Is it normal that i write letters and never send them?

I'm always writting letters, most of them are for my ex, but I also write to my sisters, my mom or people that it's not with me anymore. The letters I writte to my ex are pretty romantic, I mean, I don't love him (that's what I say) but I'm always saying what I should do with our relationship. I miss him and of course I wanna tell him but I know I can't do that so I write to him, I spend most of my free time writting letters fot him and I feel like I'm talking to him, that way I don't have to speak to him in person because I know we are better not beeing together.

The letters I write to my sisters are for things that happened years ago, when we used to fight a lot and make my parents angry and stuff, and the letters I write to other people are justo feeling that I keep to myself, thing that I can not say out loud.

Someone said to me once that writting letters is a very healthy way of "therapy" specially if I talk about thing that I can say or I don't know how to say it. Sometimes I feel like I have to send those letters so the people know how I feel and that they are important to me, but I just can't do it!

I started a year ago and now I have 600 letters I haven't send, what should I do? Is it normal to express myself in paper but not in person? should I send them?

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66% Normal
Based on 41 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Faceless

    Put them in a box and bury them. Works for my problems. And by 'problems' I mean undesirables leaking in the trunk of my car. And by 'undesirables' I mean strippers who work with the no touching rule.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    sometimes it's not the act of sending the letter that matters, but the fact that you were able to say what you wanted - even to yourself

    i've written plenty of letters like that when i was younger, ones i never sent.
    ended up deleting them and i still felt better ... simply because I was able to get it off of my chest, even if only to myself

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Sounds like a perfectly good way of expressing your thoughts and getting out of your head. Even if you put them on paper in the form of letters, which seems very similar to writing in a journal to me, it can give you a chance to step back and look at the problems objectively.

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  • squirrelgirl

    It is indeed a healthy and therapeutic approach to dealing with unresolved feelings towards people who it would be unwise (or inconvenient) to confront directly. I've had my therapists recommend that I do the same thing. Keeping a regular journal would probably help as well.

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  • ilovearts

    It is a good way of "therapy". In my opinion, if you really have something you want to say to them, you should. But if you're very nervous and think the letters are too personal, then try writing a new one with the thought that they will see it or just tell them in person. If you want to let someone know that they are important to you, I think you should. I know it's nerve wracking, but they will probably just be flattered and happy about it.

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  • laymaan

    Not Norm! Waste of time! Write a book, exploit yourself, get rich!

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    • ElleJ

      ahahaha that's a really good advice!

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