Is it normal that im afraid of hot water?
When I was a little kid, my dad was in a car crash. He had some minor head injuries but he was never the same. as I grew up he became more aggressive and not so much abusive but definitely sick. He started smoking and would take the buts and burn them into his skin (he said it released stress). when that wasnt enough for him he took to burning himself with hot water. occasionally he would make me hold his arms in a pot of boiling hot water as he burned them and a few times my hands got burned too... Now everything I do has to be cold. I cant take hot showers, or go swimming. I dont cook and im afraid to wash my hands in sinks. im even afraid when I touch things like hot car dashboards or cups with warm coffee/ tea in them. My question arrises to is it normal that I cant handle these normal everyday things without feeling like my hands are being burned again?