Is it normal that i want to beat rude cats?

Is it normal? I believe it's totally normal to want to beat the fuck out of a rude cat. Kitties are highly intelligent and are expert emotion readers. Don't believe for a second that they are all harmless loving little fur balls that can do no wrong. A kitty knows exactly what it is doing when it decides to wipe it's filthy asshole on your pillow or take a random shit outside its box cause it's not 100% clean. You'd wanna punch me if I wiped my ass on something of yours or took a shit on your bathroom floor wouldn't you? Or how about when you go out of your way to treat your kitty to a nice meal and it sticks it's nose up and walks away only to wake you up super early the next morning to demand food! Especially when you've seen that little fucker wolf down that very same meal before. You gotta love when company is over and gently reaches out to pet your kitty and that fucker scratches so deep it draws a steady stream of blood and leaves a nasty scar. For no other reason than just because. Most kitties are good and will treat you the way you treat them but there's always that one asshole cat that gives them all a bad name.
Ever think a rude cat may learn from a good crack? Some people will tolerate their kitty to walk all over them, let their homes stink of cat piss, have scars up and down their arms and legs but god forbid if someone was to harm their beloved cat. Those are the same people that need a good couple cracks to the head also. Honestly, no need to be PC what do you all think?

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42% Normal
Based on 31 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • CountessDouche

    You're an ass, but to answer your question, animals usually don't respond well to negative reinforcement. They do respond, but it isn't necessary for training.

    Cats will be cats; by and large they aren't trainable, but mine knows quite a few commands, including, but not limited to "no, roll over : ), outside, and sit." I trained her with treats and whistling.

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    • Mikemikevb1978

      How did you manage to train your cat to perform such tricks? I've had much success in dog training , however it seems cats are wired differently. A dog responds to treats and doesn't take long to achieve an understanding of performance and reward. A cat will continue to take and take without any notion of return. A self centered creature that if unsatisfied, will act out in sometimes aggressive fashion. Cats should remain among nature, not domesticated for human needs. I've heard some refer to their cat as a beloved child. That's a bit off the deep end but who am I to decide. A Persian cat owner is one that is viewed with several physiological hurdles that can't be negotiated no matter, even with their greatest effort will continuously come up short. Most often an emotional shortcoming instilled in them from past rejections, unable and unwilling to cope, their mediocre being. This individual will project all upon this cat only widening the void, not filling and ultimately overcoming. Beware of these people.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    My cat would bitch slap your ass

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  • modernism

    How about you never get a cat...?

    Damn, they may be smart, but you're comparing a feline to a human. Cats aren't furry Hilters, man. You're taking this way too personally.

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    • Mikemikevb1978

      Perhaps you are right, many times over. Have you ever felt a connection with an animal? An unspoken energy traveling back and forth. I find when this energy is returned not in the form in which it was casted but deformed it's a bit insulting. To end this you can call me insane and have a laugh but to relate, you can imagine.
      Like an overweight spoiled child, that has a sharp tongue emulating the ones with power whom have earned power locks up with you. This child is ignorant yet comes equipped with a verbal weapons package that can inflict pain but also protected by societies laws. You want to engage and release a burst of power across the face with an attached message that implores this one to respect.
      In a nutshell is the feeling a rude cat gives me.

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      • modernism

        Okay... but it's a CAT. Point is, it's fine to not like a certain animal, regardless if your reasoning is illogical, but just don't get a cat and stop complaining. It's annoying, redundant, and has a pretty simple solution.

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  • TrustMeImLying

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  • controllingandloveit

    How about beating your rude ass

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    • controllingandloveit

      That would be loads of fun

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  • chained_rage

    So why don't you just clean your cat's fucking sandbox then?
    Your cat is like this because YOU are incapable of showing love.

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  • I'm-not-a-bitch

    I can see this post burning with anger, pain, sorrow and despair. Owning cat is not for you, then? Taking care of them requires big patience.

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    • Mikemikevb1978

      I've maintained several loving cats in the past.

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  • charli.m

    I hope you get cat scratch fever.

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  • Mikemikevb1978

    Yes! It's totally normal to feel, think, and act out in such ways towards an ungrateful leech of a cat.

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  • cocknballs

    you could just beat off on your cat instead

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  • RoyRogers

    No Op you are simply stupid. While cats do understand some behavior and can modify behavior to get assistance like changing cry to urgent or just playful it does not mean they VIEW LIFE THE SAME.

    You are too stupid to understand animals and that is your own ignorance. Cats go by smell. If something is wrong with the smell in the box they will poop outside of it. Sometimes on top of it since that is where you taught them to poop.

    If they are going on your pillow something is wrong, and no they are not doing it to simply "upset you". If they bring you a dead animal they are not playing a prank, they are giving you a gift. Its a matter of perspective. Also cats pee, poop and spray things to mark its territory and sometimes have accidents when they are sick. You see it as annoying but the cat might see it as "Marking my spot".

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