Is it normal that im addicted but dont want to be?

For the past 3 months I have been watching porn and masturbating before bed. I have become addicted to it and REALLY want to stop. Is this normal? and any tips to slow it down-or stop? Your support won't go unnoticed

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Comments ( 12 )
  • dom180

    Because it's part of your routine, it's hard to stop. Every time you want to masturbate, do something that is tiring (to help you get to bed easier) and that will make your forget about masturbation and help you feel good about yourself. One idea I've had in the past that combines these three things is press-ups. It tires you out, it's physically strenuous so you forget about masturbation, and it improves your body so you feel good about yourself.

    Another idea is to do three different activities that tackle each problem individually. Read a book or play some video games (relaxing ones, not shooters or driving games or anything likely to raise your pulse) to keep your mind away from masturbation, do something useful like schoolwork or housework or make you feel accomplished, then do something that makes you feel tired (make a hot decaffeinated drink or have a hot bath or something, whatever works for you). Then go straight to bed.

    Recognise that watching porn is not a bad thing so long as you feel in control. Instead of every day watch it every two days, and do it during the middle of the day, if watching it less often and in a less routine way makes you feel more in control of your behaviour. There's no need to cut it out completely.

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    • thanks for taking your time and i shall try it out

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  • Practice using your imagination as a source for sexual stimulation. Just close your eyes and start filling in the details that appeal to you....

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    • how will that help?

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      • If you build up your ability to use your imagination, you won't need porn to do it for you.

        Porn is the lazy way to get turned on. The way people act these days, it's as if they forgot how to get turned on any other way. Porn has its purpose but, due to the accessibility of it made possible with the internet, people have become too reliant on it for their fun.

        Without a strong sexual imagination, it makes you a boring lover.

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        • nakedman


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      • jeebley


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  • sexycarly

    Just do something that will take ur mind of it like listenin to a music till u fall asleep LOL

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  • jeebley

    Maybe you could put some filter or something on your computer so that it won't let you actually look up porn... so in a moment of weakness you don't have the option.

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    • good idea!

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  • Short4Words

    It's a hard thing to have control over at first, but it can be done. I've done it on sheer will power alone, and then again through faith. You have to work on your triggers -what drives you to masturbate. Sometimes we just do it to wind down, which sounds true in your case but there are other less destructive ways to do that. You can start reading a good hour or so before you plan to sleep and try to avoid electronics before bed aswell. It takes a lot of willpower, there are no tricks, but I think the most important thing to remember is why you don't want to do it, and to have pride in your decision and the person that you are and will be because you made that decision, it is enough if you let it be.

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    • thanks a lot. i will try to control myself a bit more. ive never been big on reading but ill try

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