Is it normal that i wish my brother wasn’t alive?
My brother is 17. He has severe disorders such as pans and pandas, as well as bpd, depression, and narcissistic personality disorder.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I LOVE my brother, with my whole heart. I care about him like nobody else, and just want the best for him. But sometimes i’m scared he won’t make it in this world. He can’t hold a job, because he tends to go into blind rages and try and hurt himself or others. He hasn’t been able to hold down a girlfriend (they all think he’s super manipulative, and sadly, I have to admit I don’t disagree.) and he’s borderline friendless. Besides myself and my younger brother, no-one ever talks to him. Even my mother struggles engaging with him.
He was bullied pretty intensely through middle and highschool, and there’s been more than enough “school shooter” comments for me to create a book about them. He’s miserable all the time, angry, unable to enjoy anything. And on top of that, because he has severe allergies, the kid can’t have dairy, or gluten, or dyes, or pretty much anything. He’s allergic to grass and trees and just about every animal. He’s been in and out of hospitals his whole life, and it’s really just sucked for him.
And that’s where I want to know if it’s normal for me to wish he was never born. I don’t want to see him sad like this all the time, I don’t want to see him angry. It pains me so badly to know that he wants to kill himself, and I only wish that maybe if he hadn’t been here with us, it would’ve eased his suffering. He would’ve never experienced all this trouble. If you’d like to have at me in the comments, go ahead. I just want to know if it’s normal, I feel like such a guilty soul for thinking that.