Is it normal that i want to be a mentor to a young girl?

I'm a young, adult male. I am intelligent, attractive, and have some wealth. I'm aware that most of you will label me as a "creepy pedo" and say "ewww... kill it!" But, at least take the time and try to understand my position.

If you've ever read 'The Catcher in the Rye', you should easily grasp my sentiments. I feel like the world, society, mainstream media, public education, poor parenting, etc., have significant effects on kids and their development. I have been exposed to much of the 'darkness' within people, be it by my own family, friends, or strangers. Are phoniness, ignorance, and bigotry necessarily our fate? I feel like I can't meet young, adult women my age who aren't somehow already 'corrupted' in some sense.

My wish would be to find a young girl (the age doesn't matter so much, but rather the level of corruption already inflicted on her should be minimal) and become a sort of intellectual, spiritual, and cultural guide -- a sort of mentor and teacher. I have a broad education in all sorts of areas of science and the arts. I enjoy adventure, travel, and discovery, and I would like to share these things with someone who can appreciate them, and see the beauty that is this world.

I'm aware that this is probably NOT normal, judging by other posts and responses I have seen. I suppose I would just like to get some feedback. Also, to be clear, if there were to be any sexual component to such a relationship, it would only occur once she was ready, of legal age to give consent, and desirous of me in that way. Sex is a big part of all life and it is important to learn about it in a healthy way. I do want children of my own someday, but not for a at least a decade.

Alright. Bring on the hate! (Or, hopefully, some constructive thoughts.)

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 83 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 113 )
  • disthing

    It sounds like you want to construct your own perfect girlfriend. You want to influence her throughout childhood, shape her into your own ideal, then have her as your lover. You want to be her father and her husband - you want to dominate as much of her life as possible from as early as possible.

    I think I understand the fantasy itself, in so much as everybody would like to have the perfect companion - you want to mold your own. But there is a slightly unsettling subtext there. I don't believe it's motivated by a desire to help a young girl appreciate the world, I believe it's motivated by a desire to have a young girl appreciate you.

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    • Thanks for your thoughts. I freely admit that I am partly motivated by selfish desires. However, with our current understanding of human psychology, it is safe to say that all desire and behavior is ultimately selfish -- even altruism.

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      • disthing

        Oh I totally agree, I don't believe it's possible to consciously perform a selfless act. But I don't think you're motivated by generosity, to try and provide somebody with a better life growing up, I think it's primarily motivated by you wanting to control a young girl and shape her into your ideal companion.

        At least that's what I got from your post. Of course there's only so much one can glean from such a brief piece of text without knowing you so it's pure speculation on my part :)

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    • Allistalla

      Yes,that is excactly what it is.Yet again a sick bastard trying to justify being a bastard. You are a Munipulive con and only someone very niave and very stupid will fall for it. Dont sugar coat it just admit you are a pedophile and be done with it. We all know how this works and from one my previoues post we know kids for the most are too stupid to have any sense of whst your doing. Honestly try cleaning up rather than being a sneaky perve or honestly you deserve to be spit at. I mean I am sick of posts trying to say your not something when you just showed you are. So fuck all of the liars on this site with the "oh I had a origy with 5 women and love it but iswear im not gay! and this with the Oh "I want to mentor her".you want to build a better wife and fuck her you worthless wank. So fuck just fuck you all im suprised its even leagal to post these.

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      • Allistalla

        So sick of all of you and Im not even a child. I guess liars piss me off I hope you figure out pedophilea is wrong and try to fix it before you get arrested and if not your just a bastard.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    But being exposed to darkness and corruptness is what makes life. How would we ever learn from our mistakes? It's not good enough someone telling you about those mistakes that they did, you need to experience those mistakes yourself, otherwise, we would just not grow and improve as people.
    Life cannot be perfect. We have to experience some conflict at some points. I have experienced quite a bit of darkness, corruption and conflict in my life so far and the funny thing is, I'm glad! Because I won't be the person I am today. I like who I am, and it's all because I have learnt from my mistakes and corrupt people. We need badness in this world.

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    • This is very insightful. Thank you.

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  • Anime7

    I've read up on your replies and your post itself. I agree with the majority of people here saying that you want to be a girls father/boyfriend. I can understand where you're coming from, but here's what I believe.

