Is it normal that i will push away drunk guys?

It's not like I have anything against drinking, I myself drink. Whenever I'm out, and a drunk(even tipsy) man starts talking to me I will push him away, even if he is attractive. Even guys that I really like, somehow become like instantly not cute, even if they're being like nice and respectful. Somehow I don't want to do anything with guys that are drunk, especially not hook up, even though I know if it were the opposite situation(me drunk,'him' sober) they would totally do it. I feel like i would be taking advantage of them. lol they instantly become like just a person, not attractive, not anything.

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81% Normal
Based on 77 votes (62 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Mando

    Of course. Being drunk is one thing. Having someone in your face that way is another. Just because you are drinking is no excuse to be an ass.

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  • Yes, it's normal. Drunk people are so silly (and sometimes slobbery) and not as much fun to be around unless you're also just as drunk as they are.

    When you push them away, make sure you're pushing them in a safe direction; drunk people can be very clumsy. ;)

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  • Corleone

    Yeah, of course. It's also a turn-off for a guy if a woman is drunk (except if he's looking for an easy lay, of course)

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  • You either take yourself waaayyyy to seriously or are really boring. Probably both.

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    • katdr12

      youre spot on!

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      • Tommy knows....

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  • dirtybirdy

    You might get snooki punched

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