Is it normal that i write about graphic violence?

In real life, I would never hurt anyone, but in my free time, I write about things such as rape, torture, serial killing, massacres, genocide, and pretty much every kind of perversion you read about on this site, all in graphic detail. I recently looked back at some of my writing and felt nauseated by how extreme it was - a lot of it I wrote when I was a teenager! When I was writing it, though, I didn't really feel as bad, which makes me wonder if I'm a bad person. Am I a secret sadist? Is it a good thing that I get out my aggression through writing? Is any of this normal? All answers will be greatly appreciated!

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50% Normal
Based on 4 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • mysistersshadow

    Have you ever read the Game of Thrones books?

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  • Max2016

    What kind of writing and where do you write? Do you keep a journal where you write these down or some blogs? What do you write about graphic violence? Some fictional work or you just describe something you've seen or heard?

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