Is it normal that im scared of big dogs

since like a year ago i have been scared of big dogs even though i have never had a bad experience with one

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 82 votes (58 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • assh0le

    Masturbate them and they will calm right down.
    You should find plenty tips on this site, LOLZ

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  • peterrabbyt69

    I know of a case where a dog bit a guys balls right off and then ate them.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I don't like dogs much in general because I think they are kind of unpredictable but especially big dogs. I mean if a tiny dog bites you its probably no big deal(unless it bites you in the face!) but big dogs, youre probably ending up in the hospital. I especially dislike fighting breeds like pit bulls and rottweilers and the like, why do people have to have a shark on a leash for a pet? mean, any big dog can be protective why have one thats super agressive and likely to bite? Ive met a few dogs that I have felt OK around but the majority I just don't trust. The fact is any dog can snap or mistakenly think youre "attacking" its owner. I once had a small dog snap at me because I hugged the owner.
    I prefer catlike dogs which are quiet and kind of aloof and don't bark their heads off as soon as the mailman comes on the porch.

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  • kittyg7113

    If you're afraid of dogs, the best thing you can do is get one.

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    My friend from Mexico he whispers dogs for a living he says it's not good to feel tense or afraid around dogs because they sense it and become tense themselves.

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  • suckonthis9

    It depends on the breed of dog.
    Remember that all domestic dogs are descended from wolves.
    Also remember that through history, SOME dogs were bred as 'Dogs of War', and the violent temperament is inherent in SOME breeds, notably Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, et. al.
    Even some small breeds can be vicious, as most were bred for rat control, and under the right circumstances, can exhibit these primitive traits.

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    • Just_feed_me_Troll_Meat

      Pit Bulls dont have a violent temperament. I can speak from experience on that.

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      • suckonthis9

        The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a study on Dog-Bite Related Fatalities (DBRF) between 1979 to 1998. There were 238 people killed by dogs in that period in the United States. Of these, 76 people or 32 per cent of the fatalities were by Pit Bull like breeds.
        This report concluded that:
        "It is extremely unlikely that they [pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers] accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities."
        This report dealt only with fatalities and not dog-bite injuries. Yes, a small breed could bite you and injure you, but Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are responsible for the great majority of SERIOUS injury. You might be lucky to have one with a good temperament, but keep in mind that if your dog attacks someone, you are responsible. You could be charged with Murder, Manslaughter or Assault.
        If you had a Yorkie, for instance, even if it bit someone, it would be very unlikely that this would happen.

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        • Just_feed_me_Troll_Meat

          The American Temperament Testing Society is a non for profit agency dedicated to conducting uniform temperament testing codes and policies for all breeds of dogs. The agency works closely with the ASPCA. Established in 1977 and as of 2010 had tested close to 30,000 different dogs. The results from the website are in descending alphabetical order. Here is a sample related to the discussion:

          American Bulldog 193 165 28 85.5%
          American Eskimo 83 68 15 81.9%
          American Foxhound 2 2 0 100.0%
          American Hairless Terrier 2 2 0 100.0%
          American Pit Bull Terrier 839 728 111 86.8%
          American Staffordshire Terrier 646 544 102 84.2%

          The American Pit Bull Terrier (second up from the bottom) has a higher pass rating then other popular breeds including Golden Retriever, Dachshund, German Sheperd, Beagle, Australian Shepherd, Bulldog, Doberman Pinscher, and Border Collie. In fact the only other popular dog breed that scores higher is the Labrador Retriever.

          Pit Bulls were one of the most, if not thee most, popular dog breed in the early 20th Century, human interaction including inhumane abuse, and unbelievable amounts of inbreeding have led the breed to the undeserved reputation it has today.

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  • RinTin

    I love big dogs. I have a small/med dog but I want a bigger dog, like an Akita or a giant Schnauzer. They are nice to cuddle with and I would feel safe taking them for a walk by myself.

    This lady had two giant Weimaraners she would walk, I definitely wouldn't mess with her.

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  • pala

    I saw a film once about a dog that was fifty feet tall. It just ran about and stuff. The film didn't address the burning issue: what happens when nature calls?

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  • kellstar79

    Me too but I have had a bad experience when I was very young. I love dogs but the big dogs scare me

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  • Energy

    So am I!

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