Is it normal that im 20 and absolutely don't know what to do with life

I study at university, just one year left. I really don't want to work on the profession i study and things im interested in don't bring me money.

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96% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • radioguy22

    i think i was like that at that age and certainly is a funny thing and a big mistake for me was to not have any idea of what i wanted to do when i left school. but then how many people can honestly say they do? maybe you have an interest or hobby that you could build on and get a job related to that even if its not strictly the same as your interest? for me electronics was a hobby of mine and i went on to become a radio/audio/tv technician involving repairs etc. i now am involved in engineering and i can honestly say when i started, that i didnt know the difference between a bolt and a screw, but now i really enjoy the work even though i thought i was not cut out for it. so just try different avenues and you might hit upon something you do enjoy and wish to learn more about. good luck!

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  • Ellenna

    Normal and common, in fact almost universal. How many people do you think like their jobs? It's part of growing up to decide whether you want to fit in and be financially comfortable or do your own thing and live in poverty.

    Welcome to the real world.

    There's no reason why you can't work for a while in the profession you dislike and save up for free time to do what you want for a while

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  • snowflake4m

    It is completely normal. I agree with radioguy22, I think you should find a hobby or interest that you enjoy, and try working that into your profession. Other people spend their whole lives doing it the other way round. They go to college, get a degree, find a job they hate, and then spend their whole lives obsessing over hobbies to "escape" from said job. I much prefer doing what I love, even if that is considered unorthodox by many.

    Find your niche. Find things you are interested in, and get creative, see how you can use them to your advantage in the profession you choose. None of us can make that decision for you, but I think it's better than living your life out in a job you hate, working as a "corporate slave," and resenting it for the rest of your life. And again, it is completely normal. We all feel lost at some point on our journey. Good luck to you :)

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  • deepdankstickygoo

    So you wasted time and money at a university studying something you are not sure you even like anymore? 20 is still young enough to change your mind and pursue whatever you want. I hope Richard Gere watches you sleep at night.

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    • Ian_is_a_butthurt_bitch

      Don't be so butthurt.

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