    You want a girl who's innocent, and it sounds like you've just plainly given up on women your age. My advice would be to try to meet more women. Believe it or not, there actually are women out there who are kind, polite, and can probably fit your puritan idealism of what a women should be like. The fact that you want to "chase" a young skirt, and your vocabulary, sort of tells me that you're a little bit insecure thus you want to go after a young girl. You want her to look up to you, but also do things that a girlfriend would. Believe me, I get this fantasy (I really do). But you shouldn't sell yourself short. Sure society corrupts people, I've read the Catcher in the Rye, but not everyone is as affected by it. Look on this website and you'll see plenty of girls who just don't care about how to dress, if they do, then they only care because they want to look good for themselves.

    In conclusion, don't give up on society, I'm a cynic but even I'm surprised by some of the innocent young adults I run into. You'll find a girl, you just have to keep looking.

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    • Thanks for your comment. Just to follow up: So, do you think it is wrong for someone my age, 26, to date someone who is, say, 16? Where I live, this would be considered legal. What are your thoughts?

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      • Anime7

        First of all, where do you live? I live in America and the age of consent is 18. Here's what I believe; I think you give yourself too little credit. You should try to go after girls your own age. I'll admit, younger girls are easy, as opposed to ones that are a bit more mature. You seem like a nice guy who just wants love. I think that you should try to find a girl around your own age, yes innocent girls exist. Nobody is perfect, even you must do some "unpure" things. With someone your own age, I think that the relationship won't be so one-sided, as in your the only person getting something out of it. The girl could also teach you somethings. Like I said, I understand the fantasy, wanting to be treated like a god ( going a bit too far?). But you've got to realize that there are things in this world that not even you can understand, in the future you might, but not now. You're still young, having a partner your own age to conquer life with would probably help you mature in some ways.

        If by some chance a 16 year old had a "crush" on you then I think it would be best if you just explained to her that you're too old for her.

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        • But you haven't really explained why I should date girls my own age rather that girls who are younger. What is your basis for this claim?

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          • Anime7

            I kind of just vomited by thoughts into my reply so I'll try to properly structure them more clearly.

            You don't know you everything. Do you know about love? A relationship with a 16 yr old sounds like it would be one-sided. As in you'll have the pleasure of teaching her (among other pleasures) while she doesn't really have an input into things. By that last statement I mean that you'll be the mentor, thus you wouldn't want to learn from the person who you're teaching. It's like a teacher with his student, most teachers treat their students nicely, but overall they're just students and you're somewhat superior to them. Do you get what I'm saying?

            If you dated someone your own age then I feel that the relationship would be more equal. As in she'll be able to put forth her ideas and her interests. You wouldn't be "teaching" but you'll both go through the same struggles, like paying bills, making ends meet, and so on. Someone who's 16 couldn't truly understand those struggles.

            In conclusion, with someone your own age, you can both learn from each other, evolve due to facing the same struggles, as oppose to a relationship with a child who doesn't face the same problems as you.

            Here are some of my questions. Would you call yourself insecure and immature (at times)? Also, what was your last relationship like?

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            • I would call myself insecure, but not to a great degree. I think everyone is at least somewhat insecure. I was forced to mature rather early and quickly when I had to care for my dying mother. For three years, from age 18, I took care of most of the housework, drove her to appointments, did groceries, etc., all while working part-time and going to university full-time. I would say that, in a lot of ways I'm extremely mature, but in others not. I suppose it has to do with resenting having to grow up so quickly.

              I have been sleeping with a girl recently who is 4 years younger than I am. The relationship isn't going anywhere, though. Before that I was in a relationship with a girl who was a year younger. It lasted two and a half years. It didn't end badly. It just felt like we had reached some sort of limit. Like we couldn't move forward in our mutual trust.

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  • Dad

    Quote: "most of you will label me as a "creepy pedo""

    Wiki: A pedophile is a person 16 years of age or older, who is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to children who have not reached puberty, generally those under the age of 14.
    Medically, this condition is called "pedophilia" and is classified as a mental disorder.
    Some adults have pedophile feelings but do not act by sexually abusing children.
    According to some studies, about 1% of all adult males may be pedophiles. Another study estimated the percentage of pedophiles to be between twelve and twenty percent

    Quote: "If you've ever read 'The Catcher in the Rye', you should easily grasp my sentiments."

