Is it normal that i usually spend more than 8 hours on imdb?

Like today, I'm suppose to finish a very very important project at school. It's actually a tough project but I know I can do it with just a few research. But I don't know. I always get stuck at IMDb or Google, researching whatever movie genre that gets into my head.

Today, I turned my computer on at around 8PM and it's now 5AM in the morning and I'm still on this list that I find very interesting. A list of movies. Again!

This is very frustrating.

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31% Normal
Based on 35 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Noonesperfect

    Should watch porn instead

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  • Sweetz

    I think it'd be better if you actually watch the movies instead of reading the reviews.

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  • KatieLiz

    You sound like my brother. He spends entire evenings looking up reviews for the same film.
    Not normal.

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  • emilydoll

    U sound cool.

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  • MagickWithoutTears

    Haha, this is called procrastinating and staling. I do the same thing when I want to avoid something important that I know I need to finish.

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  • dappled

    IMDb is evil. I go there to look up which films two actors co-starred in and three hours later I'm still there, looking at the thousandth thing I've thought of while I was there. Google is the same. Maybe we've just got inquiring minds. Stick me in front of a world atlas, dictionary, or encyclopaedia and I'm exactly the same and always have been.

    And do not even get me started on, because I've literally spent weeks browsing there.

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