you this new fellow "theTroll?" because he is a dumbass. Trolling is very pathetic. I don't understand why people do it if they are over the age of 14.

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  • CollegeIsNotAsAwesomeAsIImagin

    Trolling its cool when you only get people mad not upset. You get them but not to the point where they are furious. I personally troll soccer fans when there is the one last game and they already buy the championship gear and i remind them that if they lose and the team behind them had two games remaining and happened to win they will have one point more than their own team sooooo problem?

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  • AllHumansAreVermin

    Such a stupid internet term. I want to murder you hard.

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  • Personabobber

    Something that must majorly drive you is the feeling that you're "proving people wrong" and achieving more than others would expect you to achieve. In order to catalyze the energetic emotions you feel as a result of this driving force, you craft an environment suited to your goals. In short, you're getting people to dislike you for personal benefit. It's very interesting, but I think it's normal.

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  • Stern_rules

    People have always been assholes, and back about each other behind their backs, because its fun and makes you feel superior to others. Face it by putting others down it makes you feel good. Its human nature to make fun of (troll) ppl. Just now that the internet here ppl can say what they really think without getting bitch slapped or yelled at irl

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  • There isnt much anyone could put up on a message that would outdo that ultimate insult life gave this person when they were born, its the reason they do what they do in trolling.

    Hope you live a long life, its the worst thing that can happen to you!

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  • Defiant

    From a trolls point of view yeah, coz that's pretty much the main reason they do it. But to the rest of the world no. It's just fucking annoying

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  • FocoUS

    Don't troll here. We try to help each other, man. Troll somewhere else.

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  • tori

    "sighs, walks away and shuts the door. Leaving madness on the other side."

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  • Lies


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  • wreckd

    That's actually pretty sad...

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  • Greenyweirdo

    Right on man, right on... just don't do it here.

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  • I still have goosebumps from them putting "..." in member chat in response to my lemons fiasco.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I'm hungry, anyone up for pizza?

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