    Never have, but it must be fiction.

    Quote: "I feel like the world, society, mainstream media, public education, poor parenting, etc., have significant effects on kids and their development."

    Lets just some that up and say Present Society.
    In our present society, parents raise their child(ren).
    If the parent is deemed unfit, then the child will be placed within a suitable proper home where carers, adopted parents, or guardianship occurs. These people must provide ALL the child's normal needs (just as a normal parent would have done)

    You yourself stated that you would like to be a parent one day. Quite obviously you trust yourself (then). Just as parents do right now with their own children. We all try our best. Those that don't, the child has a number of avenues to get support.

    The principle is, present society does work, to the best of its ability with children. If you feel there needs more change (ie I say children should never be forced into a religious school) then you need to approach your local government representative on this and make change.

    Quote: "I feel like I can't meet young, adult women my age who aren't somehow already 'corrupted' in some sense."

    Yet you yourself state you had growing 'dark' issues, and here you are all wise and intelligent? The system worked for you ;)

    Quote: "and become a sort of intellectual, spiritual, and cultural guide -- a sort of mentor and teacher."

    Intellectual: Public schools provide ALL the intellectual information these days. They even allow the Internet in class in junior school now.
    Spiritual: You would need to elaborate. Ones beliefs are a personal thing, they should not be taught. They should be allowed to be open to have any rational belief, as long as it does not hurt others.
    Cultural: Like growing up normally with parents in our present society? Good idea.

    Quote: "I have a broad education in all sorts of areas of science and the arts."

    Imagine if they were taught and guided by people who specialize in this area. ie Teachers, Professors even doctors. Having this type of education and experience is much greater than your single 'broad' knowledge.

    Quote: "Also, to be clear, if there were to be any sexual component to such a relationship, it would only occur once she was ready, of legal age to give consent"

    Ah! The crux of your topic.
    This, above all, seems to be your real question. As all other points are just debating what's best for a growing child. Being an area that society continues to build on with education, health, safety, love, and 'normal' present society.

    Pedophilia (as first quoted above) is stated as a 'mental disorder'. That REQUIRES support from a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist.
    These professionals will help you to realize your condition and then to help you with your thought pattern and actions. If you were to receive help, then this topic itself would be obsolete as not required.
    Since you mentioned 'once of legal age', then I need to remind you that no one normally thinks of this hypothetical when guiding a young child.

    Yes relationships have formed between teachers and legal aged students. (note always with the teacher never teaching again) But this is NOT the intention of guiding the young child when growing up (normally). The intention is to bring up a well balanced mind and body child within our present society.

    Your intentions are NOT normal, and therefore against our present society.
    It has the same effect as those religious cults bringing up children in THEIR view. These places are raided by police and the abusers are locked up.

    You can however, move to another country where your ideas are acceptable.
    The Middle East comes to mind. Try not to get bombed though!

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    • disthing

      Although a lot of what you write on the site I don't agree with, this particular post I do. Well said :)

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    • NeuroNeptunian


      To me, it seems as if his aim is to raise and cultivate his own wife from childhood to adulthood and hold as much of her admiration as possible and essentially be her only true liason to the world =\

      He does not want to go through the unpredictable storm cloud of dating, he'd rather make his own mate, so to speak.

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      • So, do you think it's disgusting/inappropriate/immoral?

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          I think it's pretty lame.

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          • disthing

            That made me laugh :P

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    • Dad

      Oh someone did a thumbs down to my long reply.
      Oh well some must not be ready to hear the truth I suppose

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      • It wasn't me. Your reply was very well thought out. I appreciate the depth of your commentary. Thank you.

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        • Dad

          That was just the general common answer.
          A more specific detailed answer (ideally less wording) would come if you asked the right question. ;)
          You will have to look further into this as your hypothetical won't work. Close but no cigar.
          There are a number of valid areas in society where it won't be seen as creepy.
          Have you thought about a mail order bride from Asia, by the way?

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          • What's the right question?

            Never seriously considered a mail order bride. It seems a little desperate -- like prostitution. This isn't to say that I have anything against people going this route, but it's just not for me.

