Is it normal that i used to choke my lovebird?

When i was 8 years old, i had a pet lovebird, i handfed him all the time. I used grab his neck and choke him, he'd scream and scream, d i only let go when he was passing out. Then i would perform some sort of cpr i guess... and after he'd recuperate id calm him down and treat him really nicely, only to do it again after a while. Sometimes id do it 5 times in a little while. Besides that i was always sweet to him. One day i drowned him, im not sure it was calculated like that... and started crying and crying, i dont know why i cried, i never actually cared about him (besides him being cute) or even miss it afterwards, id just wish i had another bird to choke. I was also into having dogs lick me, and masturbating them, i used my dogs, and whatever dog i could get at that age, id offer to bathe them and people would pay me, and i bathed the dog, but also made it lick me out. I used to hit a dog that i had, for some reason i liked intimidating him,she would shiver in a corner and i called her out nicely and liked treating it well afterwards, like calm it down.

*sorry for bad english, first language is spanish

To this day, i feel like im a psychopath or a sociopath. Im so weird. I never fit in.

Voting Results
16% Normal
Based on 51 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • RoseIsabella

    You're not normal and no one should ever trust you again with animals or children for matter for as long as you live. How would you like it if someone were to choke, drown, molest and beat you? People like you are human garbage! Next time you wanna hurt someone for fun hurt yourself, you piece of shit!

    If any of what I have said has gotten through that thick skull, into your damaged mind and made you angry or hurt your feelings then why don't you go get some psychiatric help to improve yourself. You and people like you are NOT normal. People who abuse animals eventually go on to hurt and kill people. Whatever stupid thing you do next I hope you get caught and punished to the fullest extent especially if you think you and people like yourself don't deserve to be caught!

    If you're here for honest opinions, and you really want to be a better person, then please go out and get help as soon as possible!!! Regardless, I hope you get caught when you do bad things, everyone like you deserves to be caught. You are not normal!

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    • Damarixa

      Damn shawty!!! I hate to be a person that makes you mad in real life. Lol

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      • RoseIsabella

        For real? People always tell me I'm sweet.

        I DO have a major problem with people who hurt vulnerable and helpless populations like animals, children, the elderly, disabled, etc. I don't see what's wrong with wanting to defend the helpless and vulnerable and punish predators and perpetrators?

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        • Damarixa

          Non thing wrong with that nor did I say anything is wrong with that.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Right on.

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  • Tempest-au

    Okay, it's not often you'll see me take a negative stance on something but....


    In my personal opinion, you are a lowlife piece of shit who should be thrown in one of those old-school mental asylums and given ECT until you can light up a bulb like Uncle Fester.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I wonder if OP will actually have the courage to respond to us, because people who hurt animals are cowards.

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      • VirgilManly

        I like to choke my chicken, flog my dolphin, and spank my monkey and I'm no coward.
        Although I'm not the op.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Do you ever get a turtle head? Yanno what a turtle head is right?

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          • VirgilManly

            No, please enlighten me.

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            • RoseIsabella

              A turtle head is when you gotta go drop the kids off at the pool, and it feels like their knocking at the back door. Basically, you gotta take a big dump, and it's like the turd is trying to poke out your butthole like a turtle poking it's head out of the shell.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    whats yalls address?

    mebbe i can makes yall MY lovebird

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  • dirtybirdy

    You're despicable.

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  • Fenrirr

    you vile piece of shit, i hope your publicly hung in front of your family so they can watch the life fade from your eyes.

    go and drink some bleach you disgusting fucking cunt, while we're at it you can give me your address so i can pull your teeth out with a rusty pliar and spread your guts for the world to see.

    you are beyond human, you fucking piece of shit. fuckers like you should be gassed

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    • RoseIsabella

      It's hanged not hung, dear. No big deal it's a common mistake that they even make on the nightly news.

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      • Fenrirr

        whoops thank you, silly of me to miss that.

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    • megabolts

      That is more inhumane than what he did. While I don't disagree agree that this person has/had serious mental issues and needs help. I won't go so far as to personaly insult someone.
      People born with or who develop mental disorders didn't ask for it. Just like girls don't ask to be raped. Or how orphans like me don't ask to be abandoned or born into such bad conditions.
      So please don't attack someone with something that suggests that you are capable of murder and are extremely morbid. Remember that this is also available for kids to read too. They don't need to read about something so messed up.

      What you did can be called bullying and it violates the terms and conditions that you agreed to and read when you signed up at this site. So please think more before you post.

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      • Fenrirr

        i honestly don't care. i am extremely morbid and i am capable of murder and if the chance arises of meeting OP in person i would not hesitate to dig my nails in their eye sockets.

        this is a 18+ site, meaning this website is for adults and if a kid sees my post it's their own fucking fault for choosing to ignore the rules.

        would you defend a murderer who killed an innocent, defenseless child? because that's what most animals are, especially animals that are smaller and unable to defend themselves from a monster like the original poster.

        lmao nearly everyone violates the rules on here daily, especially in chat, many users bully and send death threats to each other because most of the staff don't really care about the site. acting like some sort of authority over the rules is bound to get you hated on here.

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  • ifuckhandsignalsdaily

    It's not normal, it's extrordinary! You are truely a remarkable individual, I am going to nominate you for a Nobel prize.

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  • Nikki071988

    Sick Fuck!!! I hope ur mother gets raped just like u did to those poor dogs. Sick fucks need help before the end up doing this to children and other people. Like I said, U NEED HELP!!!!

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  • mamasquack

    I wasnt planning on answering because i cant seem to either agree or disagree with you.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Well, what do you expect? The things you've done to animals are very cruel and inhumane. Would you like it if someone treated you the way you treat helpless creatures? Are you going to at least try to get some psychiatric help?

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