Is it normal that im afraid of hanging out with people sometimes?

I have been like this my whole life. Almost all my friends call me a "flake". I will make plans with people days in advance. That person will clear the day for our plans(take off work, put down other plans,ect) and when the time comes to hang out, i get really anxious and nervous. I end up making up some off the wall excuse as to why i had to cancel plans. Its not that i dont want to hang out with them, its just that i feel like i "cant". I have missed out on sooo many opportunitys because of this, and i really cant stand that im this way. There has been times that people that had asked me to hang out in advance will just show up at my house w/o calling cus they know im a "flake". When that happends i get REALLY upset, like they are forcing me out to do something i dont feel comfortable with. but then sometimes when i suck it up and go i am very happy and proud that i did. Its just so hard to actually follow through with plans. Is this normal??

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 258 votes (179 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • kellstar79

    I was the same way for awhile, I also suffer anxiety. Tell your friends your fears, that gives them a chance to understand why you do it and the true friends will be understanding and try help you. I also went and saw (still do) a therapist who helped me alot. Don't listen to the negative comments on here, just take on board the positive helpful ones. Good luck

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  • lizieralizard

    u have anxiety

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • Spaghetti remedies are available for this

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  • Megid

    I often have trouble even replying to my friends through text messaging, Facebook, or Skype.

    When I am actually hanging out with them, I am far more committed, but getting there is the difficult part.

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  • RinTin

    I'm the same way. Whenever I hung out with my friends I'd get really nervous. Sometimes I'd have a good time but most of the time I'd be too anxious to have any fun. I've gotten better but I just moved a few months ago and I don't like being around people period. haha

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  • johnald

    not normal

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm like that, but if I am forced into the situation (which some of my friends do) the anxiety goes away. When I am hanging out with people, my mind is 100% focused on them and speaking/listening to them and the conversation, it's like a completely different area of my brain and personality kicks in where I go from being a weird little book worm to a confident social butterfly and it's fucking weird how I am so anti-social and I make friends so easily...

    No wonder you're anxious, there are people like me in the world.

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    • blueizbabe07

      Im the same way, i make friends very easily as well. Its good to know im not a weirdo and theres ppl out there that feel the same way lol :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm scared to hang out with people. I find myself often desperately trying to avoid certain situations or even talking to people. I've been like this for quite some years and It steadily becomes worse.

    Either you're insecure or you have a social anxiety/phobia. Going out probably will help you get over this, but until then try not to make plans with people.

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  • BlondeBambi

    I think you're just a little bit insecure. Maybe you are afraid that something bad might happen, or something. You shouldn't. You say, that when you go, you feel happy and proud. And it all seems to turn out okay. You shouldn't fear it so much.

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  • Wow and people are actually still friends with you?? I mean they dont just not bother with it after a couple times of this ridiculous behavior?

    They dont kick your ass or anything?

    I mean. Wow.

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    • blueizbabe07

      No it dont bother them cus they know me. Im not a weirdo or anything, i have my pic posted on my page on here. I just have bad anxiety when it comes to going to hang out with people or talk to them on the phone. I hate talking on the phone too. Its those weird awkward silences i dont like. It freaks me out.

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      • Energy

        I hate talking on the phone too! But I'm very out-going in person.

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