Is it normal that i want to cross dress into a female

I seen this streamer on twitch cross dress many times and i thought to my self i kinda want to do it i might be dumb for it but that's how i really feel

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81% Normal
Based on 16 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • CDmale4fem

    I wanted to add a thought. If you by chance have a female friend that maybe you have told or would like to tell her. If you feel you could trust a good close female friend, if you trust her enough to tell her, maybe you could tell her you would like to talk to her about something kinda important and personal. If you feel you can tell her and trust her to keep it confidential, then maybe she could come over and help you out. Realize that if you go out in public then you might have to do your hair in a more feminine cut, and maybe try wearing a little bit of makeup if you want to do that. Little bit at a time increase makeup and go out in public. After awhile you might not be self conscience to go out in public and having a feminine hair cut. I never got brave enough to try and do it in public.

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    • por

      I did one day we gonna cosplay as female characters i love my best friend and i trust her with all my heart and she accepted my dissension she said she gonna help me with the makeup and hair and stuff like that i don't deserve her she's a kind soul

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      • CDmale4fem

        Just curious, can I ask your ages ? That is a good friend to have. She can help you with so many things as well as even if she wants to go with you when you go out in public. Just having her there with you does give a confidence boost.

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  • SwickDinging

    It's just clothes and make up. They are for everyone and you can wear what you like. Just be mindful that you will be judged a lot based on your appearance - we all are.

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    • CDmale4fem

      That's what we say, it's just clothes but there are those that seem to find pleasure in someone elses "pain", so to speak. There are always gonna be someone that will have to draw attention to someone they may think does not fit society's "what who should wear and why we want to make others feel same as we preach".

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  • Kermitt

    No harm at all. Do what you feel happy about

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  • TheDustyMagician

    Well if you like it then go on, theres no need to feel dumb about it.

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    • por

      Im still young tho is it a bad thing to want to do it

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      • TheDustyMagician

        About 9 - 10 years ago when I was in school there was a boy in one of the other class that dressed as a girl, He was way younger than me, He was like 7 or 8 years old i think.
        So i dont thing age makes a diference.
        I not telling you that you should crossdress in public or something like that right off the bat, I just saying that you should make a "test" to see if you would realy feel comfortable doing this type of thing, like crossdressing in front of a mirror when you are alone or something like that.

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  • jodi1955

    you should wear what you want, no matter if it is mans clothing or woman's clothes, after all no one thinks anything about a woman dressing like a man, and in a day or equal rights a man should be able to dress in woman's clothes if he wants.

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  • freelarking

    Times are tough, gotta make a buck somehow.

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    • por

      How am i gonna make a quick buck off of wanting to cross dress plz explain

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      • freelarking

        You mentioned twitch...

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        • por

          I should become a streamer and cross dress thx for the idea

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          • CDmale4fem

            Be careful tho. I bet you are going to love the way many things feel. It's
            different for guys, we like to wear them and women are "supposed" to by the moral majority, standard guides for dressing according to the the societalhigher up. (Or they like to think anyway)

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  • nopurpose

    If you're passable enough it can make some sense but otherwise. Just don't!

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    • EverythingInALine

      Im guessing soemone once told you "if you're passable enough to look like a normal human being then it can make some sense but otherwise.Just don't!" I'm really sorry to break it to you but you don't pass as a decent human being

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      • nopurpose

        I'm not even trying to seem decent to some random ugly crossdressing punks. Now, stuff your filthy bitch mouth with shitty nigga cock and shut the fuck up.

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        • EverythingInALine

          Whoa who shit in your coffee, just leave the lid alone and go swear at yourself

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