Is it normal that i want my brother to die?

Whenever I look at my brother I just feel an urge to harm him. Ever since he was born it's caused a domino effect that ended up with my life ruined and him the favorite. I despise him more than in a sibling way. It's nothing new either, it's been like this since he was born and my parents only cared about him. He's been pampered his whole life and it disgusts me. He's weak and pathetic and has no idea what it means to suffer. This is just a rant at this point but I just want to know if its normal to want him dead.

TL;DR - He ruined my life and I want him dead. I just want to know if it's normal.

Edit: This is just another note for those who thing my brother has done nothing. My brother has done some stuff wrong. Here is a list of extra reasons I hate him.

-He makes fun of my dogs death and uses it for personal gain
-He is homophobic towards me (I'm a lesbian)
-He screams at me whenever he feels like it because he thinks that he's superior
-He uses my trigger word to make fun of me (I have PTSD and he knows my triggers.)
-If you ever say the word 'No' to him he will scream in your ear until you give him what he wants.
Also he's a teenager.

Voting Results
32% Normal
Based on 37 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • bigbudchonger

    Not normal unless your name is Romulus.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Its normal to be angry but I'm sure you don't want him dead, you just wished you could have been treated equally. You should talk to a therapist

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My sister was also the golden child. She got masters degree, married a cop, makes a lot of money. Could never do anything wrong. Even when she was in the wrong they took her side. But I have never wished death on her. I think thats more about you than her. You should feel better when you move out and not think about your family much.

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  • Grunewald

    I have felt something of that towards my brother, but if I ever wished him dead, I must have been too young to remember it. I was made to censor my own thoughts as a kid, though. I wasn't allowed to be angry.

    Essentially, every source of anger you have mentioned - him being the golden child, him being weak and pathetic, you feeling like his arrival ruined your life, your parents only having eyes for him - I have felt all of this and suffered for it.

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  • Sanara

    Remember it's not his fault how his parents treat him. He is only accountable for what he actually does and says, not the situation he was put in. It is your parents you should speak to if you think they are treating you unfairly. But dont say that you hate your brother, as I dont think that will turn out well, and only makes you less likely to get support.

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  • S0m3th1ng

    I undertand that sometimes is hard to adapt to change, I don't know if that is the case, however the way that you described the situation made me feel that your brother is still a child or tennager, if thats the case is pretty commom to you found him stupid, since he would be still learning about life and stuff.

    But hating him or not he is still your brother, he may be acctually bad, but you should remmenber that wanting him to die is also pretty bad too.

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  • Firebrand

    I don't know him, but sounds like a scumbag. You probably can't do more than avoid him. But killing is not a good idea unless you are willing to go "the" way. Try knocking him out with a frying pan and say it was an accident or self-defense.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Death? You are evil. No that is not normal. A good old fashion ass whooping can be healthy but never death, you sicko.

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  • Somenormie

    He's your brother he's something to you.

    what could you possibly hope to gain by wanting to harm him?

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    • Sanara

      I usually disagree with the mindset you should like or accept someone solely because they are family, as many people are too toxic to deserve that. But in this case, it sound like the brother did actually nothing wrong

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