Is it normal that i want to make these changes in life?
I wish I could find a huge amount of people that share my beliefs or aliens would come and assist me so I can take over the Earth and give this place a HUGE overhall on it and it's citizens. My order of businesses are:
1) Kill every crook (Rapists, Child Abusers, Animal Abusers, etc)
2) Kill everyone in Africa & the Middle East (We'll need the land and resources)
3) Overthrow every government and assign Self-Governed villages, towns, and cities
4) Assign a 2-Child Policy in EVERY country
5) Abolish Factory Farming, Male Circumcision, Female Genital Mutilation, and Religion
6) Make Sterilization, Abortion, and Contraception completely legal and free
7) Reduce taxes for the non-childed but tax parents more
8) Assign limits on how many people can live in urban areas
9) Bring back the old "No-Nonsense" teaching methods and abolish the "No Child Left Behind" Act
10) Make bad parenting a crime that gets you a high fine and/or the child being confiscated and given to a parent who actually knows how to parent
11) Make ALL Maternity Leave paid and for a generous 28 months (2 Years, 4 Months)
12) Give much Vacation time also paid and up to 10 Months
13) Legalize EVERY drug known to man in every country
14) Start a new space program and invest in it to make colonies on other planets
15) Make corporal punishment a encouraged thing in every household for every misbehaving child up until the age of 13. No exceptions. Every naughty kid deserves to be spanked.
16) Encourage everyone to grow their own crops (Bring back the old farms!)
17) Make all healthcare free or drastically reduced so all can pay for it
18) Make Suicide and Assisted Suicide legal
19) Make Job Security a thing for everyone.
20) Abolish the need for lincenses in order to hunt and fish
21) Lower the universal drinking age to 10 (under Adult Supervision) and make it official to legally drink alone at 15 (Make 16 the new "Adult" age)
22) Abolish all poverty and pay everyone the same livable wages/payments. Get rid of every social class.
23) Get rid of Pre-K and Kindergarten. We only need grades 1-12 (Encourage a Pre-School program the year before kids enter the 1st grade). Well, under the new adult age of 16, only grades 1-10. Elementary schols are to serve grades 1-4, middle schools grade 5-7, and high schools 8-10. Get rid of private schools.
24) Make college/university free for all students.
25) Pay every parent to get their child to learn a 2nd language in high school starting in the 8th grade (Schools are to offer every language-by Rosetta Stone, Teacher, or by Book/Learning how on their own).
26) Lower the age requirement for a Driver's Lincense to 14.
27) Every girl is to be put on Birth Control by the time they turn 13.
28) Reduce oil costs drastically as well as housing costs and traveling costs (including oversea travel)
29) Make Sexism and Racism criminal offences punishable by Flogging or even Death (If it's severe and never-ending). Bring back Public Executions.
30) Get rid of the Police & Sheriffs and teach people to defend themselves.
31) Make it a requirement for people to get Parenting Lincenses BEFORE they breed
32) Make Nudity completely legal in every country.
33) Make Gay Marriage and Incest completely legal in every country (Love is love).
34) Make Stem Cell Research and Cloning legal and a commonly practiced thing.
35) Make all multiple births (Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets, etc) illegal. No woman should have more than 1 baby at a time.
36) No babies with noticable deformities/disorders such as Down's in utero are born.
37) Get rid of all censorship on TV, Books, Movies, etc.
38) Get rid of all special ed classes/schools. If a disabled kid can't fare in a regular classroom, then the child is to be given a tutor.
39) Make all school days last from 7:00 AM to 1:30 PM (In all levels of school). Make recess a thing for both elementary and middle schoolers. Recess time is to be 40 minutes at elementary schools and 35 minutes in middle schools.
40) Reduce the school days to 3 days a week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
41) If a child is ever bit by a dog, have the parents punished instead with a huge fine as finiacial compensation to the dog's owner. No dog should be killed just because of a kid (who most likely got bit by his/her own moronic actions and messed with a poor dog).
42) Make every school only serve good-quality, fresh, and healthy foods. Also, make every child in elementary, middle, and high school take Gym/Physical Education. Grocery stores are to only sell high-quality, homemade food.
43) Make schools teach PROPER sexual education as well as REAL Driver's Ed (With teachers actually teaching them how to drive and driving around with them).
44) limit the life expectancy to 80 years old. We don't need people living beyond that.
45) Make it illegal for anyone 40 or over to have babies. Refuse these people fertility treatments.
46) Make Adoption (Foster Care, Newborn, & International) more easy
47) Incase you have a shitty, DOUCHE of a sibling, there can be a Sibling Swap Business where your sibling gets swapped with a nicer one
48) Outlaw animal breeding until the pet overpopulations reduce to steady numbers. Make pet adoption easy.
49) Lower smoking age to 15.
50) Make tail docking, ear cropping, circuses, and zoos completely illegal everywhere (Animal Reservation Parks are fine though).
51) Lower degree requirements for every job (No job should require more than a Bachelor's or Master's). College year requirements should be: Associates: 1 Year, Bachelor's: 2 Years, and Master's: 4 Years.
52) Make Interracial Relationships illegal and severe punishment is delt onto every couple that does it (People should stay within their own racial group- not stray from it). If white people don't stay with Whites, Blacks with Blacks, and so on, then there won't be any unique races left. Everyone'll end up a nasty mixed Cafe Au Lait color (or darker). Racial makeup is a large thing that makes people unique and it'd be tragic for it to disappear. And no, being mixed DOES NOT neccessarily make you more "Unique" or "Beautiful".
53) In restaurants and theaters, ban any child that's under 10 UNLESS the kids can demonstrate proper behavior/manners prior to taking seats (any kid under 2 isn't allowed- no one wants to hear a shrieking baby and have it ruin their meal. Have some curteousy). Make the bringing of kids into bars and strip clubs illegal.
54) Abolish Welfare. If people can't afford kids, then don't have them. It's real simple: Can't feed em', don't breed em'.
55) Ban every child under the age of 8 from airplanes (Babies Toddlers, and Small Children should NEVER board a plane).