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  • anti-hero

    What do your looks have to do with it? That makes it creepy.

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    • Attractive is not just good looks. Charm, good sense of humor, good social skills, etc., are included.

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  • bellebelle

    I actually went through and lived through a part of your wishes. It was very satisfactory to be able to predict and know the thinking process of a person and learn to get along with each others, then grow old together.

    I met my wife when she was 17 and I was eight years older than her. We were good friends for a good five years. I had a girlfriend and she had a boyfriend back then. However, I had always been giving her advises. Helped her with everything. Refer her for employment, etc. Basically, I knew that I did it all out of sincerity.

    Then, one day, I just realized that my feeling for her has changed and she felt the same way. We are now happily married for 8 years. I believe that with good intention, you will most likely make it, but don't try too hard. This doesn't mean that I encourage you to started picking and cataloging young girls so you can qualify them and have the winner to be your future bride. What happened to me was a bless and it happened naturally.

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    • That's an interesting story. Under what circumstances did you two meet? How much time passed before the two of you realized you had intimate feelings for each other?

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      • bellebelle

        We met through a group of friends at a theme park. She also was a friend of my neighbor's daughter. We were strictly platonic for over five years.

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  • You were doing just fine UNTIL you got to this:

    "if there were to be any sexual component to such a relationship, it would only occur once she was ready, of legal age to give consent, and desirous of me in that way."

    Yes, that is creepy.

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    • Can you describe what makes it creepy?

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      • I really don't know how to answer this question. I mean, how ISN'T it creepy?

        Then again, what age are we talking about here? If it's 15, that's one thing; if it's 10, yes, that's just creepy.

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        • As I said in the original post, of legal age to consent. Where I live, that would be 16.

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          • Ah, sorry - you misunderstood me. I was asking about her age when you first meet.

            Even if you don't start having relations with her until she's 16, it's still creepy if you've been around her since she was five.

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            • Five? Where did you get that number? At what point would it no longer be creepy? Maybe 9? 12? 15?

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    • Dad

      My point exactly, above ^^

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  • sleepycomet

    The sky is falling the wind is calling stand for something or die in the morning.

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    • Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, but all the while a great wind carries me across the sky.

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      • sleepycomet

        This dreamers heart of mine has led me to probably never have even lived at all. The darker the night the brighter the stars.

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        • The greatest desire to be fulfilled is to desire no more.

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          • sleepycomet

            The only thing to fear is fear itself.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    So you want to be a young girl's father figure and boyfriend? That doesn't seen a little messed up to you at all? i'm not trying to attack you like i did before, but it still seems like you are taking advantage of them. This is pretty much a fetish which can be very unhealthy to you and to your partner. It's as though you are using them as your Guinea pigs, to basically see if you can "raise" a girlfriend. If you met a girl by chance offline and fell in love with her and her with you and you decided to guide her and talk with her and wait for her i would be a little more understanding. But when you are obsessed like that, it is just a fetish and love has little to do with it.

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    • Thanks for the input.

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  • VioletTrees

    It's really gross to meet women your own age and evaluate how "pure" or "corrupted" they are. Knowledge and experience, even with things you consider dirty or corrupt, are not inherently bad things, and they don't lower the value of human beings.

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    • Well, you are apparently evaluating me too, by saying that what that my thoughts are "gross". Isn't that somewhat hypocritical? As humans, we are naturally disposed to using certain criteria to judge aspects of people we do or don't like. Are you really going to fault me for having a preference for girls who are not bigots, liars, and manipulators? For girls who are willing to be honest, open-minded, and trusting? I don't think these are negative attributes in any way, so long as someone is not taking advantage of them.

      I never claimed that knowledge and experience are inherently bad things. However, I think some knowledge is destructive or based on false information and manipulation. Also, some experiences should not have to be experienced by anyone. Rape, abuse, manipulation, discrimination. My opinion is that it's enough to know that these things can happen. You don't need them to happen to you to understand that they are wrong.

      Also, I don't think any human has less value than any other. I never claimed this.

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      • VioletTrees

        Sorry, when I say "gross" I mean "objectionable" in this context, not "disgusting". Maybe it's a regional thing?

        I agree that things like rape and abuse shouldn't be experienced by anyone, but it seems kind of messed up to choose the company people who haven't experienced them over people who have.

