Is it normal that im 23 and can't drive?

Im 23 years old and have never gotten my drivers license. I've grown a fear of driving as well. I didn't learn as a teenager cause my parents couldn't be bothered to teach me and wouldn't allow me to go to drivers ed, as an adult i never had the money or time to go and the few times friends took me i was terrible and nervous. I lived in a city where trax and buses went everywhere so it wasn't a need anyway. But now im at a place where i must get a license and im terrified, most people think its so weird i don't have one already. IIN?

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65% Normal
Based on 111 votes (72 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • mario6070

    You must be Sheldon Cooper

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  • shuggy-chan

    well my best advice besides pratice, is when you take the test, normally the driving part is with your car, make sure its a smaller car so the "parrael parking" part is easier

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  • debbiedoo

    its ok to be nervous or scared. once you learn, and have your license for a while, it will be a lot better and you wont feel this way anymore.

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  • lucyisfalling

    I didn't get mine until 26, my mom let me drive because she was drunk. it was when I was 11!! and a little girl jumped in front of the car and instead of hitting her I drove off the road which was a giant hill and was teetering over the neighbors garage! it took me a long time to get over it I still don't like driving on the highway, but if I really have to I will. I hope this helps you. just believe in yourself, you'll get there ;)

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I lack the confidence to drive

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  • boooooyah

    i have a sister-in-law who is a few years older than you that has yet to get her license. although, what she is afraid of is the testing part. So, I don't think it's "normal", but you are definitely not alone.

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    I think you should know how, in case of emergency, but I don't blame you. I drove to work for 40 years, and recently got my senior Metro pass. I pay $14 a month and save tons of money on gas and car maintenance, not to mention the stress.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I have my license, but hate driving, and only do it if I know I absolutely have to. I'd much rather be a passenger.

    Maybe you can take a driving class, and they can help you get over your nerves a bit. I think you'll be fine.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Got mine at 21 after 3 tries.

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  • Shrunk

    I'm 21 and I just got mine (after the 5th try over 3 years and 2 different states), same deal I didn't want to bother my parents, and driving makes me extremely nervous, so I rarely had practice. I only got the license because we live almost in the middle of nowhere now, but I haven't driven since

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm slightly younger than you and I don't have my license. I didn't get my license because I have some phobias and some "health issues" that could become a problem if I started driving. For awhile, I got a lot of crap from my family members. They didn't stop pestering me until I practically had to scream at them to shut the fuck up:/ I also had a friend to treat me very strangely when she found out that I didn't have my license and that I didn't plan to get it anytime soon. She is one of those people who believe that the ONLY way a person can travel is by car. She was surprised when I told her about buses, walking, using a bicycle...

    I think its normal. One solution would be to move to Europe, like England, where there isn't much focus on car travel.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I passed the driving test when i was 26.

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  • dappled

    I drove a car for about 90 seconds once when I was 17, but that's been my whole experience. It's most likely different in my country but not driving isn't a major problem in cities here. They weren't designed for mass transit or pedestrianisation but we've made them work that way. You can come and move here, if you like. :)

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