Is it normal that i worry about not being able to concieve?

Is It a common fear? I do have some health problems that increases my fear (PCOS) but many women with it have had babies, it's just I'm scared I'm gonna be that one in a million that can't! you know?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • charli.m

    I was the same when I first got diagnosed. I actually stopped going to my endocrinologist when he said he wanted to test if I was ovulating. I couldn't face the possibility.

    As a result, I got worse. I'm now on the right track again, and funnily enough, now I'm actually in a relationship with someone I want to be with for life, and I don't care if I can or not.

    The likelihood of being able to conceive depends on your management. You will probably be fine, and if there are difficulties, there are things you can do, medically and alternative therapy wise, to increase your chances.

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    • flowerchild94

      So happy for you :) thank you for the advise I really appreciate it.

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      • charli.m

        Thank you, and no problem :) while it's not something you should stress over or something you're aiming for right now, it's good to be aware early, so you can see what you can do to optimise everything.

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  • Its normal to worry about that. I worry about it too, sometimes, but I tell myself that worrying won't fix anything and that if I really want to have a child one day and am unable to, I will adopt.

    I'm sorry to hear you have PCOS, that's one hell of a condition that. I hope your doctor who diagnosed you gave you the appropriate medication to ease your symptoms. I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS but I do have all the awful period symptoms, and the pill has helped me a lot.

    Don't worry too much now, you'll stress yourself out for nothing. Just wait till the time comes, and in the meantime, manage your condition and focus on your healthy. Goodlucky! :)

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  • thegypsysailor

    Are you ready now? Married, with plenty of money and a supportive husband?

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    • charli.m

      Last I checked, concern about not being able to conceive doesn't actually mean that she's worried about right here and now. It's a long-term thing.

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      • iEatZombies_

        I think he's trying to say she shouldn't bother herself with fear until she's ready to have a child.

        Not that it matters now. =*
        He done got mad n blew his top.....

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        • charli.m

          My point was, it's actually sensible to be aware of it now, not just ignore it til later, and to do what can be done to minimise the likelihood of difficulties, ergo his advice is not great.

          If she optimises her health and PCOS management now, when she is ready to conceive, she is less likely to then have the frustration of finding that there are complications that may take years to negotiate.

          But he decided it was actually about him, not his advice. About something he clearly doesn't know a single thing about.

          Thanks anyway :)

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          • iEatZombies_

            Ah, I see. Yeah, it makes sense to be ahead of the game. Too bad he's being sensitive, I think that's good advice that you would've explained if he'd been nicer.
            I would try to talk to him but I think he might get mad again... He shouldn't have been so mean. Your opinions here are a right; when he posts an opinion, he -is- asking for response here. That's what IIN is for.

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    • flowerchild94

      lol no I'm only 20 an not currently trying to have a baby just when I think about the day I WILL be trying its there.

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      • thegypsysailor

        You should relax now, and not worry. When the time comes, I'm sure things will work out. Medicine also is more able to help with these things every day.

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  • dasugaknows

    As somebody who was diagnosed with infertility, i can tell you it is normal to worry. I would worry all the time and it ruined my life. You have a diagnosis right now, so this is great. You should use it to your advantage and get treatment for it now and not when your clock starts ticking. I wish i had known about my condition early on before my clock was ticking. It wasnt pcos that was my diagnosis but, from what i understand, pcos is a difficult fertility issue but not impossible to conceive. Good luck to you in the future.

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  • Ibelievethis

    Hi Charli.
    You do hear of miracles. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
    I spent years not wanting anymore children. Then all of a sudden I got broody out of no where. I am now ttc. Well I'm not getting any younger.

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  • loopoo

    I actually wouldn't mind if I was infertile, I hate kids. I think i'd be one of those women though that if had unprotected sex I would get pregnant straight away.

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  • Bobblahblah

    Don't worry. Stress is bad for you.

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