        The fact that you see a future sexual relationship with a young girl you mentor as a possibility raises huge red flags for me, as does the fact that you compare young girls with women your age and focus on girls specifically. If you do mentor somebody, you shouldn't be doing so with the expectation of any possibility of sex, even in the distant future. Also, I think the tendency to think of young girls, specifically, as "pure" is unhealthy to young girls. It can lead to overprotection of girls, and shame when girls aren't as pure as expected (spoiler: we never are).

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        • No worries. I suppose I just took "gross" to be "disgusting" in this context.

          I have had relationships with girls who have been abused and raped before. I loved them just as I would anyone who was close to me. The problem is that these sorts of experiences seem to make it much more difficult to get really close to a person. It's like they've put up a wall that I just can't climb.

          I can see why you see red flags. I plainly see that this desire of mine is partly a selfish one. Still, you say, "If you do mentor somebody, you shouldn't be doing so with the expectation of any possibility of sex." Can you explain why that is? Isn't sex a part of life that we eventually learn about? Why shouldn't it be learned in a safe and nurturing environment?

          Finally, I agree that over-protection can be detrimental to development, but that is already implied by the term. Protection, itself, is a good thing and expected to an extent. How much one protects a young person is discretionary and can be done in ways that still allow that person to grow without feeling shame.

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          • VioletTrees

            Sure! It's because power dynamics are important. When you're in a relationship with somebody much younger than you, particularly somebody who you've been in a position of authority over, you're not in an equal relationship. No matter how hard you try to make that relationship equal, there's a very serious risk that your relationship will be very unhealthy. Your partner is likely to feel extremely pressured to please you and put your needs before hers, and you might not even be aware of this. It's really important for both people in a relationship to be treated as equal adults, and it's hard (and sometimes impossible) to make that happen when the relationship started as one between a mentor and a child (or even a teenager).

            If she idolises you, the relationship can't be healthy. If you protect her and take care of her as you would a young girl, the relationship can't be healthy. The potential for unhealthy habits and even abuse here is huge, even if you do your very best to make it work. You could easily end up hurting her without ever knowing about it.

            As for learning about sex "in a safe in nurturing environment", I assume you're talking about a mentor teaching a girl about sex, yes? This can be incredibly damaging. It is not ok. Early sexual experiences should be with an equal, not with somebody in a position of authority (which a mentor is, no matter how hard to try to treat her as an adult). People need to be able to discover their own sexual identities and explore their sexuality without the desire for approval that comes with a mentor relationship. It's the same reason that sex with a parent is unhealthy, even if the child is over the age of consent. Even if she says yes, you can't tell why she said yes, and the chances that it's at least partially because she wants to please her mentor, not because she wants to have sex, are way too high. There's way too high a risk that she'll feel pressured into it, and that can be really traumatic.

            In short: a person can't give sexual consent to their mentor, or rather, it's impossible for you to tell if that consent is real or if it's being given because you were her mentor. That risk is not ever worth it.

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            • disthing

              Your comments are really well considered and interesting to read :)

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            • You make some good points. I would argue that power dynamics exist in all relationships. I have felt like a mentor to girls I've dated who are my own age, as well. They have even admitted this freely. I suppose I just don't agree that this dynamic would necessarily be harmful, or that "true" consent could not be given.

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  • dappled

    A serious suggestion; have you considered mentoring boys? Whenever we get people in for mentoring or work experience they used to get given to me because nobody else wanted to do it. After a few months, it became clear that I was really, really good at it (one of the few times I'll blow my own horn).

    Maybe I'm just a 15 year old boy myself with a bit of experience loaded on but I formed genuine connections. I wasn't a teacher, or a family member, or a counsellor. I was someone in the real world that was taking a break from the real world to mentor them individually. I told them things to help them get ahead, gave them insights that only came to me from experience, and I showed faith.

    I'll tell you what. Every single one of them surprised me. You show a bit of interest and faith in the coming generation, you make them want to impress you, and they do. Some of them still write and tell me what they're up to. My plan was always to be a teacher. Weirdly, I ended up doing it in a small way. And it confirms to me that I'd have been damned good at it. That's the selfish part. The unselfish part is that a week with a fifteen year old lad could be seen as a nightmare to shrink away from. But if you approach it right, you get to make a difference. Actually, that's the selfish part too.

