Is it normal that i wish i was a christian?

I'm agnostic (I believe maybe there is some God or something, maybe there isn't, but in any case human beings are not that special to approach to them or anything).
But my boyfriend is a christian and he's just so happy, cool, calm... He just believes that there is something good after life, that good people will recieve compensation, and that bad people will be punished.
I just believe that earth is heaven and hell at the same time. Depends on what you do, what people as a whole do. That life is unfair, and there is nothing after it to compensate people.

As a consequence I'm afraid of death. I think there is nothing after it, but I'm afraid of it. It scares the sh*t out of me. I wish I believed in a mercyful God and in Jesus. That would make me so happy.

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 84 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 30 )
  • Being agnostic is logical because nothing can be proven for sure. I do not understand the concept of faith because it seems the same as blindly following what you are told. I question everything. Even if I experience it because I realize I cannot know anything for certain. If there is a God he doesn't seem to interfere with our world much and any religions description of him is inaccurate. If anything I think God is a collective consciousness of thought which makes more sense than a man sitting in the clouds smiting the inferior humans.

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    • Someone brainwashed my ferret into wanting to be a squirrel.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      I agree with this.

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  • Holzman67

    Religion is not true
    We have all been used
    Some sort of joke,
    I'm not amused.
    Everyone spits on my right to use
    The drugs that I have come to abuse
    But what else was there to choose?
    A god that is swallowed before chewed?
    A life where I am told what to do?
    No I'm sorry but ill have to refuse.

    The sky is the sky, no heaven up high, no angels protecting the passer-by.

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  • Theadage

    I view God in a dynamic sense. God is what surrounds us everyday. It has no sex, form, or matter.

    God is timeless. It's what moves us forward, and God is perennial.

    I feel comforted knowing that there is more to life. That everything happens for a reason. There are times when I'm in doubt, but that's good. Doubt makes you think more, and look for answers. Doubt strengthens your faith. :) We all can find a peace of mind. Don't give up.

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  • 123fakestreet

    He's an actor hired by the church to "sell" the religion. Religions do this all the time. Evidently it's working. Escape while you can.

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  • Unimportant

    We all feel weak sometimes.

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    • It ain't weakness, bub.

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      • Unimportant

        Yeah. Yes, it is.

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        • No it's not.

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  • dirtybirdy don't have to be christian to have a better outlook or to be "happy, cool, calm."

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  • thr

    Sometimes I think it must be nice to have a belief that there's a point to it all, that there life and living has some objective importance.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You have a pretty simplistic view of Christianity. You've forgotten about all the guilt, hypocrisy and endless atonement for living your life as you think is best, that Christianity demands.
    Living this life in the hope there is a better one to follow is a total waste of this one wonderful life you have already been guaranteed.
    In all reality the promised "next" life is only a metaphor, not something actually promised, but the religious community doesn't want anyone to understand that one.
    A good friend of mine died in a buss crash in Indonesia. The driver wasn't paying much attention to his driving, and when asked to do so his reply was "insha'Allah" God willing. In other words why pay attention, god will have his way, no matter how he drives.
    Is that how you'd like to live your life; no responsibility for anything you do? It's god's will!

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    • DramaticOtter

      I'm sorry about your friend. Obviously leaving all responsibility to someone else (Including God) is so immature and nonsense. What I meant with my post was to say that I wish I had this something to rely on in the dark times. Like something beyond trust, love, or rational thinking. Just something beyond me that I just can't understand or explain with science or antropology. Just something beyond that. Anything. Christianism is like the closest to it that I had in mind. Thanks for the feedback

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  • Short4Words

    No harm in trying?

    I was agnostic almost my whole life before I became a Christian. I reached out when no one could help me, not even myself, and God called back.

    Besides, it's not just about the afterlife, it's also a lot about the here and now. Does he ever talk about his relationship with God? Because if anything that's what I find the most peace in.

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    • DramaticOtter

      Yeah I really tried, I'm just way too rational or something. The only thing I can take a leap of faith for is love... but I can't see it as a whole system. I wish I could just believe in something that sets me free from fear... but there just isn't such thing, right.

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      • Short4Words

        Wow that's incredibly thoughtful of you. It's the same place I stand, it's what keeps my faith, is God's love, the presence I've felt, and the love I've shared with other people, complete strangers, a love I've never really felt before until I was christian.

