Is it normal that im not afraid to die and that i'm ready to go

I just lost a loved one infact the first person I was ever close too I'm in such a deep depression that I constantly think negative I mean this world is so cruel I'm tired of working only to live paycheck to paycheck I'm a 23 year old man you think I would be able to control my feelings and think positive fo da rest of my family and wife but I just can't it just seems like everything is crashing down around me what really messes with me is I had a dream that one of my loved ones died in a car accident like too weeks before I lost my grandma that's not how she died tho she went in for a routine surgery and it didn't turn out that way I looked at her like my grandma,my friend,an mom I had to watch her take her last breath and it constantly replays over in over in my head I'm trying to stay strong for my family and my wife after she passed I had a dream were I on a cold but yet solid ground I believe I was in a street it was blurry but paramedics were shocking me and trying to bring me back to life and I saw this comforting light it was so peaceful then my wife woke me up it's like I was out of my body watching them try to bring me back when she woke me up it startled me and I looked around and realized it was a dream but she told me my body was shaking and jumping almost like my body was mimicking the shocks

Sorry for my poor grammar skills I guess what I'm trying to get at is death seems so peaceful so why be afraid of it when you can be reunited with your loved ones?

RIP grandma my heart will never be the same

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Comments ( 8 )
  • blackalica

    in that entire paragraph you had one comma and one question mark:) ha! anyway..... it'll be alright, forizzles...just take it easy, take a vacation, and DON'T try suicide, i tried it once and the only reason i'm still alive is because the shotgun sucked and jammed up on me....glad it didn't go now.....please for the love of barnaby jones don't be too hard on yourself, goooooooood luck.

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  • kellstar79

    If you decided to end your life you would be making everyone else around you feel the same way you do now... :(

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  • You need to be stronger for those around you. I'm 25 and only just realising that. It's good that your in touch with such deep emotions , your not scared to confront them.. This is the key to overcoming the way you feel. Rock on my friend

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  • joybird

    You are quite young to be dealing with death so it's particularly hard for you. As a man, I think you need to open up and tell your wife how you feel. It would be silly to want to die when you haven't even started to live yet.

    When you are young problems are magnified but once you encounter the same stuff over and over again you find ways of coping. My grandma died 15 years ago, my nephew 5 years ago and my dad last year - but my life has to go on regardless as I have responsibilites and I wouldn't want my close ones to suffer the way I am.

    It's an oldie but 'time heals' I promise you.

    My husband almost gave up a job he was in 18 years, when his dad died. He couldn't think straight - so I wouldn't advise you to make any hasty decisions for at least 3-6 months.

    Try your best to think of happy times and erase horrible memories. It helps to include your loved ones in some laughter.

    Good luck.

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  • gutta269

    I'm sorry to hear that Tommy I was meaning after life which is death seems so peaceful. Now the way we go nobody knows it could be peaceful or it may be painful but in the end I believe we will all be at peace.

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  • Death peaceful? i was nearly killed by a lunatic with a pair of scissors once...i now treat death with the amount of fear and respect it deserves.

    And even if there is a heaven and hell (i really hope not) you kill yourself to see them and you'll just end up in purgatory!

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  • gutta269

    I just want to say thank you for the suggestions and such positive support
    Especially through this hard time I'm going through I will take all your suggestions to heart.

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  • Dulse.

    The problem is you can't be sure there is any afterlife.

    I hope you'll start to feel better soon. Think of your family and how good it is to have them all so close to you. They really are a special bunch that love you very much.

    We all only last for so long, and perhaps that makes loved ones all the more precious.

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