    Oh, bollocks to it!

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    • YumInsanity

      Bet your not the only one who blew your own horn when it comes to mentoring boys

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      • dappled

        That's spooky! How did you know I conduct orchestras? I have them work their way all around the horn section and sometimes dabble with the flute. Just as long as they stay away from the bongos.

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    • daydreamer394

      He doesn't want to fuck boys.

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    • That sounds very rewarding. I would love to mentor all the children if I could. There is so much potential in the youth. I wish that this illusion, that adults somehow know some secret to life or have a better sense of right and wrong, weren't perpetuated the way it is. It's just total bollocks. Someday soon, I hope, the youth of the world will use information and technology to demolish this destructive paradigm.

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      • dappled

        Okay, then.

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  • TerryVie

    Hm. There's a certain girl on this site that could use some refinement, mentoring, etc. yada yada.

    Should i wrap her up or do you want her to go?

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    • Justsomejerk

      Yeah but I like dirtybirdy just the way she is.

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      • TerryVie

        Haha, I wanted to send allistallia and see who breaks whom.
        I would never hand out dirtybirdy to this creep!

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        • Why do you feel the need to insult me?

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          • TerryVie

            because i don't approve of you trying to raise yourself a little sex kitten. No matter how well you mean to raise her.

            Why did you feel the need to mention sex at all? Why does she need to be some girl that is NOT your own daughter? Why do you exclude her mother(or father, if she is not your own) from this? Why DOES it have to be a girl(and you specifically noted not having met uncorrupted girls your age before talking about the "girl"(not genderneutral child) you want to mentor!)?

            I doubt you could provide answers to those questions that change my opinion of you, so in this case, i don't care about being open-minded.

            Taking a innocent girl and raising her in a way to make her into a perfect lady and desirious sex toy IS creepy.

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  • Hubbard

    Funny I’ve asked the exact same question!

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  • Did you address Terry's questions? I apologize if you did; I easily could have missed it. If not, once again.....

    WHY do you insist on a girl?
    WHY did you feel compelled to bring up sex?

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    • Allistalla

      He is being a pervert. He is trying to justify it by saying he is not doing anything like that but he is just being munipulive.

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  • Allistalla

    Wrong title. OP should have put "Want to be a child molestor". I think he confused "Mentor" in word check. I get it now stop trying here you little wank. Go to hell creepy.

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    • Somebody needs a spanking.

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      • Allistalla

        awww I thought you wanted little gurls since us big bad adults are to tianted with the ill of the world?

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        • Well, you are. Look at yourself. Actually take the time to think about it.

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          • Allistalla

            You said you dont like women they are to hard.

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      • Allistalla

        I think someone needs a life other than fucking little kids.

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  • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

    I didn't really see anything too creepy in your story until you got to the part about a sexual relationship...

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    • Could you explain what about that is creepy to you?

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      • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

        Well I see nothing wrong with wanting to mentor someone and show her the ropes of life. But you haven't even found that girl yet and you're already thinking about sex with her? I mean you should of at least kept it to yourself. I'm not trying to insult you or anything, I just don't think that's appropriate to post.

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        • That's fair enough, though I would argue that a big part of this website is asking about things that may be inappropriate. Also, I mentioned sex because I was being honest. I didn't say that I would definitely want a sexual relationship. What I described were conditions for that to happen, since I wouldn't want to hurt anyone or break any laws.

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  • Darkoil

    Can you explain what you mean when you say 'corrupted'?

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    • I can see why you require more elaboration on this, since I am not even certain what exactly it is that I mean. However, I shall do my utmost:

      This corruption has to do with the dichotomy of child/adult. The loss of innocence is often associated with 'growing up', becoming more 'mature'. I suppose my feeling is that these are negative changes, and that, in the normal way things happen, we are all forced through this change. (Think: 'Another Brick in the Wall'.)

      My desire would be to preserve this innocence and purity for someone, while still teaching them about the world with as much earnestness and objectivity as possible. As others have pointed out, this is not likely to be possible. This may be true. I don't think this is something I would actually try, anyhow, since it is so uncertain. It's just something I've thought about.

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