        I can't tell you where to go, if it's your time or not, but I would start with love and go from there. Sometimes when I have enough love in my heart I'm a lot less afraid to die because I least I died doing something I believed in. I don't know if that gives you any comfort or not, but I hope you find the answers you seek.

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        • DramaticOtter

          Yes, love lights my existence and helps me through the dark hours. Thank you very much for your feedback, I'll keep trying and maybe let you know haha

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  • Holzman67

    If I was to open a church it would just be a door and a hallway, leading to a mirror, with the words; "believe in yourself"
    written over it.

    And I wouldnt charge anything for that, cos that's exploitation.

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  • PureGold

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  • Well, if do you decide to become a christian just know that there's a lot of other christians that will make it seem like Christianity is something that it's not. So don't be deterred by those people. I usually would just read my Bible daily reading only a few chapters (a chapter is much shorter then you think don't get it confused with one of the books of the bible.) and I don't go to church because as atheist say, there are a lot of phony Christians in the church, including the pastor making it hard to find a decent one.
    Christianity isn't about God looking over your shouder threatening you with hell if you don't do what He says ( which many Christians emphasize on). It's about working with God to make yourself a better person, and you helping others to realize that if you can (God understands you can't help and/or save everyone.) It's not always easy staying on the straight and narrow I've messed up over and over, (yeah it still happens) but God doesn't hold a grudge us when we mess up a lot, He loves us and He'll forgive you no matter what you do (well there's one thing you won't be forgiven for but you're probably getting sick of reading this so I get into it.) Anyways, I'm not trying to force my beliefs on you, don't let anyone do that, I'm letting you know that Christianity isn't what lot of people make it in it's entirety.
    I wish you the best in life whether you believe on not.

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  • Iz_me

    It's neither normal nor unusual. Religion is a personal matter (at least it should be).
    If you want to believe in Jesus Christ or become a Christian it's totally fine. If not, it's still ok. But remember, whatever you choose, choose it because it feels right and because you want this, not because other people seem happy by making the same choice. Noone knows the truth about the world or about God. We all make our choices based on what we think is right or wrong. Don't worry too much. Almost everyone is afraid of death. We are all human beings and fears are totally normal.
    The fact that you want to be a Christian, but at the same time you realise you don't really believe in this, shows clearly that this religion is probably not for you.
    Keep living, keep dreaming, keep being yourself and make your moves. Life is to be lived, not about thinking what comes after it

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  • Pricky

    Dere is really God up there gal, y dnt u ask ur bf 2 tell u sumtin abt Him or beta stil, Read ur bf bible then afta dis Ur Instinct nd Conscience will tell u mayb He truly lives. Waitin 2 hear 4rm U.

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  • KatieLiz

    You shouldn't do things just because they feel good, try to figure out what you actually believe.

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  • Isabella80s

    This is honestly what I think... as a Christian, your boyfriend is deluded. Don't go down the same path. Sorry to be so blunt. I also feel that a lot of Christians (and other religious people) use their faith as a security blanket in life. Life is too scary and uncertain and they want meaning and answers and validation. It's easier to have this security blanket wrapped around you, protecting you from scary life, but the easiest path isn't always the best for the individual. Well aware I've offended people here, I'm sorry, but these are just my honest opinion. I also feel it's a way of delegating responsibility in life. If you believe you're in the hands of 'God', then you've shifted some of the responsibility you have for yourself and your own life.

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  • loopoo

    I wish I wasn't a Christian

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  • Phishy

    I'm an atheist and I'm happier than ever.. (not really, kind of a shitty lifesteal, but religion has nothing to do with that)

    I think you should just higher your outlook on life. meh

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  • Knoting1992

    I say believe what ever you what to believe but don't let yourself be pressured into a way of thinking simply because someone else sees things that way... and as for being scared of death and not being sure what is going to happen you are not alone in thinking like that... as for being happy I have seen religious people and non religious people find happiness in something so I don't think religion has anything to do with it

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  • dybex

    Become an atheist. Once you stop being agnostic those fears will vanish.

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  • Gamzeee

    Believe in whatever you want. You don't need a religion to make you happy.

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