Is it normal that im afraid of hanging out with people sometimes?
I have been like this my whole life. Almost all my friends call me a "flake". I will make plans with people days in advance. That person will clear the day for our plans(take off work, put down other plans,ect) and when the time comes to hang out, i get really anxious and nervous. I end up making up some off the wall excuse as to why i had to cancel plans. Its not that i dont want to hang out with them, its just that i feel like i "cant". I have missed out on sooo many opportunitys because of this, and i really cant stand that im this way. There has been times that people that had asked me to hang out in advance will just show up at my house w/o calling cus they know im a "flake". When that happends i get REALLY upset, like they are forcing me out to do something i dont feel comfortable with. but then sometimes when i suck it up and go i am very happy and proud that i did. Its just so hard to actually follow through with plans. Is this normal??