Is it normal that i worry he will cheat?

My boyfriend of 2 years is gone away to work for a month on and a week off scedual. He has cheated on me once before (he let someone perform oral sex on him) we were fooling around but weren't technically "in a relationship".. and he broke things off with me right after. This happened years ago. I am about 5 months pregnant and am worried that he will cheat on me. Since becoming pregnant we haven't been as sexual with each other.. and I am scared he will go find it elsewhere while he is gone. Is it normal to fear this? And do you think I have reason to worry?

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Comments ( 1 )
  • manageablemischief

    I think if you really are that worried, you should definitely talk to him about it. It would be wrong of him to cheat on you, especially since now you're pregnant. So make sure he knows that you are worried about this! Talking about your problems or insecurities it vital in a relationship.

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