Is it normal that i wish my brother wasn’t alive?

My brother is 17. He has severe disorders such as pans and pandas, as well as bpd, depression, and narcissistic personality disorder.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I LOVE my brother, with my whole heart. I care about him like nobody else, and just want the best for him. But sometimes i’m scared he won’t make it in this world. He can’t hold a job, because he tends to go into blind rages and try and hurt himself or others. He hasn’t been able to hold down a girlfriend (they all think he’s super manipulative, and sadly, I have to admit I don’t disagree.) and he’s borderline friendless. Besides myself and my younger brother, no-one ever talks to him. Even my mother struggles engaging with him.

He was bullied pretty intensely through middle and highschool, and there’s been more than enough “school shooter” comments for me to create a book about them. He’s miserable all the time, angry, unable to enjoy anything. And on top of that, because he has severe allergies, the kid can’t have dairy, or gluten, or dyes, or pretty much anything. He’s allergic to grass and trees and just about every animal. He’s been in and out of hospitals his whole life, and it’s really just sucked for him.

And that’s where I want to know if it’s normal for me to wish he was never born. I don’t want to see him sad like this all the time, I don’t want to see him angry. It pains me so badly to know that he wants to kill himself, and I only wish that maybe if he hadn’t been here with us, it would’ve eased his suffering. He would’ve never experienced all this trouble. If you’d like to have at me in the comments, go ahead. I just want to know if it’s normal, I feel like such a guilty soul for thinking that.

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 25 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • dimwitted

    It's completely normal to feel this way. You're not a bad person you're just feeling bad to see your brother suffer. That's called compassion.

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  • notsaying4life

    I totally get you even though I believe your brother can still make it in life,there’s something called alternative medicine that many people aren’t willing to try but it could be the last resort for cases like this

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    • Believe me when I say we’ve tried everything in the book. It makes me sad there isn’t some miracle medication we can give him, if there was we would’ve. And I can’t name on two hands how many of those “anti-vax moms” have contacted us trying to sell their junk for my brother.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Man this is a sticky subject. I am unsure exactly what I think about this, but I will say that I understand your point of view.

    It comes down to can life be worse than being dead. And the other issue is that you are trying to determine that. So basically, his life looks worse than being dead by your judgment, and a lot of people would agree with you on that, but it's his view of his own life that really matters.

    But you don't want to kill your brother, so your not in the wrong. But I suspect that he would not rather have never been born, because I have a hard time believing no life is better than a life, and even if it is, that's only up to the individual to determine, not for anyone else to determine from the outside looking in.

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  • zarabell

    I can not relate. but I understand your reasoning. it sounds NORMAL ENOUGH, but you worded it a bit strangely.. "..I only wish that maybe if he hadn’t been here with us, it would’ve eased his suffering." this phrase, can you notice what's strange about it..?
    now, forgive me, really, if I hurt you with my following reasoning but I will speculate two things:

    1) you say a lot of extreme thiings about him, but I do not believe your brother actually is or has it that bad. you talk about girlfriendS, and phantom friends. and anger attacks (i can relate btw, have to go to anger management). and COUNTLESS people calling him a potential school shooter?? like you were there to hear it all, and of course SEE it.. you talk about many many events, and say that he is allergic to nature. grass and trees?? do you know how many trees there are in the world??? what kind of FUCKED UP ALERGIES are those???? like.
    I'd rather not believe he has it that bad. it's easier for me, as a stranger to believe you have exaggerated the stories.. .

    2) you actually hate your brother. .. I am sure you love him deep inside yes, but you also understand how bad he is and can describe it EXTREMELY well, which means he must have hurt you. so you actually wish he was gone (as the title says), because inside you his existence is not one you would want, or can understand.
    I also believe that you have been really close with him your whole life. even if things were't as extreme as you say (even if they were) I believe that you were with him and did your best to protect him. you were a good brother, basically. but then why would you reach the point to make this post here, and say all these reasons as to why you want him gone...

    basically i think you two just had a fight, and then you came here to explore and justify your feelings about him. to a bunch of strangers on the internet, whose opinion does not really matter, because you'll never meet us.. you'll never meet me,
    my opinion does not matter, and it might be wrong
    but I'll give it anyway. I'll assume a third thing:

    3) I have no idea who you are or what your life is. but I will assume that not everything I speculated above was wrong. so you Love your brother, but you also hate him. and you think it would be best if he wasn't born.. but, not always.
    this post is just a thought you would have on the bad days, correct?
    then my advice is this.
    continue to be your brother's closest friend, right until the very end. keep fighting, help him to be better, and he might understand that you are worried about him. keep true to your ideals, and finally if you feel guilty that you think these things, act in ways that will make you feel proud. show your brother a good example of how to be a good person

    I don't know you, but I know you can do it.

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  • DIO

    You can't just erase people because they are suffering and that it would be convenient for you. You also are not responsible for his suffering. I would not say it's normal but it's not anormal either. And he's still young. He'll either get better or die, so you don't really have to worry about it.
    Just live your life and talk to him when you feel he needs it and it's necessary.

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  • nanodayo

    I think it’s normal. You love your sibling but you almost think their life is so difficult they it’s not really worth living. I think it’s a totally normal emotion. Just please be there for him to help him through his troubles.

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  • Optimisticbeast

    I regret clicking it isn't normal sorry that is normal for you to do that.

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