Is it normal that i want a sloth as a pet?
I really want a sloth as a pet! They're so freaking cute!
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I really want a sloth as a pet! They're so freaking cute!
All during high school I carried a photo of a 3 toed sloth in my wallet. I'd show it to people & say it was my girlfriend named Glenda. I didn't get laid much.
Fuck yeah that would be sick, i want one of those giant flying foxes. It would be sick to see it clippity clop through the lounge room of a night.
The advantage of a sloth though is that you don't have to keep an eye on it far can one of those slow ass things get.
They're lovely but don't take a sloth and put it in your habitat. It's not going to work. Much better to go out and live in their environment. Sloths are endangered and humans are breeding like rabbits that have been crossed genetically with flies.
Having a sloth would be pretty damn cool. DO IT! Or a ferret...ferrets are cool. Or snakes, since some people are ridiculous afraid of them which I've never understood.
Sloths are cool! It's normal to have a wish like that, but I'm pretty sure sloths aren't supposed to be pets, so it's probably not something that's actually gonna happen.
I have a sloths foot as my lucky charm. It really works for when u need to be lucky
I have never seen a sloth except for the one in ice age , so freakin' funny I love him <3
I love sloths! Two or three toed would you prefer? Or sloth from the goonies? Have baby ruths on hand if that's the case
I've never heard of anyone having a sloth as a pet lol. But any tame animal can be a pet. If exotic pets are allowed where you live and you can find a tame one, I say go for it. I want a pet hedgehog, they're so cute :)