Is it normal that im deathly afraid of statues

ever since i can remember i have been afraid of statues even statues of jesus. Ive been to psychiatrists but it didnt do anything. Please help!!

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 60 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • flutterhigh

    That's pretty normal, apparently. I read a study about phobias, and fear of statues (which is actually called "statue phobia" because fuck it, I guess) is pretty high on the list. Here's a graph with the data: (

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  • InsertUsername

    We all have our own phobias :) Don't worry. Unless it's inhibiting your life, there's no problem.

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  • Velancious

    Have you seen "Weeping Angels" yet? XD

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  • BearGrylls

    Here's just a crazy suggestion: Carve or build a statue of your own out of wood (or soap if you don't have woodworking tools) - It's hard to fear something you created. Or if that 'll take to long or you don't feel artistic, buy one - it's hard to fear something when you still have the receipt.
    Then you take a big hammer and smash it to bits and set the bits on fire.
    Then every time you see a statue, imagine yourself destroying it. BTW, maybe you could use your phobia as a legal excuse for vandalizing public statues.

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  • Dulse.

    Wax figures can be a little creepy. The more human a statue or sculpture looks, the more surreal. Normal.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I like them, but some of them are life-like that they can be creepy. Needless to say, I wouldn't want to be locked in a museum at night. To me Mannequins are more scary:/

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  • Shackleford96

    I find maniquins creepy looking... I say normal.

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