Is it normal that im scared of babies?
Well long story short I am scared of babies in general...
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Well long story short I am scared of babies in general...
hahaha thats the most stupidest thing i have ever heard. does it scare you that you were once a baby too?
Hearing one cry makes me really irritable. And accidentally glancing at a baby eating with food all over its face when I'm in a resturant is revolting. I lose my appetite.
Normal. They're small, helpless, squishy, often ugly when they're newborn, and they scream bloody murder at every chance.
Once you get used to being around them, and gain some confidence in what you're doing with them, it's not so bad. Quite enjoyable, really :)
human popping outta human scares me n babys too but after a few weeks sometimes theyre kinda cute :P
I am not scared of babies or young children by themselves, it's more the fact that they are pretty much lawsuits waiting to happen. I'm afraid that if I am around a child and there is an accident or the kid does something really dumb, then it will be my fault and I will be liable even if I didn't do anything wrong, because children are rarely considered guilty or responsible for their own action.
It doesn't help that babies are really ugly and loud.
I'm afraid of indents. They are so helpless, and I think I will drop it or hurt it somehow.
Depends what you mean by that. I'm a bit nervous around babies because I don't know what they want when they start crying. But if you mean you have a fear of them, it's not normal. Why would you be scared of something so much smaller than you that can't walk or talk? What's the worst they could do to you?
Babies are evil, they stare at you and laugh because they know you can't hurt them.