Is it normal that i want religion to disappear from our planet?
Is it normal that I want all religions and "gods" to disappear from our planet?
I don't want to be offensive (though I probably am) but I just think it's medieval and we are better off without it in the year 2012.
It's so strange to me when people say they need religion or their "god" to have moral values..
Nobody would ever convert me nor would I convert others, but to think we need an imaginary higher power to be good sounds so ridiculous to me?
I've never been religious (I was taught about every major religion in school but I didn't take any of them serious), and I've never harmed anyone or even broken the law.
My parents, school, friends, society, etc taught me how to behave and what's right and wrong.
In a thousand years humans will laugh at the fact that a great portion of the human population actually believed in gods and some devoted their lives to it.
Is it normal that I think this way or am I being too offensive?